I'm on Idolforums, waiting for people to send me their votes for my show that I just typed out. If they vote me out AGAIN, I'm going to kill them. I've been voted out twice in the first round on two stupid message boards, the first time with Diana and Camile, and the second time by myself but Leah and Charles Grigsby were in the bottom 3 with me and then it was down to me and Charles. I think I did pretty good for my first time typing out a show. http://idolforums.com/index.php?showtopic=144863&st=20
My username is Merrill, I'm the one with the Carmen Avatar and Guy Sebastian blend. I love that blend, someone from the board made it for me when I gave them pictures of him for it, and someone made my avatar when I give them the picture and the song. Click the picture of Carmen, it plays music, I love it so much!!
Eric Yoder is played by my mom, so I'm making sure she doesn't get voted out. I just hope it's Leah. I've only had two people send me their votes, but so far Leah's in the bottom 3 and I'm not. Ha, loser. Ah, Bob, get away. What a skishable kyutz. Shut up. I guess I can't say "Shut up, George" anymore because George is gone. I suppose I could always say "Shup up, Jasmine" but that would be mean. Ah screw it, I'll still say "Shut up, George".
When I woke up today at like 12:30pm, like no one was here, I guess my mom went to her garage sale thing at St. Michaels University, which I wanted to go with her to, but I guess she couldn't wait for me to get up because she had to drive Patrick to some writing thing downtown. Tyler Hamilton "Don't let the sun go down on me". Eh, Marc Devigne's version was better. What? Shut up, Georgie. Ah...Georgie!! He was on Seacrest on Thursday, but I haven't watched it yet because I was in Courtenay for two days. Stupid bitches that I was rooming with, except for Emmery. What? SHUT UP!! Carmen and Kim Caldwell were on Seacrest on Wednesday, but I haven't watched THAT yet either because I was too busy packing. I bought this really nice white tank top thing at the mall in Nanaimo yesterday, it's like one of those thins that has a circle at the top that leads into two cross over straps that go behind. Or something...like that. I went shopping with Andrew's sister and Tia and Emily and Kelsy. That was fun.
So anyway, when I got up and went into the bathroom, there were plants and dirt everywhere. Like all over the counter and floor. Because I guess some dumbass cat knocked it over. Jenny Gear "Tower of Song". And then so I spent like an hour using sponges and paper towl to clean up all the dirt, and then I had to put the cactuses back into their pots and I poked myself like ten friggin times, and I still have a pokey bit stuck in my finger. But I cleaned it up good, all the water and stuff as well, so it looks like nothing happened, but I'm still gonna tell Bubs anyway when she comes home, so that she can be all like "Thanks Becca, you're so nice!!". Someone on Idolforums said that my website was very very funny and that I was so cute. I know that already, but it's still always nice to hear. Joking. And you guys are like, "No you're not"
And I'm just like "Cha, yes I am!" and you're just like "CHA, punctuation much!!". Whatever. Shut up.
Oooh yay! More votes. Okay, so far Leah, Suzy, and Jen are in the bottom 3. Oh well, at least I'm not there. I phoned Neetu last night and we were talking about Metzger, and how I love Metzger, and how I'm obsessed with Metzger, and how I should go to www.rebeccasobsessedwithMetzger.com, which totally isn't a site, but whatever, and she's going to lend me tape of "National Lampoon's Thanksgiving Parade", so I can see Metzger. And we were laughing way too much, but whatever. Millsy "Dirty Girl". Millsy has a record deal. Millsy got beat up in a bar about a week ago. A guy punched him so he could go back to his friends and go "I hit Millsy". Millsy came in 5th place on Australian Idol. All the 5th place Idol people are like RJ Helton, Trenyce, George Huff, and Millsy, dude. Millsy and RJ are the best. There's only like 40 minutes left to vote, so at 5:20pm someone will get kicked off, and it won't be me, not if I can help it, which I can. So you guys can go to the link after a bit to see who goes, if you want. Haha Millsy "Damn right I'm serious" just like Clay "I'll be damned if I have thoughts of you". I listened to Clay's CD twice on the bus right to and from Courtenay. I also listened to Ryan Malcolm, The Moffats, and Melanie Chisholm. Good stuff, man. Shut up Rebecca, you're such a freak. Oh shoot, Lizzie McGuire's on in 20 minutes, I have to go eat something.
