This dress is so pretty & pink. It should so be my grad dress. Except no.
I wanna buy something. But I don't know what. Mb hair dye or clothes.
Sonic Mario. Well thennn.
Gavin got stung by a wasp oh no.
God people stop closing this.
Ahhhh stomach ache again. Am I not able to eat large amounts of anything without dying?
Dammit. Why can't I get a full version of that Holly Long song. Hey I rhymed.
My head hurts. I needa learn more Russian.
There I applied @ Thrifty B's how exciting.
Seriously can people not touch this.
I'm tiiiiiredddddd. Also my eyeliner is clogging up my face.
Comme un coeur, sacreeeeeeeeeeeeee a touer l'amourrrrrrrrrrr.
I went outtttt.
Hey look it's Daniel Radcliffe as Jack in: My boy Jack
AHahahahaha. Okay sorry.
Driving Lessons never came out here. It's Rupert Grint with Julie Walters, playing mom and son as they do in HP.
Yeah bedtime now. I needa learn more Russian.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Posted by Rebecca at 11:18 PM 0 comments
Damn blogger. I'm trynna make it have new pic at the top which isn't too small or too big and that the writing doesn't go on her face.
I shall go to that amazing Facebook group with like 900 pics.
Ah whatever. That'll do for now.
Sweet I found a new Kelly vid.
Wow I was on the phone for awhile. Crap I should empty that thing.
God people. Kelly Clarkson is not fat. Just let it go.
I'm soooooo tired. I've been up @ 9 for like 3 days in a row.
Holy. I just found a link to my old redux. I haven't posted on that in...almost 3 years.
Stupid LimeWire.
This advert is annoying it's like about lollipops. If it was lollipop ICE KITTENS, that would be different.
I need some foodsies.
Hey who closed this.
Just because I was out playing tennis with Jonathan and his bro Fluffy and his mom doesn't mean you can close my stuff. Godsies.
What the hell. Is this song. Seriously. We are the farmers. Oh right. Island farms. Lameee. Oooh root touch up. I need that.
Sweet. There's a new Facebook App where you can play old NES games. Awesomeee I'm playing Mario.
I wanna play a vid. Like AP or something.
New Ev video got leaked - Good Enough
Windup's gonna freak. Ah well. The video isn't even fully completed, it still has all the film edits on it and everything.
Jonathan Cromie is in Africa. He's like the only person who actually messaged me on Facebook aside from Max who's in NY. Dammit.
Awwwwwww my stomach. Sooooo much ice cream.
Bed now.
Posted by Rebecca at 1:28 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 03, 2007
It is an assortment.
2. What are you listening to right now?
Addicted - Kelly Clarkson
3. what are the last 2 digits in your phone number?
4. What was the last thing you ate?
Ummm. A cookie.
5. If you were a crayon what color would you be?
Black or pink.
6. How is the weather right now?
Kinda cloudy but nice.
7. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Errrrrrm. Jonathan I think.
8. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
9. Favorite type of Food?
10. Do you drink?
11. Do you smoke?
12. Ever get so drunk you dont remember?
Ummmm no.
13.What colour are your eyes?
15. Do you wear contacts?
16. Single?
17. Favorite Month?
18. Ever cried for no reason?
Not for NO reason, that's kinda dumb.
19. Last Movie you watched?
20. Favorite day of the week?
21. Are you too shy to ask someone out?
No. That's gay.
22. Hugs or Kisses?
23. Chocolate or Vanilla?
24. Do you want your friend to respond?
Don't really care.
25. Who is most likely to respond?
I don't care!
26. Who is least likely to respond?
God dammit!
27. What books are you reading?
Unforgettable - An It Girl Novel. I finished HP7 in 2 days.
29. Fav. Movie?
Mean Girls.
30. Fav. baseball team?
Shut up.
31. Any pets?
5 cats, 2 birds, 2 hampsters, 3 gerbils, a rat, an iguana, some fish.
32. AIM?
To actually hang out with Jonny while he's in Canada.
To go out with someone when they get back from Camppp.
To put more Kelly pics on my wall.
