Tuesday, March 01, 2005

AI4 Top 20: Girls edition:

Hi Joe!!


Aloha Mischeaux - Chicken wings? "You don't know my name". She's good. Randy didn't like it. Neither did Paula. Simon called her affected. 1-866-IDOLS-01.



Hi Carrie!!

Lindsey Cardinale - Some totally retarded song about tatoos and dog shows. Right. Randy and Paula said it was good. Simon doesn't like the song, and he basically says she's forgettable. 1-866-IDOLS-02

Jessica Sierra - "Broken wing". Diana did this on March 22nd for Country night last year. She held the last note for like a minute. Jessica was okay, I liked her better last week though. The judges liked her. 1-866-IDOLS-03



Mikalah Gordon - "God bless the child". GOD. I hate her so much. Why is she so HORRIBLE? Like I don't understand why she sounds like that. NOBODY can sound that bad. Jenny would shoot her. All the judges are drunk or on drugs or being paid to lie. I'm not giving out her number.

Celena Rae - "When the lights go down". She was okay. All the judges agree with me, Simon uses his hotel/bar overused thing again. 1-866-IDOLS-05



Hi Janay.

Nadia Turner - "My love" by Paul McCartney. No!! This is Courtney Murphy's song for Jane when he got voted out! You can only sing this song if you love the Beatles as much as Courtney! And when you sing the chorus you have to make stupid noises like Courtney, not make it sound normal! God what is wrong with you much! And that was scary at the end! All the judges are dumb. But Simon says weird song choices. And Cabaret something yeah. But don't sing it again. From Simon. And me. 1-866-IDOLS-06

Amanda Avila - Yeah...roosters. "Turn the beat around". Uh yeah no. Two names: Carmen and Diana. So no glove? LOTS OF LOVE. Sorry. She's okay, but I don't really like her because of her weird past and she's a little ugly sometimes. Yeah. Randy is trying to do dog pound again but they aren't that enthusiastic. They all say it was great but Simon says out of tune. Wouldn't out of tune make it like...not so great? Apparently not. 1-866-IDOLS-07

Break. Um yeah. That's kind of a messed up commercial. STUPID CAR!! Other people don't see it that way! Like trying to talk like that beh. OH look a party it's like a tailgate party yeah no.


Janay Castine - "Hit 'em up style" um yeah no again! Only one person has ever done this: Chanel Cole. You just can't take that. But she was okay but she's scary. She used the names Celena and Mikalah in the song in place of the names Soya and Mia! Beh. Randy hated it and all the dog pound booed at him.

Carrie Underwood - Yeah, all the "other things" that you could be called. Um nobody but stupid people who didn't know anything would! "Piece of my heart". She is so awesome! Sit down Bo Bice you're annoying. The judges are stupid and say she should stick to country but everyone knows if she does then they'll say that she needs to change. 1-866-IDOLS-09



Vonzell Solomon - "If I ain't got you". GOD I hate this song. I knew what it was in like the first piano key. She sounded like Fantasia just then. She looks like a monkey. She's okay though. I HATE THIS SONG!! They all think she was okay. Simon says she oversang it at the end. Yeah she did. 1-866-IDOLS-10

Recap. Vote for Carrie and Aloha and Lindsey and Janay!!


Mum says...

Aloha...yeah, hi to you too. She sounded fine to me, judges didn't like her. Not my style and I don't even remember what she sang but it was better than last week.
Lindsay...went up-tempo and danced about and went off tune and the judges didn't think much of it either. I think she may be a goner.
Jessica "Yokas" Sierra...started out slow, but I was impressed. So was Simon. She was good!
Mikalah...Um.Er. Yell much. Judges are going to love it. Didn't think I'd ever say this, but Jenny Gear sounds better than her. She seems to have been given the heads-up to keep her trap shut and stop annoying people. Hee!
Celena... I spent the time trying to get a splinter outta my finger. No idea what she did, but I wasn't interested.
Nadia..."My Love". The song that has no words and sounds like it's almost over from the start. She is more boring than Courtney. Oh, and she thinks a lot of herself and her Sideshow Bob hair-do. Blah.
Amanda...Turn the beat Around. No, that's Carmen's song. So just go away, Vegas girl.
Janay...who looks like she is 10, and could do with some make-up or something but I really like that song and she looks good (aside from the being 10 part), but the judges don't like her and I think she may have to pay for "getting Sarah Mather kicked out". Yeah, she didn't, but there's the Curse of the Judded to deal with here.
Carrie...does Janis Joplin. Oh dear, they aren't going to like it, and it's done too cute and smiley. But this is a "Make it Your Own" kinda thing, and Bo is going nuts cause it's Janis and all, but the judges don't like it. I thought it was ok.
Vonzell...has Faith Greenwoods' fingernails this week, but she does whatever it is like she is happy with it, and I buy it but the judges don't.
My theory...Top and Bottom 2 being judges' picks... means Carrie, Vonzell, Aloha and Lindsay. All got slammed by the judges. I'd still pick Amanda, Lindsay and Janay to go home. I'd sure be surprised if it was Nadia and Mikalah. Another uninspiring bunch, overall.