Saturday, May 08, 2004
Posted by Rebecca at 4:45 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
And...it's on!! Wednesday's results show: Got the the remotes beside me, I'm set!!
Yes Ryan, we get it, someone's leaving tonight. Now introduce the loser judges. Now the finalists. Now a recap of yesterday. Haha, George. Awww, Jasmine. Shut up, Latoya. Hi, Diana!! Hi Tasia. Now they check in with the finalists to ask a bunch of loser questions. Jasmine says it's hard to say goodbye, but that's what a competition is. You go, Jassy. Fantasia, you made Paula cry. Isn't that great? Now another cheap Ford Commerical. Boogie Wonderland? This is retarded. Get away, ugly fat kid and postman guy. And freak old lady that is freaking Fantasia out, you go too. Commercials. I'm just checking my email now because I didn't get to today because after school I was hanging out with Neetu and Sarah, and then when I came home me and Bubs had to go to Wal-Mart to get me stuff for my trip to Courtenay tomorrow with the choir and the Concert Band (Gordon isn't going, cripe it).
Back. Yeah whatever Ryan, I'm not going to the tour, I wish. Group song! No wait, no group song. He's got them all on the stage. He's going to identify the two lowest vote people, one is safe and one is not. Now they're just recapping their performances. George and Diana look nice. Latoya's wearing a one-sided curtain for a top. Cheap earrings, too. Jasmine looks so pretty! She's wearing a leather blue tank top!! And light blue eyeshadow!! Fantasia looks nice too. She has her hair longer and pinked/purpled up a bit. Commercials. Right. We had a lot in that segment.
Back. Yeah whatever, enter, win a ford at www.idolonfox.com. The two people in the bottom 2 are...George and Jasmine!! Oh no. Oh NO. OH NO!!! Now we check with the judges. Simon says they should be there. Paula says it's sad one of them have to go. Randy agrees with both of them. Oh good, they're both singing again. George is singing "Cheek to cheek". He's trying to act happy, but you can SO see that he's freaked out. Yay, he's dipping!! This might be the last time we get to see it. I'm not saying who I want to go home, I won't choose.
Jasmine is coming now, singing "The way you look tonight", John's audition song. She's so good, I love her!! These two were in the bottom last week, but with John. Commercials. I think it's going to be Jasmine, it'll be so shocking if it's George.
Back. Okay, the outcast is...George. Whoa. No WAY!! Jasmine is greaking out, so George goes "I love you too, Jasmine". Now his death video. Um, tribute video. NO!! He's crying!!! Haha, he jumps around a lot. Haha, George and Elton. He says it's the happiest he's ever been. Fantasia's crying. Now George is bouncing. George is singing again "A wonderful world". I bet he doesn't think the world is so wonderful now that a part of it's just kicked him off the show. Whoa, Fantasia's REALLY crying. I gotta go sit and watch George. So it's an all girl's final 4, eh? That's different. It's going to be so sad without George, I'll miss him so much!! Seacrest...out. Sorry.
Posted by Rebecca at 8:59 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
Okay, I'm here with Tuesday's show LIVE, on Big Band Night with the Final Five!! (stupid show without John Stevens)
Ryan is introducing us. And believe it or not, in 4 weeks we'll have our new AI!! Now he's talking about John's elimination. Shut up, dude. And how it's not fair that it's Big Band without him. Thank you Seacrest, at least someone cares!! Now we meet the judges. Simon "Meanie" Cowell, Paula "Bitchy" Abdul, and Randy "Dawgy" Jackson. Beh. Now they're showing a history of Big Band/Swing Music. Kewlies. I bet John has seen this a million times. Ooh, Duke Ellington, I love him!! Yo, it's Sinatra, and Dean, and Tony Bennett, those dudes John loves!! Now they're showing the dudes in the red room. And Tasia's talking about John. And so is Diana. She says that they're not as good as John at this sort of music. Damn right, you aren't. And George! Is! Excited!! And they have a band. What a copy of Australian Idol. And now the band is showing what they can do. Which isn't much. Commercials. I should recap the commercials. Ooh, eggs! I love eggs. Mmm, eggs. Shut up, Rebecca.
