Monday, June 26, 2006

CI4 Top 22: 11 guys

That guy was gulee. Rawr Tyler Lewis.

No I dun remember how to vote man.


Lol they're like ooooooooooooh. Like Max today lol awwwwwww Max come back.

That wasn't funny Zack.

I hate Mark Llama bring back Lou Pamata.

Ewww Greg Neufeld. Lol Chad Doucette. Wtf Sheldon Elter. RAWR TYLER LEWIS!!! Lol Chris Labelle. Keith McPherson whoever. Rob James eekina! Brandon Jones you're a loser. Nathan Brown who are you. Craig Sharpe you're a jerk. Jeremy Koz you are Constantace.

K they all hate you Jeremy sorry. What his bass player is muckwat. K Koz I'm never calling you that you're gay.

Jeremy Koz - Yah we could have better rock than you sorry. No thanks. What are you even singing seriously people say something. Wtf kinda stage is this. Something like "It's only love" or something. Yeah such rock...I dun really feel like listening to this anymore. K stfu seriously. Don't call him Koz that's gay I don't care if he likes it!! Just stop it!! Jake you called that unsubtle you're gay. And Sass said something. Farley said the judges did good work. I agree with Zack he said it was predictable. That stage sucks. Stop calling him that seriously! 1-866-9-IDOLS-01

Craig and Nathan are gay who is Nathan.



Nathan Brown who are you even?? Please be good.

Craig Sharpe you're a jerk and you're gay shut up! Don't represent Newfoundland you're making us look bad and don't be from there either.

Craig Sharpe - DON'T sing the Rascal Flatts you suck!! And stop talking you sound gay!! Shut up. What hurts the most is hearing you sing. K don't try and hit on the girls you're gay. Get off the floor loser. You and Brandon Jones should go out. You're not welcome you suck. Sass says he is gulee. Jk. Farley said he might win. Yeah only if the world blows up and he somehow didn't die. Zack said he has a unique set of pipes. Yeah a gay set. Yeah well Newfoundland hasn't been properly represented for 3 years so that's not saying much Jake seriously. Ben stop being gay you're taken. 1-866-9-IDOLS-GAY. 02.

Nathan Brown?? - I know I agree who are you!!!! SURPRISE I'M NATHAN BROWN!! Sorry. Awwww Nathan Brown. "Change con come" Awwwww N tahn I probably would have liked you too this is just such a shitty song dun be like Manuel or like whatev his name was that gay guy from S2 I'll find out later. You lil' weirdo. Lol his gold ticket. Lol it's authentic. Yeah element of soul Farley.. Well it sucked not him but the song. K the ticket is real Zack you dun have to eat it. Okay this show is very homo tonight. What? Jake you make no sense. Yeah step out of the element Nate god. A little bit what retro well if you didn't give them such shitty songs. What Sass don't talk like that ever again. Shut up Ben! 1-866-IDOLS-03.

Brandon and Rob next who is Rob?? Oh yeah I'm dumb.



Who is Katie? I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooo confused god.

Rob James I love you.

Brandon you are gay we dun give about your braces. Shut up!! You're such a loser seriously! No like I'm sorry you are just such a loser. You should say Brandon you are a loser. "Lady" by Kenny Rogers. You are a DUMBASS. Seriously. Like you're just STUPID. Don't point at me I'll get muckwat to beat you up. If you weren't so gulee I might actually fall for it. Ahaha lol Zack dissed Casey. He doesn't have a personality Jake. Yeah well that's cuz you see gulee people Sass. What? Farley that was stupid stupid. Lol seriously stop being homos guys no I really think it's gonna get creepier Ben. 1-866-9-IDOLS-04.

ROB JAMES OMG - I do Rob. Please sing something good. "Let's stay together" please understand that Guy Sebastian did this song so you must play up to it. So far so good I'm gonna move closer to you. Ooooh I love you you are awesome yes finally sonmeone good. I love you but you look like a beetle. K drop the MM&J thing seriously. YAH Jake!! What?? Lol Rob. What I heard pedigree you peaced yourself. Oh go to hell Zack. Yeah there's no WOW factor on this gay show. Stfu you give them shitty songs leave him alone!! You made him sad gulee!! I say wow rawr. I can't imagine. I'll vote for him. 1-866-9-IDOLS-05. Lol he's like where are your hand.

Who is Keith??? Chris calm down you scare me.



Sup Keith McWhoeveryouare. We dun need your life story. Lol making out with another guy. What? You seem cool you betta be. Lol sometimes. Dun sing that song act. it's okay. "Collide" by Howie Day. I heard this song soooooooooooooooo much one time. Seriously you scare me you like wanna laugh lol. K I'm trying to sing you're messing it. Somehow find find you and I colliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiddddddddddde!! K I'm done thanks Canada vote me through kkthxbye. Thanks Sass awwww. What did he even say?? Weirdo. K Zack shut up you like ruin everything. Without meekweet. K um shut up awww yeah could be you I mean me. Lol she's probably watching it and like damnnnn I lost him well he's mine now. Lol he's talking CALM DOWN CHRIS!! 1-866-9-IDOLS-06.



Chris Labelle - Weirdo. What are you TALKING about Freak. "Walking in Memphis" eyah you're like gonna walk . Boarded plane. K. I want that wristband I almost got it one time whoa um thrust nice. Weirdo. Lol I love that shirt. What's in your pants? Omgina charisma shut p. Yeah entertaining kk. A wicket what. What. 1-866-9-IDOLS-07.

Rawr Tyler next and Sheldon whoeever.



Sheldon who are you.

Rawr Tyler!!

Tyler Lewis - Rawr. "Here without you". Rawrrrr. Zack shut up. JAke says he brought it home. My home rawr. What Sass. Ya me too rawr. Farley says something goalie. What was that liker rawrawr. 1-866-9-IDOLS-08.

Sheldon Elter - You're soo gulee seriously. What is this freak song. Whatis going on here man. Awwwwwwwww Zack that was mean. 1-866-IDOLS-09.

Chad Doucette - Lol it's his prom. "Tonight I wanna cry" by KEITH URBAN OMG. Hey you. you betta bring this or I'm not gon like you anymore. Hey Keith Happy Wedding. You look like someone. No someone else. Thanks for the speech sass. k. Farley says something aura. Zack something Miss Teen Canada Paegent. 1-866-IDOLS-10.



Greg Neufeld - "You and I both" k I didn't like it the first time you did this dun do it again. Yeah it dun go like that. Farley you dun even know this song. K what summer boy a monster. Um no. What all I heard was Greg Neufeld. 1-866-9-IDOLS-11.
