Okay, so I talked to Calum again yesterday, and this time I seriously didn't phone him, he phoned me, and I like totally freaked out, because I like never thought he would. And then so he was like, "You know how you said that we should like, hang out sometime?" and I was like, "Yeah" and then he was like, "Well that would be like, really cool, and I really want to do that, but I was thinking like, not yet, you know what I mean?" and then so I was like, "Not really" because I totally didn't get what he meant, so I was like, "What did you think I meant when I said that?" and he's like, "What did you mean?" and then I was like, "I actually don't know" and then he's like, "Are you okay?" and then I was like, "Yeah..." and then he was like, "Well, I wasn't really sure, like I thought maybe you liked me" and then I was like, "Okay..." so then he's like, "Okay, can I like, take whatever I just said back, because I feel really stupid now" so then I was like, "Okay" and then he kept saying about how he totally felt really stupid and like a jerk, but I don't really know why he felt that way, I mean all he did was misunderstand what I meant when I said, "Hang out" he thought I meant, "Go out", which is perfectly understandable.
So then he was like, "Could we like, hang out at school, because I really want to do that" and then I was like, "Yeah, that's what I meant" and then finally he understood, and then I went into my sisters room which is where I always went to talk to Alistair, and then I was like, "I'm back at home now, because I haven't been here for like, two days" and then he's like, "Oh yeah, did you have fun at your sleepover?" and then I was like, "Yeah" and then he's like, "That's good" and then I was like, "But it was really weird, because my friend got mad at me, and then she kept like, chucking toilet paper at me" and he's like, "Oh really?" and I was like, "Yeah, she was like getting rolls of toilet paper, and like, chucking them at me" and he's like, "Whoa, that's crazy!" and then I was like, "And then we were in my room, like it's this part by her closet, right, and then we were chucking stuffed animals down the stairs, and it was really fun" and he's like, "Oh really? That's awesome!" and then I was like, "And she was pretending that they were people, like she would pick up these bears, right, and then she'd be like, 'Okay, this is you, and this is Calum' and then she would throw them down the stairs, it was really weird, seriously" and then he asked me like where do I usually hang out, and I was like, "Usually in the field, but I work in the library on Friday" and so he's like, "Okay, so I'll see you in the field tomorrow?" and I was like "Okay" and then he's like, "Okay cool" and then I was like, "Bye" and he's like, "Bye". He kept saying that I was an awesome and great person, and one time during the conversation he's like, "And I really want to hang out with you, cause you're awesome!" And that was really cool because no one's ever said that to me before, especially not a guy.
But then we actually didn't get to hang out today because our lunch times are different and by the time he came outside I had to go inside, so I'm probably gonna phone him tonight to see if we can reschedule to a time where we're both more available. He's really awesome, and I want to do everything I can to keep things cool.
Monday, December 15, 2003
Posted by Rebecca at 6:07 PM
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