Oh my god, so today, in CAPP, Nick asked me if he could use my Sharpie, but then I had to tell him that Mr.Cafley stole it, which he did, and Jordan says to Nick, "You call them sharpies? My BROTHER calls them Sharpies!" So I'm like, "Okay, and what do you call them?" and he's like, "Permanent Ink Markers, which is their real name". HAHAHA oh my that's hillarious I almost died it was so funny.
I called him today, and it was funny because his mom answered and she called him and he's like, "What?" So then she goes, "Well, what do you think, Jordan? The phone just rang and I'm calling you". HAHA it sounds like something Alistair's mom would say. So anyway, he came on and I was like "Hi", and then there's this big pause because he doesn't know why I'm phoning when he said he didn't want to talk to me, so then I go, "Okay, I know you don't want to talk to me but you never really gave me a chance to explain myself before you totally went nuts, and I know you said I'm annoying, but it's just that whenever I see you I don't know what to say because I don't know if you'll say anything back to me so I usually say something stupid because I think that's the only way I'll get you to talk to me," and he's like, "Okay..."
And then I was like, "And I talked to Sandy and people and asked them if I was being stupid and they said I kind of was to bring my kitty to school and stuff, and I didn't really know I was being stupid, but now I kind of do, and I know you said you don't want to talk to me, and I've been trying to forget about this whole thing, and I've been trying to think about other things and be happy, but I can't do it, because I can't pretend everything's okay when I know it's not, and it's not like you can just forget about this, I KNOW you can't and neither can I, so are you still mad?" and he said, "Not really", and then I said, "Well, were you EVER mad?", and he's like, "Well only when people were following me and I was sick of it." And then I said, "So then we're okay now?" and he's like, "Well, what does that mean?" And I said, "Well, are things the way they were before?", and he says, "I don't know,", so I said, "Well, do you WANT things the way they were before?", so he's like, "What, EXACTLY the way they were before?" so I said, "Well no, they don't have to be EXACTLY the same way, what would you want different?" so he says, "Well for one thing, I don't want your friends following me and pointing at me, like Britney, she always glares at me, and Stephanie and that other girl keep calling me Jesse!" And then I was laughing so much because Sarah and Stephanie always call my guy friends Jesse haha! But I SERIOUSLY don't know why.
So then it was his dinnertime, so he had to go, but I think things are okay now. See, what did I tell you? But then again, I went back to him and convinced him to be with me again, but I could totally tell he didn't like things being bad, he's ALWAYS staring at me in class I can tell and Sandy can tell too. I'll probably phone him tomorrow in the morning, because I'll get up early and phone at like 11am because they'll probably not be eating breakfast then or maybe I'll just wait till 6 or 7 like I usally do but then he might be doing his homework but whatever I have to phone sometime well I don't really HAVE to but I want to you know? Well, you probably don't, but whatever.
Mr.Pama wasn't here today.=( I kinda knew at the end of block E that he wasn't coming because I hadn't seen him all day and I usually do and right when the bell rang, and Mr.Mark came in!! I was so mad seriously, but he was cool. Except for the fact that he thought he was so totally cool because he played soccer and was a surfer and had cool shoes or so he said hahaa. We were talking about advertising spoofs and how we had to make one. Me and steph are doing Cool Whip, except we're calling it Oil Whip hahha!!
And me and Jordan were also talking about how Mr.Melnyk is unfair because he picks favorites and gets mad at people for no reason and how he likes everybody but us which is so true!!
Lizzie McGuire on today and it was one of the new ones where she's 15, and Miranda was having a party and she invited everyone but Larry Tudgeman the nerd and he was so sad it was so sad because he was like almost crying but then they disguised him(Lizzie and Gordo did), so Miranda wouldn't know it was him but then she found out and first she was mad but then she realized she was mean for not inviting him. Now I'm listening, "Top 11 - Canadian Hits Medley". It's the Top 11 of CI at the finale. Now I'm talking to Jennifer Miller from my school lo lshe just called me a COP CHICKEN hahah so that's my name now on MSN!! LEE HANEY IS A COP CHICKEN!! Hahah that's funny!! Well not really but whatever. Lol I just called Jen a valley girl now she's getting mad well I'd better go!!
Friday, September 26, 2003
Posted by Rebecca at 9:38 PM
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