Sunday, August 20, 2006

I am bored. Blah my throat hurts. Get online you losers there's no way they're still there and if only I had got up at 8 at least Bunt would have been on. Hey I can update my Piczo sweet. CTRL + N. Dammit why doesn't it have auto log in. Perfect. I did that so awesomely. Crap that page has no sound. Well my sound doesn't work anyway lol. Sweet that is an awesome new page now I must update with awesome shows. Rawr Zac Efron. I think it's time to CTRL + N again guys. Yeah okay. I think I should use that banner except then that person would be like hey you stealer but oh well. Ah sleep. Fineeee. Up I get. How is it only 9:46am blah. Hmmm I need another show. I have Gilmore, CSI, Criminal Minds, 7th Heaven, My Family...I need at least 1 more. Crap what do I watch. Ummmm YES Passions that's it!! Oh and Law & BM too. Yeah finally someone's on. But someone else went a funfair whatever THAT is. And an update of avatar.