Back. Diana's singing "Someone to watch over me". Be right back, gotta watch it. She's doing good. She's wearing a really nice dress, but she looks really short. The band is totally drowning her out, which they did with John. She looks like Alice in Wonderland!! And now she's saying that she sang it for her Grandpa and her Army people. What is going on here? She's singing again. But not "Smile" like Paula said. Some Judy Garland song. "Come on, get happy". Beh!! They never sing twice in a row when they do two songs. And she's supposed to be singing "Smile!" Maybe she'll do that later??
Randy says she's the bomb. What, that will blow up the music industry? Kidding. Whoa, Paula looks like she has a black eye. Yay, somebody punched you? It's about time! Simon says it's her type of music. He called her an "Old Soul, and that's not a compliment". Actually, it is. Commercials. I have to go to www.thegmspecialist.com to see the advert winner!! Shut up. Oooh, before show promos. Another before show promo. Stupid Joan of Arcadia.
Back. Yes Ryan, we know about the tour. Shut up and send George out. He's singing "Cheek to cheek". I have to watch him. Hold on. Okay, this song's too low for him, but he was good. Now he's singing "What a wonderful World". This is Guy's song dude, don't wreck it, please. Wow, he yodelled. He hasn't done THAT since the auditions!! That was good, but not as good as Guy's.
Randy said it was really good, but too safe, like not amazing. He was looking for a high note. He DID do a high note, you retard!! Paula found him truly enchanting. I find your black eye truly enchanting, because it means that someone hates you as much as I do. She had her hands in front of her mic, so no on had any idea what she was saying. She was probably like "George you suck", and then she takes her hands away, "George, you're so enchanting!! Bitch. Simon agrees with Randy. Oh burn, he said that George could go on any cruise ship, and the passengers would hear what he heard tonight. Commercials. Oh jeez, my tooth hurts. Shut up. No seriously, it does. Fine.
Back. Latoya London "Too close for comfort". Be wise? You're not. Be smart? You're not that either. Seriously, everyone's worn that shirt, Latoya. She's screaming the whole song. SHUT UP!!! She says Thank You. You're not welcome. It's not my fault I had to sit through it. She said she sang the song because she loves it. No, I thought you sang it because you hated it. Now she's singing another crappy song. I have no idea what she's singing because she's screaming so much, it's totally incoherent. Something about Rain on my parade? I don't know.
Randy said this is her kind of music. No it's not. Paula said she took the gold at the Olympics. Very nice Paula, but this is AMERICAN IDOL, not the Olympics. Simon said 10/10 for a very good broadway performance, which means he hated it. Thank you Simon, you actually do have some sense in you!! Commercials. Oh crap it, I've lost the remote. No wait, I put it in the drawer. Idiot girl.
Back. JASSY!! "The way you look tonight". She's singing John's song. She's wearing a green top and chain blue jeans. She's so good, she's singing so high!! She's doing the song for Johnny, how nice!! No wait, she's doing it for her family. Now "It's almost like being in love". She's jazzing it up! Haha, JAZZY, get it?? Oh, shut up. She was so good! That was only the second fast song she's ever done.
Randy says it was aiight. Shut up, it was more than aiight. He likes the high notes, so do I. He says she needs to bring it. Whatever that means. Paula says she enjoyed her second song. And now she's asking her a bunch of dumass questions like "Have you ever imagined being up here?". Simon hated her. He said she had her chance to pull something out of the hat, and she didn't. Randy agrees. Shut up, Cowell and Jackson. Ryan says "Randy's looking for dude, do you know what that is?" Jas goes "No, I have no idea". Randy says it's the ball. Ryan goes "If you think Jasmine is dude, vote for her!" I think Jasmine is dude!! I'll vote for her!!! Beh!! Now Ryan just asked Randy and Simon to come up and sing, and they were going to, but then Simon went back to the table so Randy did too, and Ryan says we'll see it next week. Right. Any Fantasia Burrino fans in the house? Nope! Great! She's coming on next. Oh, the joy of it all. Commercials. Ugh, people on my MSN can't read!! I put my name as "Don't talk to me I'm busy, unless you're Sandy", because I know Sandy needs help with her homework so I'm waiting for her to come on, and so Stephanie starts talking to me!! And now she's getting mad because I won't talk. Look, I'm watching American Idol and trying to do a freaking recap at the same time. It's hard, okay?
