I am back!
I left for a while. To try and sleep cuz I'm sick! But it's hard to sleep when you're having a 3 way phone convo with Sarah and Silvana! But I almost did and then started mumbling random stuff about Mario and that Newfoundland sweater I want lol it was so odd.
I'm in like 6 MSN convos lol.
Hey I haven't listening to Alexz Johnson in like forever. Dude she looks like crap with blond hair. Why do I see a word verification thingy down there that's stupid I don't want to do that everytime I post.
Story Of The Year is kickass. But I don't know if Disturbed is better. They are quite different bands.
Jason Mraz!! Is great.
K shut up guys.
Don't be mean lol.
I hate my crusty ears.
Lol that was great Silvana.
Christmukkah starts Monday.
Mr. A-Z they say I'm all about the WORDPLAY. Sorry.
Whoa I once again totally forgot this was open. That's cuz I've been watching Ev for like an hour and a half and then I washed my hair. Now must full-screen Ev.
I should probably go get dressed. But I don't feel like it. Plus I might go lie down again anyways.
I am so cold. Which is why I should get dressed. But I don't feel like it. Which is why I should get dressed. I think I will get dressed.
There. All dressed. And freezing.
This probably won't help my cold lol.
30 min Ev video eekina! K where is everyone. I know my bro's at work but where are my mom and sister. Probably out Christmas BMing. But they should get back soon cuz Hannah and Gavin and Tim will be here at like 6:30.
Maybe I'll lie on the floor and put on Nightwish and like play Shining Force or something. But first I need an asprin or something.
Yeah I'll do that now. Except I'll full screen Ev.
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Posted by Rebecca at 4:45 PM 0 comments
Guhhh my throat hurts. If I'm sick....
Jonathan gets in tonight eekina! That gives me like another day to clean up my room lol which I was supposed to do yesterday (I meant to!) and ended up putting pictures everywhere. Shut up! I love MCR!! And Green Day!! And Simple Plan!! And Fallout Boy!! And Hilary Duff!! And Paris Hilton!! And Kelly Clarkson!!
I have to let Bobby out!!
I love Jason Mraz!! I found a really really old picture of him on the back of an old Kelly Clarkson one that I took down yesterday and I was like IT'S JASON MRAZ!! Cuz back then I didn't know who he was and now I love him and hope I get his CD for Christmas.
I bought myself the Ev Live DVD yesterday!! Finally! But I don't get it till Christmas danm!!
Holy crap. I talked to Paul yesterday. Like Paul. I haven't talked to him in like a year. See, we almost went out last year but then it got messed cuz he got scared and then we were too embarrassed to talk to each other. But I hadn't seen him a lot this year except for one day when he came into my French classroom and was like "Could we borrow a stapler?" and then I looked at him like omg it's Paul and then he looked at me and then we both looked away. And then yesterday he was in my English class block A for like 10 mins and I was like omg it's Paul and Sandy was like omg it's Paul and then he looked and then I laughed for like a day and so did Sandy.
And during pancake breakfast I saw him in the library and I was like heyyyyy I'm gonna go talk to Paul and then I ate my pancakes and then I went to go talk to him. He was writing an essay so we didn't talk that much but we still talked. About what happened last year. Well actually, what DIDN'T happen last year. And he said he didn't know why he never talked to me again. And what should happen now. And then he tried to be the Victoria public library lol it was great. And then he talked about how this was his last day at Claremont. Because his parents are making him go to private school. And I was like :O my Paul. Well not really lol. But I was like ooooooooooooooooooooh. And then he was like yeah. And then we were like sooooooooooo...um what happens now...and then we were like ummmmmmmmmm I don't know.
And then later I phoned him. And we talked. About why I didn't catch the candy cane that flew into my eye at the skits. It flew from behind! But he said he didn't know how it flew from behind into my eye. Well it DID.
And we talked about how I bought black hair dye again yesterday and how it's gonna be like last year except more kickass cuz I have the side bang thingies that I never did last year.
And about how if anything should happen now. And he says that it'd be difficult. Which it would be. Cuz he won't be at school anymore. Although I've only seen him like 4 times this year anyway so it's not like we saw each other much anyway. It'd be kinda like going out with Kyle again. Although Kyle was an idiot and Paul isn't so not really.
