Thursday, August 19, 2004

Results show time, finally! They do the intro stuff, then it's the idols playing instruments. So first we get Jason on guitar, and it's some railroad song that I have forgotten. Kalan is fiddling (violining?). Theresa has a mandolin. Elena on keyboard. Jacob looks real comfy with his gee-tar. The audience starts clapping, Aus Idol style. Oh, there's Shane with a guitar..did he get to sing yet? Did I forget to mention that they were singing? Um. Ok, now Shane sings. After Kalan and before Jason (with his new deep voice and accent aimed at keeping the easterners voting). Shane is pluck-pluck-pluck at his guitar, but Jacob faces Kalan like they were doing duelling banjos.

Ben's t-shirt looks old and faded, kinda like Mr Lightfoot who comes on the stage and babbles his gratitude. He looks all happy though. Yay for Canadian Icons!

Break. Then Ben yabbers, then the judges say how they like their musical idols, and Farley is on about Starsearch moments. Sass likes everyone, but Zach seems to have changed his mind about something after he saw the show on telly. He isn't saying what though. More ads now. Then, Billy! YAY!!!

Back with a montage of Billy from last year, with "If You Could Read My Mind" playing. Billy version. How clever! Then he comes on and sings that Waiting for the Sun to Shine song from his cd. Title? Um. Ya know, that one. He dances about and yells a lot and the crowd screams and his band looks very old (where are ya Benny??) and boy, does he sing a long version of this song. Then Ben comes on and hands him a towel (Ryan and Ruben, anyone????) and they both keep talking at the same time. Hee! Then I remeber Billy is better if he doesn't talk too much. Billy goes away and hits Ben on the head with the towel on his way out.

Break, then back with Jon Dore being so dumb I am not wasting the time to type it up. Just not funny.
Finally, the idols are on stage. They show the Queens' U guy as usual. They all yabber. Then we get a Debra Byrd montage, where they all say how great she is and I notice that when Shane speaks, he sounds like a little girl. Byrd is in the audience, having a cry. Perhaps we are eliminating her instead this week.

The judges all agree that Elena will be sent home. Then we suddenly switch to the idols and Ben is recapping the judges' comments from last night, but nobody is being told if they are safe.They all look a bit worried, except Shane, who laughs as usual. Hmm. More ads, then we find out.

Oh and it's rapid-fire. Kalan-safe. Jacob-bottom 3. Theresa-safe. Then Ben does some weird thing, so I start out thinking there are 4 in the bottom 3, or maybe 2. Elena and Shane are the other two.
Zach complains about regional voting. Does that mean you, Jason? Zach also says Jacob shouldn't be there. Jake would send Elena back to safety.
Oh no! Shane is safe. Jacob and Elena. They are both going to sing their songs. I bet Jacob goes home, Zach was mad like this when Kaleb got the boot. They sing, but I don't wanna listen. I hate that version of Sundown, and I have to wonder if he did it on purpose. Weird.

Finally...Elena is out. That was too close.The Queens guy holds up a sign that says "robbed". Had that with you all the time in case you needed it, did ya? Shuddup, Queens' guy. Hope we don't see you again.

A bit of a chat, then another sing out. No tears till after the song, then they all fall to peices as usual, and it's mad hugs all round, including for Jabob, who is still there! Like Billy said, coming in third is good. I hope Jacob gets that far. This wasn't a nice results show. Except no more Elena. It was a great results show!
Byeee! (from your Thursday CI stand-in).