33. Butter, Plain or salted popcorn?
34. Dogs or cats?
35. Fav. flower?
Black rose.
36. Have you ever fired a gun?
37. Do you like to travel by plane as opposed to car?
What part of "I've never been on a plane"...?
38. Right handed or left handed?
39. How many pillows do you sleep with?
One big one with a small thin one on top.
40. Are you missing someone?

Posted by Rebecca at 11:12 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Kelly Clarkson - "Don't"
You look at me,
Like you always do.
You don’t have a clue.
You smile at me,
You hug me,
But you don’t know I want you.
You play with me,
You flirt with me,
You tell me all your secrets.
I’m always the one you run to,
but to you I’m just your friend.
Don’t say I love you,
Don’t say you need me,
Don’t say I trust you,
My heart cant take it.
Don’t say you want me,
Don’t say you miss me,
Don’t hurt me.
Don’t say you love me.
Ooooh ooooh no... no.. nooo.
I try my best to rid these thoughts,
Of you and I it’s so hard.
When come to me,
I fall back on my knees.
I learned to hate love.
You kiss me on the cheek,
You say you’d never make it without me.
It’s getting harder everyday.
Please don’t say to me,
Don’t say I love you,
Don’t say you need me,
Don’t say I trust you,
My heart can’t take it.
Don’t say you want me,
Don’t say you miss me,
Don’t hurt me.
Don’t say you love me.
Don’t say you love me.
Don’t say you love me.
Don’t say you love me.
Don’t say you love me.
My heart cant take it.
I love you so much.
But you don’t see me.
I hate love.
Don’t say I love you,
Don’t say you need me,
Don’t say I trust you,
Unless you mean it.
Don’t say you want me,
Don’t say you need me,
Don’t hurt me.
Don’t say I love you,
Don’t say you need me,
Don’t say I trust you,
My heart cant take it.
Don’t say you want me,
Don’t say you miss me,
Don’t hurt me.
Don’t say you love me.
Posted by Rebecca at 11:27 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
1. How old will you be in 3 years? 20. Oh wow.
2. Do you think you'll be married by then? Pffft. I wish.
3. What do you look forward to most in the next 2 months? Um. Steve coming back from camp. Seeing Sorsha. Hanging with Jonny. NOT school >_<
4. Who was the last person you called? Jonathan.
5. Who was the last person to call you? My sis.
6. Who was the last person to text you? ?
7. Who was the last person you hugged? Ummmm. Gavin.
8. What were you doing at midnight last night? Talking to Shawn.
9. Parents separated/divorced/married? Separated.
10. Last time you saw your dad? Sunday.
11. What happened at 11:00 a.m. today? I woke up and I was like oh shit I need to phone Jonny. And I did.
12. How many states have you visited? One.
14. Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet? Soscks. Oh wow. Look what I managed to do.
15. Are you a social person? Usually.
16. What was the last thing you drank? Juice
17. Favorite ice cream? Mint Chocolate Chip
18. What is your favorite dessert? Ice creammmm.
20. What kind of jelly do you like on your peanut butter sandwich? Um. Jam. What the hell is jelly?
21. Do you like coffee? Ew god.
22. How many glasses of water a day do you drink on average? Ummmm. Probably like 2 or 3.
23. What do you drink in the morning? Pop if there is any if there isn't then water.
24. Would you rather kiss someone with or without a tongue ring? Um. If it tasted all metal-y, then without. Can't say I've ever had the opportunity.
25. Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed? Yup. Near the wall.
26. Do you know how to play poker? No.
28. Any plans for this week? Jonny. TV. That's really about it.
29. Do you eat out or at home more often? What is eating? 34. Have you ever been in an ambulance? Nooooooooo.
35. Do you prefer an ocean or a pool? Ummmm. Lake. Chlorine is nasty and seaweed is sick.
36. Do you prefer a window seat or an aisle seat? I've never been on airplane :(
37. Do you know how to drive a stick shift? Nope.
38. What is your favorite thing to spend money on? Clotheeeeees.
39. Do you wear any jewelry 24/7? No. I can't sleep with it on. But I wear 4 things every day: The ring my wife gave me (love you Sorsha baby ;) ), the ring my sis gave me, this random ring from Claires, and a necklace with a ring of Hannah's on it.