Back. Queen "A crazy little thing called love". She looks like LaToya. La Toya, I'm sorry. Can't ever forget the space, you'll get shot. Tasia's doing okay. Um, she's dancing strangely. The song reminds of her little brother, because he drives her crazy. The next one is for her little bro too!! Something about life, I don't know what the name of the song is. She hit a high note. Jasmine's high notes are better.
Randy says it's unbelievable. So does Paula. Simon says that her and Toya are in a totally different league. Yeah, Toya's in the "Sucky" range.
Ooh, recap:
Diana Degarmo - 1-866-IDOLS-01 or text the word VOTE to 1-866-43657-01
George Huff - 1-866-IDOLS-02 or text the word VOTE to 1-866-43657-02
Latoya London - 1-866-IDOLS-03 or text the word VOTE 1-866-43657-03
Jasmine Trias - 1-866-IDOLS-04 or text the word VOTE 1-866-43657-04
Fantasia Burrino - 1-866-IDOLS-05 or text the word VOTE 1-866-43657-05
You can online text-message if you're in Canada at http://www.mymmode.com/messagecenter/index.html, and just leave the subject box blank. It probably doesn't work, but at least I feel like I've done something every week. Well, except the past two weeks when I haven't voted and Jen and John get kicked off, I still feel bad about that.
Why are you crying Paula? You suck!! Ryan asks them what they thought about Simons "Different League" Comment. Randy says he agrees, but put Diana in there too, in his opinion. And then during the credits Ryan runs over to the judges table and chucks water on Randy, and Randy chucks it back and looks like "Yo dawg, what you doing man?". People, don't chuck water at each other, please, for the sake of the kids. Now I have to see if I got voted out of Uber Idol Redux. I already got voted out of Supreme American Idol in the first round with Diana and Camile. I was Carmen Rasmusen. I'll be back tomorow for the results, I am SO tired it's so hard watching the show and doing this at the same time and trying to write down the voting numbers on a piece of paper!! Make sure you vote for Jasmine and George, and maybe a little for Tasia!! Seacrest, out!!
Posted by Rebecca at 9:06 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 03, 2004
Okay, so right now they're just showing clips of people getting voted off. Nooo!! Johnny and Matt!!! And Jen!! Ehh. Commercial. Back.
Fantasia's up first, as I promised. She's not wearing shoes. She says she hates shoes. That's CARMEN'S thing, hating shoes and not wearing them!! Pig. Now Ryan's asking her a bunch of dumass questions. Now she's talking about her loser mom and loser kid. Fantasia, your mom and kid are both ugly, sorry. You don't name your kid ZION, seriously. You just don't. Now she's telling all the girls that it's okay to have a kid and then let the dad take off. Right. Now she's talking about church. Boring...ooh wow, she was in the bottom 3, wah wah. She thought it was hillarious anyway. Now she's saying that everyone here is a winner. Eh, that's true. Now she's talking about Jen. Shut up, Tasia. Is taking risks part of her strategy, Ryan asks? No, because she doesn't take risks. Okay, now she's demostrating the bobo, whatever that is. Some freak dance move of hers. Now she's going to sing. Time for another butchered rendition of "Summertime". God, SHUT THE FREAKTARD UP!!! Now she's sitting on the floor again. Stupid double caps. I'M going to cry if you don't shut up, losa!! Okay, freaktard, you're done. NOW GET OFF THE FREAKING STAGE!! Ugh. Commercials.
Yay, it's the omelette chef! He's talking about what he was doing when they called him back to the groups because of Donnie William's arrest. He was resting, and didn't answer the phone at first. Right, don't even mention Donnie. Little Richard? Whoa jeez. He is so joyful. George, what's the most challenging component week in and week out? Choosing the songs, George says. The friendships, George is talking about Jen. Haha, George loves big hair. Whoa jeez George. She never sang "Over the rainbow"! When Jen left, it was hard for you George, right? Awww, they were so close, how sad. Whoa he's so weird, he said when he saw Jen walk in the door for Wildcard, he said "JENNIFER JENNIFER!!!" Now Ryan is asking him to sing. YAY!! Now he's going to sing!! Ugh, losa Quinten Tarantino is in the audience. And so is losa JPL. I just came back from doing the dip and the bounce with George. I can't help it. It's fun. Commercials.
