Sunday, August 05, 2007

My eyebrows are being all weird. I should do something about that.

Mb I should phone Jonathan cuz he was supposed to phone me today. Except I don't feel like it.

I haven't done Russian in like 3 days I'm prob. getting so behind.

Damn KC Fanclub. It's all like ooooooooh SUBSCRIBE. I bet Clive Davis did that.

Ooooh. I am "Behind these hazel eyes". How awesome.

Sweet tennis once more.

Back from tennis. With a glass horse figurine that Jonny brought me from France <3

I wanna phone Pat. But god what is his # I totally can't remember. There I found it. Except it would be weird to phone him I dun wanna talk to his parents cuz they scare me plus I don't know if he's still in that random place like he's been for a month. I'll just email him.

What is this original version of Streets of Rage. Dragon something. What an ugly game.

And this like 1800 version of Mario. That game sucks.

Yoshi Tetris es muy dificile.

I wanna eat smarties.

What is this like French movie about kitchens and strawberries.

There's nobody on MSN. My ear itches god god god.

Oh. It was food poisoning. My bad.

KK DT now for BC day.

Sleepytime nowww.