Wednesday, February 16, 2005

AI4 Top 40: Top 24 final decisions.

Beh they have to sit in a chair and then they tell them. Lindsay looked sad in an elevator. But that doesn't mean anything. Jamie!!

Matthew Kester: Is out.

So is Donnie Williams from AI3 who got arrest for DWI.

David Brown: Is being interrogated. And is through.



Jessica Sierra is heading up the elevator and Tammy Wynette Nash is freaking out.

Jessica - Is in.

Tammy - Is going home.

Nikko Smith, h? His name is OSBOURNE!! He was from the auditions! He's in.

Aloha Mischeaux - She's through.

Mikahlah Gordon - Is through. Lol she's going crazy and babbling about how she's gonna fail school and never get her class notes and her mom is gonna be proud and something and she's like not shutting up and she's like hugging the judges and like beating up Randy and babbling thank you a million times and like trilling and like flipping out and then she's like dying on the elevator and then she comes out to her mom and they both freak out.



An Anthony an Anthony Federov is shaking but he says it's good and it helps him!! He's walking in. Yay he's THROUGH!! I love my Jonathan Anthony.

Nadia Turner is through.

Vonzell is through.

Carrie Underwood - She's through YES!!

Judd Harris - Through.

Erin Furey - Gone. Who is that anyway?

Ivan Ganchev ewwwww - Gone. YES!! I always hated him.

Yolando McIntosh - Gone.

Faith Gatewood - Gone. Lol Simon's face he's like um because she asked if she really didn't make it like twice. And now she keeps getting off at the wrong elevator stop. And now she came out and she's getting all mad and asking them all why she didn't make it because she's just as good as them and she's been nothing but nice to them and so Ivan says "Come on" and then she flips out at him and Lindsey is just looking like okay shut up now, and everyone else is just sitting there saying nothing, and now Jaclyn started crying! Way to go, Faith.



Ryan follows Faith Gatewood outside because she's freaking out still.


Celina Eggnog or something, whoops Rae. Yeah. Celina Rednose. Shut up! - She's through. Who is she?

Janay Castine - Through.

Jamie Paul Koehler. They didn't say!

Joeseph is through! That's who that is!! He's through yes!! He's hot. I hope he's a good singer. He was like "No." and Paula was ike "Yes" and he was like leaning forward "No way" and she was like "Way".

Anwar is through lol.

Jam-Sandwich is out yes!!

Nooooooooooo John Zisa is out!!

Jami Paul Koehler is out nooooooooooo! And he's just sitting like UM. And he just sat there. And now he's crying he was one of my favourites along with John Zisa this sucks!!



Lindsey Cardinale - She's through.

Melinda Lira - Through

Mario Vazquez - Through.

Kim Holloway - Out.

Constantine Maroulis is worried about Bo Bice. I hate Bo Bice he's so fake! Wait, he's worried about HIS chances.

Bo Bice is through.

Jared Yates is through. Beh.

Constantine Maroulis - MADE IT YES!! The REAL rocker.

Amanda Avila and Jacyln Crum are going up together because they're the last two girls and only one of them goes through. It's...Amanda. I like Jacyln better!! Even though they both suck!!



Warren, Travis, and Scott are left and there are 2 spots.

Scott Savol - Is through yes!!

Warren and Travis are beatboxing while they wait for Scott lol. Now they are going up together. Travis is through and he swears because they made Warren think he was going through.

Audition flashbacks...Briana, Adam, Mary, the three amigos! Regina, Liz, Melissa Walton, Adam and Dirk, dancing Janitor, Aa'Shia, Michael, LEROY!! Rich nooo! LEROY CAN YOU DIG IT YES!!!

12 guys are:

Anthony Federov
Constantine Maroulis
Maro Vazquez
Anwar Robinson
David Brown
Judd Harris
Nikko Smith
Travis Tucker
Scott Savol
Bo Bice
Jared Yates
Joseph M

The 12 girls:

Carrie Underwood
Lindsey Cardinale
Sarah Mather
Jessica Sierri
Amanda Avila
Vonzell Solomon
Nadia Turner
Mikalah Gordon
Celina Rae
Janay Castine
Melinda Lira
Aloha Mischeaux

Next week America votes!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

AI4 Top 74: Solo round:

Ewww, Jennifer Todd...Constantine! Ross Williams. John Zisa!! Anwar, Carrie, Mario with his fedora lol. David, Linsday, I want to know who you are!! Judges are dciding. Um Nigel what are you doing there!!


Back. Four rooms...

Room 1, ugh Sharon Galvez. She sang "Greatest love of all". You can't SING this!! Only Audrey and Fantasia!

Shunta Warthen - Stupid Alicia Keys song! "If I an't got you" I hate this song! Shunta was okay.

Angel Higgs - Nooooooo Jeremy!! She sang the postman song. And then "If you come back to me". She was good.

Rashida Johnson - I liked her. She wasn't that good today.

Sean MacNeil lol!! He sang "Your song" today. Lol he's Matt Rogers he's so good!


Back. Room 1 is going home. That's good except for Sean.

Room 2: Jam Sandwich Jefferson was cheap, he made up some cheap song.

Mario is there!! He was such a backstreet boy. Simon was like, okay then...

Matthew Kester - "Unchained Melody" Simon's like DIE!! It's his favourite song.

Carrie Underwood!! She was awesome. And she's like asking Constantine whether some expression Simon said meant she was good or not. Oooh, someone likes Constantine!!

Judd Harris - Beh.

David Brown and Anwar are in there too.

Vonzell Solomon - Beh cheap.


Break. OMG A MOVIE CALLED CONSTANTINE!! Wow I just laughed for like the whole break.

Back. Room 3: Ross, Aa'shia, Dezmond, Jennifer sick. Ewwww. Ewww. Ewww. Ewww. Ewww. Okay I'm done. Ewwww.

Carrie Zaruba - Snob. She sounds like a guy.

Aa'shia Jackson - That girl who looks like a guy. Chipmunk!! Dear god.

Larry Ellis - Ewwww what was THAT?!

Ross Williams - Beh he like scats all the time! Lol that was funny. And he's flipping out.



Room 4: Anthony Federov!! Sang a repeat of his audition song. Stupid, don't do that!! They don't like it.

Jacyln Crum - She was okay.

Tammy Wynette Nash - Was kind of boring.

Haha Scott Savol - Is singing Ribbon in the Sky don't do that it's Guy's auditions song Scott jeez!

Ugh, Mikalah - She's singing God Bless the Child don't stupid girl! I hate her.

Linsday Cardinale!! I like her.

Results...after the break.


Room out. Good. No one good there anyway.

Room 4...IS IN YES!! AN ANTHONY AN ANTHONY FEDEROV!!! Ugh, a Mikalah Gordon.

Tomorrow they cut to top 24.

Clay Aiken is on Scrubs right now, Channel 18.

Jessica Sierra - Is okay.