40. Do you speak any other language? YES!!!! FRENCH SPANISH AND RUSSIAN. Sorry, I got a little excited there. I like languages.
41. Can you roll your tongue? I'm attempting to right now. And the lady beside me is giving me a very odd look.
42. Who is the funniest person you know? Brendan. Even though we're not talking till September, I'm not going to lie. He's hillarious.
43. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Not WITH as in I don't like hold them or anything, but they're on my bed, yeah.
44. What is the main ring tone on your phone? Shut up.
45. Do you still have clothes from when you were little? YES. GOD. ALL OF THEM. That was such a big issue today. I'M NOT GIVING THEM TO HANNAH.
46. What is the color of your bedroom wall? It has a colour? Sorry, all I can see are pictures of Hilary Duff.
47. Do you shut off the water when you brush your teeth? Yes.
48. Are you crushing on someone right now? Yes ;) GET BACK FROM CAMP GOD DAMMIT. you currently hate someone? Ummmm not really. I don't tend to hate. It's not worth my energy unless they've done something really horrible to me, and that's only happened twice.
50. Do you like pickles? The ones from a jar, yeah. Not the sick ones from McDonald
Posted by Rebecca at 8:01 PM 0 comments
Facebook is a homo website. It's "upgrading". Which means I can't get on it. And I'm at the lib again because it's fun to walk all the way up to the library when I have a WORKING computer, so Facebook only has 32 mins left to upgrade or I'll kick its ass.
Sweet I got 5 more hits today on Nex. K I needa get a life.
God daaaaaaaaaamn I want Facebook. I needa learn more Harry Potter spells so I'll be top of my house!!! K. Looooooser!!
I wanna see Jonathan. But noooooooo, he had to go and be BUSY today with his AUNT ( although no offence to her, I love that lady).
But I have the new It Girl novel yaaaaaaay it's all new and pretty looking.
Also there is no one on MSN. There isn't even any of the lame people I'll talk to when there's no one REALLY good on. There's not even any losers on. Just losers I don't talk to.
WHY is everyone looking at me. Do you have a staring problem old mannnnnnnn????
Hey, Instant Star is on @ 9:30. The intense looking one. I needa watch it. Also, I missed The Best Years last night @ 10. God damn. And I was up and everything.
Yeah I'm bored. This computer chair like squishes you into the table.
What the hell. Why did that lesbian post that retarded thing on my comments and then block me. What a gaylord. Literally.
Hey it's Nick. He walked by me. I wonder if he is going to the Teen Centre again like he always does except no wait it's not Friday/Saturday so he can't ahahaha.
Never again, never again, they gave us 2 shots to the back of the head and we're all dead now.
Yeah okay. MCR songs are v. violent. I wonder if there's anything good on Myspace. Doubt it. The stupid thing won't let me upload the new pic I've been putting on everything. How stupid. I wanna find one of those quiz things and spend the next 17 mins doing that. Awesome I found one.
I bet someone's gonna come on just as I have to go.
Shit. See? 6 mins left, and Wade just signed on.
My life is homo.
Okay I have 4 mins left I'm gonna check my stuff one last time and then go. But first I will post that wonderful quiz I just did.
Posted by Rebecca at 7:29 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Awwww now I'm sad cuz I want Sorsha to be here.
But also hella EXCITED cuz JONATHAN is coming over tomorrow.
But also sad cuz Steve is at camp till end of Aug :(
But also hella EXCITED cuz CI Results are on tonight.
But also sad cuz Shawn is in Alberta for 2 weeks :(
But also hella EXCITED cuz I get to phone SORSHA tonight.
But also sad cuz I have paint on me.
But also hella EXCITED cuz Max is phoning from New York at some point.
Yeah. Those are my many emotions of today.
I'm confusing as hell.
I'm soooo hungry.
I also need a job. Damn. This is gay. They narrow it down on the school job postings so that it's not asking you to be a manager of like some shoe place. Yeah this isn't working.
