Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Okay, so I just phoned Calum(I didn't MEAN to, it was an accident!), because I was talking to one of my CI message board friends on MSN, and I sent her a file of me singing, and she totally freaked out and said how awesome it was and she totally wanted more, and I was just like so totally excited and happy that I just ran over and picked up the phone and started dialing, and then I realized I had phoned Calum, and then his dad answered and I was like, "Is Calum home?" and he's like, "Ah yes, he's right here!" and then like two seconds later Calum came on and he's like, "Ahoyhoy!" and I could totally tell they were having fun, and I was like, "Hi, um, I know you probably don't want to talk to me right now, but um, I just wanted to tell you, I was talking to this person on MSN, right, and I like sent her, like a file thing, of my singing, and she said it was really really good" and he's like, "Oh really? That's awesome!" and I was like, "Yeah, and I was just like so happy, that I just like, picked up the phone, and just like started dialing like, numbers, and like, I just like, called you, even though I know I wasn't supposed to" and he's like, "No, it's okay, no worries" and I was like, "Okay, that's good" and he's like, "But I have to go, to eat my dinner" and I was like, "Okay" and he's like, "So I'll talk to you later" and I was like, "Okay" and he's like, "Okay bye" and I was like, "Bye". I am SO not phoning him tomorrow, even though I planned to, I can't do it now because I JUST DID!!

I'm still talking to that person I sent it to, and I'm sending her more stuff and she thinks they're all great and she keeps telling me how good I am which is making me really happy because people don't EVER say that to me!!

I don't really know WHY I phoned Calum just to tell him that, probably because, like I said, I don't hear that a lot so it's good to know I might have a chance at living my dream, you know, and plus there's the fact that I was so happy I just couldn't control myself and I just picked up the phone like a freak and plus I wanted him to say it was awesome which he DID which is good because HE is so incredibly AWESOME!! The American Idol Christmas Special is replaying in half an hour if anyone wants to watch it it's on CTV at 9pm, and World Idol is in TWO DAYS!! MERRY CHRISTMAS YA'LL!!!