Oh my god, so Carmen got kicked off on American Idol last night, and so I was crying hysterical for like 2 hours, and then I was crying this morning at school too, and then I ran out of the classroom in block E because Jaret was saying that my car was a tin can with wheels, and so I talked to Mrs.Harrison for awhile, and today Britney made up a song it's so funny, it's this, "You filthy dirty person, you live out on the streets, you eat food from the trash can, and are budget-free" Oh my god that's SO funny I was going hysterical laughing and Metcalfe was staring at me and tomorrow we get to go on a field trip to see the movie Holes which is cool because Mum is driving and she's going to watch the movie with us. Britney said I sing exactly like Carmen, which is a lie because I could NEVER be that good. And now I'm listening to Kimberly Caldwell, "It's Still Rock and Roll to me" which is a really good song, even though she's not my favorite. Darn it, these stupid songs arn't working. Oh well, I'll get them later. Now me and mum are talking about Nick. He's a problem child.