Small potatoes. Gosh darn it.
I want to phone that one person but I don't want his mom to like spaz at me cuz she hates me.
I should really clean my room cuz Jonathan's gonna come over and be like what is this trash pit. But I know I'll end up doing it like 5 mins before I go to get him. It's just how it's done. Just like when we meet "halfway" I make him walk like 3/4 of the way and then hide behind that person's gate and he's like yeah nice hiding I saw you. And then sometimes if he's slow I get to the BC Hydro station and sit on that thing and then he walks by and pretends not to see me and keeps walking awwwwwwwwwww the things we do.
There my food is cooking.
Lol I think I busted the address bar my bad.
Why is limewire being so horribly not working. Seriously.
What the W. I cannot believe this:
Teacher ruins book 7 for 400 students
Posted By Matthew on 07-31-07 @ 10:24 AM - 10 comments - Link
The Daily Mail reports that on the last day of school at St John's Church in Somerset, England, the primary school head ruined Deathly Hallows for 400 students by reading out the last page of the book. Apparently, the teacher didn't have a malicious motive, but wanted to read a passage that reflected the "goodbye" theme of the day.
The National Confederation of Parent Teacher Associations blasted the school, saying, "It beggars belief as to how someone could even consider doing something like this. It spoilt the book for a number of children. Whatever the motive there wasn't sufficient thinking behind this. It is something that the children at the school would have spent the majority of the holiday reading rather that saying they were bored."
If a teacher had done that to me I would have flipped and ran out the room before they even started. Who would do that. What a gaylord. That is like the worst thing I've ever heard. Although the part about the kids spending the majority of the holiday reading, I don't get that. It took me 2 days.
This banana is odd-tasting.
Hey there becca just wanted you to know that you are CRAZY!!!!
That was Martha.
Crap CI is on nowwww.
Posted by Rebecca at 9:49 PM 0 comments
CI5 Top 8 Results:
What is this lame group song.
Recap of last moght.
Is this like a 3 hour special.
They did many hair thingsss.
First B2 is Matt. Other is Martha.
Martha is gone.
Posted by Rebecca at 9:31 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 30, 2007
CI5 Top 8: Unplugged.
Lol Ben and Zack are burning each other.
How is Enrique more successful than Shakira. Oh. Because he's been around for 12 years. Shakira's only been around for like 6.
Martha Joy - "True colours" by Phil Collins. Yeah I don't care if it's really by him he owns it. Oh dear. That was kinda bad. Jake said it was the right interpretation and she hit the right notes but he's not feeling it. Maybe because it was BAD. Farley said they need to accept the kind of singer she is in terms of emotions but she sang it well. So basically she sings well but she's dead inside. Get used to it. Sass loves it. Zack says Farley is bang on but this one note was horrible. Yeah I noticed that too. He also says she's the little mermaid. K. 1-866-9-IDOL-01
Dwight D'Eon - "Every breath you take". Crap I stopped paying attention. Farley doesn't like. Sass says it wasn't the greatest but she appreciates it. Zack says he made it his and his vision of Dwight winning is fading. Jake said his stylistic choices with the song were good, some notes were bad but emotionally he got into it. 1-866-9-IDOL-02.
Jaydee Bixby - "Time of your life (Good Riddance)" by Green Day. Well then. Sweetie, it's a good thing you're adorable. Because I don't think there's words for what you just did. Sass liked. Zack said he shouldn't twang if he's not from Texas and it was awful. Jake said it was a dishonest performance. Farley said he should stick to who he is. Awwwww baby you are sooooo sad now everyone will vote for you!!! 1-866-9-IDOL-03.
Tara Oram - "Heaven" by Bryan Adams. Zack doesn't like. Jake said it was honest but shaky. Farley said it was an opportunity to show off her soul or something but she didn't do it. Sass said something about a great moment. 1-866-9-IDOL-04.
Brian Melo - "She talks to angels" by Black Crows. I don't think I've ever seen him without a hat on. Yes Brian Melo is awesome we all know. All judges love. 1-866-9-IDOL-05.