Yay!! Jas is here!! She says it's fun being here. And that she's watched the first 2 seasons, and she thought she was good enough to be here, and now she knows that she is because she is. Or something...like that. And it's crazy in Ha-wa-ee now that everyone knows here. And now she's talking about she's ditched the flower. Her shirt is so cool. It's like a tank top with a white stripe cover up thingy. And now she's talking about her dad. And how she works school into it. Which she says is hard. Now talk about the judges! Do you listen to their advice? Yes, because they influence me to do better. What is it going to take for you to win? A lot of hard work, focus, and being true to herself, she says. Can she feel the big night in the finale? Yes, she can! Now she's singing, "Inseparable". She made it sound better than she did when she sang it in the first week. Commercials. Muted. Diana Degarmo "One Voice". Starah is here. Whoops, SARAH, my bad.
Back. Diana's next. Diana's copying my shoes, dude. That's cool. She says Ryan looks comfortable. Where does her confidence come from? She's been singing all her life, that's where. Crap, I have no idea what she's saying, because me and Sarah can't stop laughing. She's proud of her hometown. How has your mom helped you? She's been really supportive. Her mom's cool. Now, to talk about prom. What happens if you have to do AI on your prom, what does your date do? He has a backup. Of course. He's a good friend, so. Do you feel like your missing out? Nope, I've done this my whole life, so this is what I want to do. Are you ready to sing? BRING IT ON!! Now she's singing, "Think". Whoa, she just winked at him. Someone likes somebody else. She's running around the crowd just like George. She was good. Promos.
Back. Now it's time for LaFreakTard Freakface. Wow, she has stepchildren. Whoop de doo. So she's a slut just like Tasia. Her husbands a comedian? What kind of a freaktard career is that? Wow, her husband can't believe that she's his wife, up there being a loser. Whoops, performing and being a loser. Oh WOW, she was in the bottom 3 too! For the second time!! Who really cares? Oh yeah, you have your good times, and bad times, and she was shocked. You're not that good, Latoya. Actually, you're not good at all! But she's happy with what she's accomplished right. That's her way of saying "I'm happy I suck, so fuck off". This is SO boring. Wow, now she's singing "Somewhere"! Who cares. She's SO ugly!! If she got her hair extensions back, I might like her, but only because she wouldn't be ugly anymore. Okay, seriously, SHUT UP!! That's it, I can't take this anymore, my recaps done. Seacrest, out!!
Posted by Rebecca at 8:56 PM 0 comments
Okay, I just wanted to tell ya'll about the American Idol Special on tonight at 8/7c on CTV, where they introduce the final 5 and show their auditions and chat with them and stuff and then they each get to perform their favourite song from the show. John Stevens was just on ET with Paula, who was making him feel guilty about Jennifer leaving and making him cry and then telling him that he had nothing to feel guilty about. Bitch. Right before John got eliminated, at the commercials, he said to Georgie, "You're not going anywhere, you have a great voice, you're staying", which is so sweet of him, my Johnny baby. He's going to perform on ET tomorrow at 7pm, and he's actually going to sing the type of songs he LIKES, so all you Johnny fans out there watch it, mmm-kay?
The songs that they're singing tonight are: (in order)
Fantasia - "Summertime".
George - "Take me to the pilot"
Jas - "Inseparable"
Di - "Think"
Latoya - "Somewhere"
I don't think I'm even going to watch Latoya, I hate her so much, like 100,000,000x more than Tasia, which is why I won't even listen to her song on the AI3 CD, which I have downloaded on my computer. It's okay, I didn't use Kazaa or WinMX, just an Idol site, so don't you go sueing me now, mmm-kay? I've already got Andrew Excell sueing me for writing about him on here. Well that was just a joke, but whatever. I have to go eat my spaghetti and meatballs now, but I'll be back later to MAYBE recap the show, just maybe, when I'm watching it. It's quicker that way. Mmm-kay?
Posted by Rebecca at 7:33 PM 0 comments