Okay, so I just talked to Calum again(Ugh, I am such a loser), and he wasn't really doing much, but we didn't really get to talk much, only for like 10 minutes, and my cat was killing me, or at least she was trying to, so then I told him that, and he's like, "Oh really, crazy!" and then she jumped on my back like totally dug her claws into me, and I told him that, and he's like, "Oh really? That must hurt." and I told him about when we had like 15 cats sometimes it got hard because they like all came after you sometimes, and he's like, "Yeah, that must've been crazy!" and then I said that I liked cats, but it was actually better, when I had a dog, and he's like, "Oh really? Are they easy to keep?" and I was like, "Yeah, mine got sick last year, she had diabetes, so we had to get her put down" and he's like, "Oh really? That's sad" and I was like, "Yeah" and he's like, "That's too bad that that happened" and I was like, "Yeah" and then I was saying about how when we had like 15 cats and like 10 rabbits it was so hard sometimes because we had to like, spend a lot of money on them, and he's like, "Oh yeah, that must've been, like, really expensive" and then I threw my cat off my back and said that I was going to leave my room and go somewhere else, and he's like, "Yeah, that's probably a good thing, to do".
And so I was walking upstairs and I was like, "So, what did you do today?" and he's like, "Well, I went to school, and came home, and that's all, really" and then I was like, "So, what do you think, of our school?" and he's like, "Oh, I think it's great" and I was like, "Yeah, it's okay, but like, some of the people, I kinda get the feeling that they're not like, acting like themselves, they're being who other people want them to be" and he's like, "Oh really?" and I was like, "Yeah, it's like, mainly like, the popular girls" and he's like, "Oh yeah? I haven't really come across, those type of people yet" and then I was like, "And it's really annoying when there's like popular grade 7's like, being snobby to you, and you're like older than them, right?" and he's like, "Oh yeah, well, I'll probably see that next year".
And so I was like, "But there's a lot of good teachers, in grade 8" and he's like, "Oh really? Like, a lot of good ones?" and I was like, "Yeah, like Mr.Levere, who's one of the science teachers," and he's like, "Oh yeah" and I was like, "He's really nice, but when he gets mad, he like gets REALLY mad!" and he's like, "Oh yeah?" and then I was like, "Like for the past few days in Mr.Melnyks room, we've heard him yelling like SO loud, and he like NEVER yells" and then he was like, "Can you hold on a second" and then he came back on and he was like, "I have to go eat dinner now, but I will talk to you later" and I was like, "Okay" and then he was like, "Okay bye" and I was like, "Bye." That was such a waste of a conversation, seriously. I didn't even get to ask him if he watches any Idol shows, man.
Mrs.Robertson knows I like him, I don't know how, I asked her to guess who I liked, and I said he was in grade 7 and in Concert Band, and she's like, "Calum?" and I was like, "Oh my god how did you know?" and she's like, "You like red-heads!!" which is kinda true and plus she's my best friend so it wasn't exactly that hard for her to find out, but still, it's freaky that she knew on the first guess. I think I'll put the narrator on again now.
Monday, December 15, 2003
Posted by Rebecca at 7:26 PM
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