And he said he's willing to put in some effort but not as much as he feels would be neccesary. And by that he thinks that I'm still the same as I was last year. But I'm not. Last year I was like blah but this year I'm all BLAHAHAHHAH like in a good way. Lol.
So he said he'd think about it and that I should phone him again randomly some time. I'll do that in like a week or so. It'd be weird though. Cuz it's PAUL. And like all that stuff happened last year. But I don't know.
Now I'm talking to my sister on the phone. And we're talking about Christmas BM's to give people and stuff. And now Ryan's blaming his sickness on me. Um no I got it from him.
I love Disturbed.
I have to listen to Thrice I was supposed to like 6 months ago!!
My sis asked me what else I wanted for Xmas. I told her that Newfoundland sweater from the patch. That's a kickass sweater I hope it's still there.
I need to email Ehlie to see if we're having a BMover tonight or not.
Whoa I totally forgot this was open. I want to PM someone on Quizilla for part of the HP Fanfic I've been reading but I have to danm register first!! Fine.
Um fine don't send me a registration email little pig!!
This was my email to Sarah:
whur r u
i fun u dahd ehle bu na ansa
stooped dahd ale
mab i fun u mahm
wee nee slepova cuz i knead showe u sumtin dat i dun no haw itz hepened itz soooooo werd
du wee invaht dat setephie o selvahna i fun dem
buh ya i fun ya
oo fun meh
cuz we kneed tak junasin hee cum 2knigh
Lol! Don't worry she'll be able to read it. We don't type like that for real just to be the dumbasses that we are. Yo! That was lame. Shut up.
Now my mom is talking to my sis! About me!! Lol jk I don't know but probably about Xmas presents or something.
Now I'm listening to Lillix. That's so random.
I have to check with people to see about Christmukkah. But that requires the phone so I'll have to wait.
I want to see how old Enya is. Dude she's only 44. Wow. I love Enya. I need her new CD.
And Era. They have CD's but not here.
Lol I posted the email to Sandy and she's still trying to figure it out! I have to wash my hair! I'll do it later. But I should do it before I get really sick cuz it sucks and it makes my nose run while it's under the sink. What? I don't know.
I have a brilliantastic idea!! We shall have a Christmukah wrapping session! Of course! We shall wrap presents together! The 3 sisters of the Christmukah tribe! That shall be exciting! And then it would mean not having to do it in my room so people can't see what they are recieving!
Dude why is his hand so loose.
My eye hurts.
Hey it's Jordan Deveaux!
I'm so hungry. But I feel too sick to eat anything. But I probably should hold on.
K I'm back. With Life BM.
What the hell! The danm thing still hasn't sent me the confirmation email!! Fine I'll just go take some MCR quizzes if you're going to be like that.
Sweet I would go out with Gerard!! And I know my metal lyrics! Lol.
K I ate. Didn't do much. But still.
I think I might go lie down soon like Ryan did.
Lol apparently I'm an Evanescence lyrics master. Well that quiz was not hard.
Hey I got a new thing I need to add it to the front page.
Posted by Rebecca at 10:40 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Bloody f!!
This effing mouse is effing pissing me effing off. This is sarah's house being at me. They are in the kitchen making shizz.
Seriously this mouse the clickly thing like doesn't work and you totally have to like punch it to make it do shit.
Claremont Idol was good I went a little crazy and my hair was everywhere and then I ended up on my knees on the floor it was great. And danm people talked about it.
Tomorrow is like a sort of school day. Like in block A we have pancake BM and in block B class and block C class except my spanish teacher says that we can have like a mini-party and in block D skits well like 1 but CI winner performers which will not be me lol. This danm keyboard takes so much effort to type with too.
My danm arm itches and I can't get to it cuz I'm wearing two shirts and I can't roll up my sleeves cuz I'm wearing cuffs! K there got it. Crap I think I stretched my shirt the open shoulder part thingy danm. Aahhahahah I just said "me danm arms" to Ryan on MSN DANM IT MY DANM BACK DANM ITCHES!!
Do I have music on this comp I better or at least I can go to the front page for Ev video. I got My Immortal piano sheet music!! Which I've been looking for forever!!! But I can't play piano!! Oh well!!
