K screw it I'm bored.
AI was supposed to be on at 8 but it's on at 9. And the Dr.Pepper is frozen shut from not being drunk in 4 days cuz I was in Van. So I put a pizza thing in the oven. Which should be ready soon I guess I should really time it.
K stupid computer how long does it take you to tell Silvana that I tripped on the carpet.
Lol I remember my Jason Mraz thing I was like omg I love him so much.
Shakira performed this @ the MTV Video Music Awards. Those people were weird. I think she did a remake of Dance like that w/ Wyclef which originally had Claudette Ortiz but is now called Hips Don't Lie. Don't ask.
Did you get 55%. No. More. Way to not answer me.
Lol a no writing zone.
And I just like scared kitten so much cuz I like ran upstairs to see if my thing was done. Which it is. And burning my mouth k I need a drink. There nice old water I missed that.
Wow this pizza thing is good. Nice and crispy around the edges. Ew. K Rebecca that's not even gross how can it be. I don't know you made it be somehow. Yeah well I'm sick minded what do you expect. Yesterday I went to type ass and it came out Ace I was like heehee Ace's ass. There you go. K there's too much stuff in my room I like stepped all over it cuz I've been too lazy to unpack so far. It smells like a bomb in my room and I know I haven't been in it for a while but that is not what my room smells like I think I know.
K I need paper towel
No Kit I'm sitting there god.
Whatever SharpShootaz are that's a gay band name.
K randomly some Kalan Porter wow.
I bet he's in the only one ever who's sang 2 songs in one season that both begin with the word lady. Maybe there only ARE 2 songs. Wow.
Now it will take like a day to get there.
Or not.
Lol it that the medical term.
Yeah better version sorry Will.
Lol light beer. A plague on the world.
K whatever judges comments are doing there.
However they both get in still best night ever June 22nd. No 24th. God if someone named the folder right I would know.
K why are you refreshing I didn't even tell you to do that. I'd rather not sit on that. K now it's on my pants.
K what is with this piece of crap comupter. I just spelled that wrong and it's not even showing what I type yet. Seriously I click on a letter and it's like ooooooooh white box.
Lol and Ethan's like nooooo not him. Oh that's where that person got his name from a while ago. I can see someone like that reading it. Except they shouldn't.
K it like breaks again. Lol you can like hear it from the world. That was gay.
I should post this so I can do AI results.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Posted by Rebecca at 9:00 PM
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