Matt Rapley - "Ain't no sunshine" - Sup CoolWhip. That was Matt Rapley. It wasn't as bad as last week, but still bad. Farley says if he had shown more character it woulda been better. Sass says it was absolutely gorgeous like an old spiritual thing. Zack said he's probably the most gifted vocalist they've ever had on the show. Ummmm no. But he says he needs to take it all the way. Jake says he has the kill the notes like he did last week. Yup, he killed them all right. They all tell him to step up. God CoolWhip, step up. 1-866-9-IDOL-06.
Carly Rae Jepsen - "Torn" by Natalie Umbruglia. Carly is in love with Enrique. I love this songeeeeee. She is sooooooo prettttty. She looks scared though. Sass loves. Zack says she's true contender to win and he adores what she did. Awwww me toooo. Jake says he loved the start and he finallly got the goosebumps he was lookin for. I think Farley said something inappropriate. But he loves her so it's all good. 1-866-9-IDOL-07.
PS: Instant Star seems like it will be v. intense this week. Watch it.
Greg Neufeld - "I'm Ready". I remember this song from my 98.5 The Ocean days. Yeah. He coulda picked better. Zack loved and ran and hugged him. Ummmm. K. I'm not seeing what he saw. Now he's dancing in his seat. Jake said it was fantastic too. Well I guess he did with that song all you can do cuz there's not much you CAN do with that song. You just...sing it. Farley said he did everything at the right time. Oh, I bet he DID. Sass says he has it all, the whole package. Yeah. Haven't heard THAT before *rolls eyes*. 1-866-9-IDOL-08.
Recaaaap. This is the first time I've wrote a good one in a long time. I got lazy.
Posted by Rebecca at 9:58 PM 0 comments
Ow I just killed myself. This top is really really tight. Ahhh my back.
Okay I'm good. I was just in a lot of pain there for a bit.
Chivas is a great song.
God people. I just want the song "Don't" by Kelly Clarkson. Is that so hard? Apparently. Why is it that when I type it in on CrapWire it gives me every single song she's ever done. And now none of the ones I'm clicking on are connecting. Greeeeat.
I wanna see Jonathannnn. But nooooooooo, he needs time with his FAMILY for a few days. Pffft. Like I'm not family. Oh well. He'll get bored by tomorrow night and phone me. I haven't seen him in like 5 months my lil' babeeeeeeee. I wonder what he will think of my wonderful Seattle/Maine plan. He'll be like ummmmmmm no I forbid it.
Kelly Clarkson is the preeeeeeeeeettiest. I really really wish someone could free her from Clive Davis without ruining her life. Every time he comes on American Idol at the finally I'm like ewwwwwwwww god haven't you died already.
Awwwwww that was the nicest vid I really miss that show. I needa clear out my YouTube faves so I can finally save some crap. There. I'm surprised all the Ev stuff from PinkPop 07 wasn't taken down by the ever so possessive WindUp Records. Aw come on. They took off my Thierry Amiel stuff. I better have an extra copy of his audition that was so rare. Good I do. YouTube is gay. It's all like ooooh copyright this and ownership issues that.
I should really get dressed.
I needa learn more Russian so that if/when I see Max I can be like эй ребенок я тосковал без Вас!! And he'll be like о мой ребенок бога я также!! And then it'll be all like *hug hug* *reunite*. Lol!! Yeah okay so much for that.
Gosh darn it. I really really need some food I haven't eaten in like 24 hours. C'est un jour parfait.
Rick Steve bugs me he is such a nerd.
Why is Max still up it's like...3:26am. I swear he never sleeps.
There I am dressed how beautiful. Yet kind of cold. And needing to do my hair. There it is all wonderful except I still have a headache. There was something about that in Russian I don't know if I got that down or not in my notes. я имею головную боль. There.
You know what I really want to watch? House of Commons Committee. It just sucks that I don't get that channel. Otherwise, I'd be so there.
Me and the Magic 8 Ball are tight. I should get it on my Facebook. Except that I have enough application crap already.
Heyyyy it's the Officina.
Oh crap CI is on.
Posted by Rebecca at 9:03 PM 0 comments