I think I'll get Sarah in here so we can write in capitals. nvm i'm too tired plus it's like 10pm and I have to go home cuz I need sleep cuz there's school tomorrow.
The Gothic Clan has come to rule
Join us or flee
For the gothic clan has come to rule
That's my kickass poem.
Where's the paper towel crap what happened I have to go see. Ahahahahahah they poured a bottle of glue everywhere and it's all over Stephanie's pants that was great lol.
I'mma phone my mom. Phoning my mom. She answered. Why does she sound like that. She's all like hiiiii all evily.
Seriously if you tried to use it you'd like kill youself. Cuz it's the most annoying thing in the whole universe.pchwwswfonduecheessheesefonduechickens
that was stupid sarah.
i think i'm going home nowina.
k i have to go back my bag yo
Posted by Rebecca at 9:50 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Jonathan is here in 4 days!! He's emailed me like every single day for the past 4 days I was like um wtf!!
I'm listening to Ev!!! Because I have Claremont Idol at lunch today!! And I'm singing Tourniquet!!
Me and my mom went to this new second hand store and I got all this awesome shizz! Like a studded bracelet for 25c and my other one cost me $10!! And I got these full length satin black gloves like I've wanted forever!! And these knee high lace black tight thingies!! AND A FUR HAT THAT'S LIKE A FOOT HIGH!!! Sorry.
I have to go to the bathroom!!
I'm back!! And practicing!!
I have to wash my hair and get my mom to curl it for tomorrow.
I did the whole song one time as if i was doing it tomorrow! And it was okay. Byut i have to be more crazy! And it's so hard to type in this danm glopves!
K that's twice!!
I'm tired! Must rest!!
Lol Ryan says he's gonna randomly run on stage while I'm on that'd be awesome.
K I can't sing Toni Braxton lol.
So much Ace of Base!!
I'm so weird.
It's 9pm. that's wo eird.
Danm gloves!
Ooh this song!!
Oh crap I blew my voice singing Kelly Clarkson what do I do.
The choir sang this song at the band concert. They messed up. Danm band concert!
Now I like can't talk lol.
Whoa those studs are so cold. Lol!
Amazing B is on. Stupid Gilmore not be on till Januarb.
SO ugly.
My throat hurts. I need pepsi.
Back! With pepsi! And a banana! And back hiccups from eating both at the same time! Oh hey! Batteries!
Taxi, Ted! Or something.
Danm vaacuum cleaner I've tripped over it like 3 times!
I'm eating a cookie hehehe!! Sorry Bobby.
Je suis tres bored. I want it to be tomorrow so I can see if what's his name is here or not. But that's not what I wished for on a star. Danmit! Hey kitten.
Cookies and bananas are always quite scrumptous.
Ow my back. I knew I didn't eat all my cookie and there it is on the phone book. Along with my gloves why isn't it typing oh there we go I LOVE THIS SONG!! But Icraps do not deserve to have this song advertised with them. K it's not funny the 2nd time in 3 adverts. Just isn't.
That song sounds really bad.
OH GOD!! I walked right by it.
What is it? I don't know.
No one's online. Maybe I'll check some of those forwards I keep getting, mostly from Jordan Deveaux. His b-day is tomorrow I totally forgot till his MSN said it lol.
I heard "we don't even know where ice is except for Iceland".
What are you doing Kitten you're gon like slip on that banana peel yo. Bye. Ow doodlesticks.
I love this game. I'm moving to Canada.
35 emails omg.
I thought I already read this horoscope jingy.
Ew that sounded wrong.
YOU suck.
Oh wait I did. Stop typing so slowly god.
iSTUPID tunes! K.
Haven't been to Veritaserum today.
Sweet OOtP casting is down Hagrid betta be back.
Omg that is like so funny. He is so good.
Lol fatass that was so random. Adadadaddada!!
Lol that one made no sense.
Give him love Alex, give him love. Oh god A. That's not what I meant. Stupid A capatalize thank you. Lol I'm slippery that was great.
Sweet a repeat that gives me something to do for an hour.
K shut up dubm advert. Well first I must go to the bathroom.
I remember one time my sock was crusty.
K must go watch Gilmeek.
Posted by Rebecca at 8:11 PM 0 comments