Thursday, July 13, 2006

I <3 Rob James.

Just thought I'd say that.

Sorry I haven't been reeeeeeeeeeeeecaping lately but my computer's been being craaaaaaaaaaappy and won't really load anything except The Geek Room <3.

The Top 10 of CI4 is:

Rob James <3
Tyler Lewi <3
Craig Sharpe : :x
Brandon Jones :x
Chad Doucette <3
Sarah Loverock :
Katie Durst :x
Steffie DiDomenticantonio :x :x
Eva Avila <3
Ashley Coulter (<3)?

Rob James is <3.

What is this retarded show we are watching. I am bored. Jonathan comes here tomorrow omg. N I woke up too late today to talk to him before he left blah. But he is coming over on the 17th eekina <3.

I want to get my schedule. But it doesn't come for another month or more. N it's gon be messed up.

Damn it Max reply to a hot PM <3.

I'll brb.


Justtttttttttttttt checking if any geeks replied but then didn't.

K Jonathan dun be on Skype if you're not gonna talk.

I'm bored. Maybe I will go get some Cott Up. Except then I will get a stomach ache n I gotta let Bobby in or whoever. K get inside now.

Awwwwwwwww I can't wait till the 18th new Instant Star sweet. It's been like forever.

K I'm checking who's online. Fine Ryan I'll talk to you. And Elliot Golend. And almost Pip but I dun feel like it. Elliot dun steal my shit god.

K that's it I want more Cott Up. There.

K Bobby get out.

It smells like burning or something ick.

Oh stupid show be on danmit.

Sup Julian. Oooooh it's on.

Answer me Elliot god.

How the hell did you guys get out of the maze place. Ooooh Noah's pissed. Lol I doubt she really talks like that.

Now I'm cold from that Cott Up.

Blahhhhhhhhh I gotta go to Pharmasave to hand in my resume.


Oooooh draaaaaaaaaama. Like she's really gonna do it. Knew it.

Ahhhh gotta go check lib stuff.