Okay...Canadian Idol was on tonight, and here is my recap: Ben starts off the show by reminding us that Tyler and Mikey left last week(like we really NEEDED reminding, man), and the theme for this weeks show is Summertime Hits. Jenny starts off the show with a blowout performance of, "Summertime", by Gershwinn. She was amazing. If she doesn't get through, I will never watch again. Her hair was straight and it looked really pretty. Up next is Gary Beals, singing the Righteous Brother's, "Unchained Melody". It was a bit boring, but that's Gary for you. Audrey De Montigny comes out with an interesting shirt saying, "Misfit". I'm not sure if she knows it says that, but if she doesn't, somebody should tell her. Audrey sang Mariah Carey's #1 hit, "Dream Lover", and it turns out to be her best performance ever. Well, at least in my opinion it is. Well, that's half-time, folks. 3 down, 3 to go!
And we're back on Canadian Idol, with Billy Klippert as our next performer. He sang, "Have you ever seen the rain?", and he screamed WAY too much. Zach said he liked the TWO Billy notes, not the 6 Billy notes. Tone it down a bit, man. Next was Toya Alexis with, "You are the sunshine of my life". She didn't break my windows this time, but that's probably because she didn't do her dog-screeching. She was actually kind of good, but I still don't like her. Ben said to her, "You look pretty tonight," and she said, "Yeah, I know that." She has SUCH a bad attitude. Last, but definately not least was Ryan Malcom, singing Dobie Gray's "Drift Away", which is one of my favorite songs, and he was really really good. So just before the show ends, Ben says, "At the end of a Summer's day, I like to do this.", and he takes off his pants. He was trying to make us think he was wearing boxers, but I'm pretty sure they were shorts. Honestly, the look on Jon Dore's face was priceless. He could not BELIEVE that Ben had done that. In front of his mom, even, who was in the audience. I think the only reason he did it was to stop us bugging him about it. But we still don't know...oh well, I'm sure he'll tell us the truth at the finale. This was a good start, though. He's getting braver! I wonder if he reads the message boards? EEK then he would see all the stuff we say about him...
Tuesday, August 19, 2003
Posted by Rebecca at 12:42 AM
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