Wednesday, January 05, 2005

So I talked to Jonathan on Monday night at like 9:40-11pm lol. Everything's fine. When he got the phone he was like "Hi" and I was like "Hey, how are you?" and he's like "I'm good, but how are you?" And I was like "I don't know." and then he was like "I've been thinking...muchly" and I was like "Yeah, and?" and he's like "Well, I'm coming back in March, so I'll see you then" and I was like "Okay, but what do you actually think?" and he's like "What do you think I think?" and so I was like "You're just gonna say that it's not gonna work out or whatever, and that we should just not try" and he's like "Yup, you've got it right so far!" and I was like "Okay seriously though, what do you think?" and he's like "Oh, but I thought you knew? You just told me!" and I was like "Shut up, it was wrong!" and he's like "Oh, well then what do I think?" and I was like "I don't KNOW, tell me!" and he was like "Well, I'm gonna see you in March, whether you like it or not...and it was about 3 days after I left for Whistler that I realized that I'd overreacted and been a big jerk" which is weird because it wasn't really that much his fault, so I was like "But it wasn't really your fault, though, because I shouldn't have tried to make you do something you didn't want to do" and he was like " was just too crowded...I didn't know that's what it was, but I finally realized that...and I didn't think it would bother me that much if there were people there, but it did!" and then we admitted that we were both half to blame for the whole thing getting messed up. And then I said about how just because what we have isn't the same as what most people have, they think it's not as good, and he was like "I think it's special, because it's not what most people have". And then I said about how he always insults me and he was like "That's what I do with everyone, that's who I am, I thought you knew that? I make fun of my chinese friend all the time...he's short, like you!" and I was like "Shut up!" and he's like "Okay, short stuff!" and so then I was like "Shut up!" again and I was like "What do you actually think of me?" and he's like "You're very short - uhh, precious to me!" which was such a bad save, but he's always like that. And then I asked him "Are you only going out with me because you have no one else to go out with?" and he's like "No, of course not!" and then I was like "Then why are you?" and he's like "I don't know!" and I was like "Oh my god!" and he was like "Because you're gorgeous and you're nice and your singing voice is superb" and I was like "How would YOU know?" and he's like "I wouldn't! Butcher Evanescence songs...I don't see how you could do that, those songs are easy, even I can sing along with them!" and I was like "Shut up, two people said that!" and he's like "Yeah, that's enough for me!" and then I didn't say anything for while and he's like "Fish?" and I was like "No...spoon" and he was like "Oh, spoon, of course!" because that's our thing that we do, don't ask why, he doesn't even know why. And then he said that he thinks he knows me fairly well and I said I think I don't know him very well, but I do, I under-estimated him when I thought that he was going to end it with me when he came back, because I thought he was just like all the other guys, but I forgot that he's not, he's the best I've ever had. And he said in Whistler he met the Guess Who, which is cool because they're awesome even though he doesn't believe I know who they are. And he said that he'll bring me my Christmas present in March, if he can find one, he says. And then he was like "Ooh, I know, I'll get you one of those T-Shirts that says: 'My boyfriend went to London and all I got was this crappy T-Shirt' those T-Shirts are freaking AWESOME!" and I was like "Okay then?" and then I asked him if he was going to think about me while he was gone and he was like "Oh, of course" and I was like "What will you think?" and he's like "Oh, wonderful things!" and I managed to convince him to try and email me, even though he doesn't know how, but he knows enough about it to do it, even though he hates computers. And then he freaked out at me because I didn't know what one of his dumbass video games was. And then I tried to talk about Idol and he threatened to hang up on me, so then he started to talk about StarWars/Trek and I threatened to hang up on him because those shows are crap but apparently so are Idol shows. He was in a car in the garage the whole time because his family kicked him out of his own room for some reason, and then at like 11 his grandpa came down and kicked him and he was like "Ow, Grampa! He just kicked me!" and I heard his grandpa say "And I'll kick you HARDER if you don't get off the phone!" and he was like "I've tried several times, she won't let me hang up, she's terrible!" and I was all like Shut up! And then he was telling me about some cute guy in his Chemistry class with long blond hair tied back in a ponytail until I told him to shut up because that's sick and then he was telling about how now he hates Evanescence because their new CD is "terrible" and about how they didn't even turn off the crowd, and I was like "It's called a 'live CD', Jonathan" and he was like "You shut up" which is his new thing, along with shushing me. I hate people who shush. And then he said about how I can tell that he likes me because he makes fun of me and he only makes fun of people he likes. And then I was like "You know how I can tell that you DON'T like me? Because you only say you care when I make you!" and he's like "That's not true. I care! See, you didn't make me say that." and I was like "Yes I did!" and he was like "I care I care I care I care I care! You didn't make me say THAT!" And then he said he hates people who say like and I was like "Oh yeah? Well at least we pay respect to the English language by using words that actually EXIST!" because of his stupid muchly thing which he says is a word but it's not. And then he kept hacking because he's sick and then he blew his nose into the phone and it was disgusting so I yelled at him. And I told him about how when I walked home from our date there were freaks in the tunnel who tried to make me smoke a joint with them and he went hysterical even though it so was not funny! So then I made him feel bad by telling him that I cried when he was gone, which I did! But then he seriously had to go so I was like "I'll miss you" and he was like "Me too" and he promised to try to email me, and it's only two months now instead of almost 4, so I got off way better this time, even though the road got a little bumpy along the way. Okay Rebecca, that's gay. I'm going to bed now. There might be some other stuff that I forgot but I'll add it later.

PS: I talked to David Lily on the phone tonight, it was awesome. We're gonna hang. He's a communist. I'm a Buddhist. Wow.