Lee sang "Tainted Love" and "Faith" for top 3, and then he got voted off like I knew he would. It's really sad, but 3rd placers get the best deal.
I'm not at school right now because my mom's in the hospital because she got really sick last night and I was up till about 4.
I'm just waiting for my sisters to get back from the store (my brother went to school for a few hours) and then hopefully I can go see her. I hate hospitals, though.
I want to see Ryan. Ryan's my boyfriend. Well, was my boyfriend but I don't know anymore. Because there was this thing with this girl he liked before and it got messed up and now this is reminding him of it, but that was like 4 years ago!! But I don't know the whole story so I can't call him immature or say that he needs to get over it. Well, he DOES need to get over it but I don't know exactly what happened other than that she hurt him or whatever.
So he said he wasn't sure if he was really ready for this, but he's thinking about it. I was going to find out today I think, he just needs a little persuading to give this a chance because he's scared it's going to get all fudged up. And I think it's going to be okay. My horoscope said I would!! But I'll talk to him later if I can. It's weird not being with them at lunch time. For like the past 2 weeks I've spent every day with him and his friends. His friends are all grade 9 girls, and they're totally awesome, it's not like weird or anything. But I guess I'll talk to them later like I said.
I got a shirt yesterday from the Patch, it's totally awesome. Actually Ehlie bought it for me, but whatever. It's black and has holes in the sleeves which underneath is a black fishnet top, and in like olden writing on the front in silver it says "Gothic Renaissance Queen" and has like a picture of a lion and an 80's sign on it.
Eekina 3 days till Harry Potter 4!! I'm like dying. Go to www.veritaserum.com, they have like over 2000 pictures from the new movie and a billion trailers which are all different and clips and stuff and the guys who run it have been to all 3 world premieres and they've interviewed the cast like a billion times and the interview transcripts are up and there are clips and stuff it's awesome.
So...yeah....waiting....and listening to Lee...for some reason I feel bad being on the computer, although there isn't much else I can do. There's no other way of me getting to school now.
http://groups.msn.com/Lee-Harding-Online is the best group ever. There's a list of how to say "I love Lee Harding" in all the different languages in the word. I'd post it but I'm too lazy, I'll do it later. I copied it down though and it's going in my locker lol.
Maybe now I'll listen to Barry Maguire "Eve of destruction". Shut up!! It was played during the Rememberance Day Ceremony on Thursday, and it's a good song.
I think I'll update the TOTW list now. There's like a billion more from this year, so I'll add them to it.
And find out what that stupid "I left my wallet in El Segondo, now I gotta go get it" song or whatever it. It was playing the in The Patch and it's annoying as hell.
My stupid Ev. video on my front page doesn't work anymore, I have to go get it again and upload it again guhhh.
Children of Bodom is awesome. I was downloading more Nightwish a while ago and I accidentally got one of their songs. I've heard of them but actually never HEARD them. But they're awesome.
Wait, it's "I left my wallet in El Segundo" by A Tribe Called Quest. What a messed up song.
Guhhhh I'm so tired.
There, I reuploaded the Ev. video except I changed it from My Immortal to Going Under. I also need to get rid of some of those pictures that don't show up because of exceeded bandwidth or whatever, but I'll do that later.
I would put on Nightwish except it's bound to make people POed so I'll just stick with Enya for now.
I hope Andiel posts the English homework on the website so I'll know what I missed, but Sandy's likely to be on later so I can just ask her. Deveaux's normally on like all day, so I can ask him for Socials. Spanish is pointless anyway, so never mind that, but I do have to go see Senora Stover tomorrow to talk about my extra-credit project thingy I'm doing because she says I'm "beyond the rest of the class" and that I've "basically mastered Spanish 10" so I was like eekina! Even though it means doing more work.
What's that other class I have...oh yeah French. I'll ask Ehlie. I'll be talking to her anyway today so.
Ehhhh screw it I need Nightwish.
This is a good song. It's called "Tutankhamen". Yeah, you heard me right.
I want to listen to MCR but I don't have any. MCR is My Chemical Romance by the way. They're awesome. They have a concert in December that I want to go to. But then again I need to go see Simple Plan/Hedley on the 22nd!! And HILARY DUFF on the 4th of January!! K well I'm seeing Hilary Duff no matter what else happens. I'd like die I have like 40 pics of her in my room!!
Ahahahaha I talked to Flamer last Thursday. Flamer is Colin. That guy that I used to like and then did at the beginning of this year. He's like all goth ahahahahaha. K I'm over it. Ahahaahah his spiked bracelet. K I'm over it. I was just about to be like "Dammit Ryan come online!!" but then I remember he's in planning right now ahahahaah. Wait he's not ahahahah. He's in that class he has in Block D ahahaha which I don't know what that is ahahah but he's probably with Erica cuz he doesn't feel like being in class on time ahahaha. K I'm done. Just had to get that out. We still talk normally about retarded stuff like Fruit Loops and how they're made!! But I have to know!!
Damn my face itches. Yeah you heard me. Ugh.
Stupid curlers they did like nothing I hate them. Well it was curly till I brushed it what the hell.
Stupid curlers.
Sooooooooooo....people are making veggie burgers upstairs.....
I need to make my name on MSN say 3 days till HP not 4. Eekina 3 days till HP!! The rest of my name is all crying about Lee!! :(
K that's done. Sweet I got a 4 in there.
I wish Ehlie was here. I was thinking about phoning her cell phone during planning to tell her what happened, but then she would have gotten in shizz for having a cell phone in class. Which would have been quite funny but also mean. But she could have told Ryan. But I guess I'll tell him later.
This is a gooooooooooooooooooood song. Yup. "Bare grace misery".
Too bad the rest of the band are stupid jerks and kicked her out. By her I mean Tarja, the lead singer who's been with them for like 9 years. Apparently she's become a bswitch due to fame so they (It was that stupid Tuomas mostly who like does nothing but play keyboard but thinks he's god cuz he started the band!!!) left her a note at the end of one of their tours a few weeks ago and then posted it on the internet for everyone to see. It was a really mean note, too. Like saying mean stuff about her that when she read she was all :O that is not true. Which it probably isn't. And then she was so sad she almost died. Just like me. Except if it was Ev. I would die. I'd be like :O:O:O:O:O:O:O:O and then DIE. Yup.
And now for something completely different, Mariah Carey "Shake it off". Don't ask why. Just because. I already get enough of that from Erica, I DON'T need it from you stupid. The video's good. I have it on tape from the day I randomly recorded good videos off the countdown. I have 2 Mariah's, MCR, FallOutBoy, Gwen Stefani even though I hate her I just wanted to see what her new video was like and it sucks and I hate her, OLP, and some other stuff. Yup.
I have to stop saying yup. I don't say yup. I need juice. Becanjuse!!! I don't CARE about the stupid calgon commercial, Mariah. Shut up!!! Jk hun!! K I'll stop now.
I am so odd. I went upstairs for juice and came down with cereal. Ahahaha it sounds like a disease. K I'm done.
Now I'm getting Neopoints for my mom. Tersa says that maybe we can go see her at 5 if they let us in. They better.
"A rose for the dead" is also a good song.
Damn Ultimate Bullseye. I used to be so good at that game.
Damn Turmac Roll. I used to be so good at that game. I used to be able to asnwer the PHONE while playing that game. K that was once but still.
804 nice!!!
I get to go see her soon, and my grandad just phone to say the hospital people say she's doing fine and they took the tube out so she's really happy. That's awesome.
Now I'm watching a recorded episode of Gilmore Girls that I missed yesterday.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Posted by Rebecca at 3:40 PM 0 comments