Saturday, August 21, 2004

So this is what happened since Thursday:

On Wednesday night I told my brother that I would go, but then he went to bed and then I kept thinking that I shouldn't so then I decided not to, so I was going to leave a note on his door before I went to bed, but then I went to bed and accidentally fell asleep right away and then Tim woke me up at like 8 the next morning and he was like all excited about going so I didn't want to disappoint him so I just left my mom a night saying what to say to John if he phoned and a PS saying GO THERESA SOKYRKA. And she's safe, so that's awesome. And ELoser is gone, so that's even better.

So then we drove the car up to the bus stop and then parked it and got on the bus to the ferry and went on the ferry, then we got to Tsawwassen and had to take like 50 more buses before we got to Martha's house, but then we did. And then I put my stuff upstairs and went outside to play with Hannah & her friends because Martha was at work. But then that was boring so then I went for a walk with this guy named Tyler who was a loser.

And then me and Tim and the kids went to the library and I read some more of "Charlie Bone and the Time Twister" which I was reading at Royal Oak but then I had to return it for the summer and I haven't gotten to read any of it since but I found it there and I read it, and I made friends with this 12 year old chinese girl named Irene, and I got her to read the first Charlie Bone book "Midnight for Charlie Bone" which I have read and so has Sandy, and she took it out. Sandy's read all of them.

So then we went to the park for a little while, and then went home and I watched Canadian Idol, all of it, so I was glad. The group song was pretty cheap, though! Lol, Theresa and her mandolin.

And then I phoned Jonathan. When I told him I was in Vancouver he was like "Damn! I wanted to do something." which I totally KNEW was going to happen if I went, the magic fortune telling penny told me so. And then he said that I was in Vancouver perpetually and I wa slike shut up! He even phoned my house in Victoria at 7pm, which is EXACTLY when the penny told me he was going to. I didn't listen to it. I seriously will next time. Stupid me. Never underestimate the power of the fortune telling penny, seriously. You'll regret it.

So anyway, I said about how I didn't know if he was going to feel the same when he came back and he's like "You got my number. I couldn't ditch you now if I tried, and I don't want to." like he meant that if I hadn't have gone up to him at the mall we never would have happened, because he didn't see me at the mall, he had his back turned. Not purposely, and besides, I was on the other side leaning against the wall! So then I was like "Why not?" and he's like "Because." and I was like "Because what?" and he's like "Because I like you. A lot. Whole bunches!" so then I laughed because I love it when he says retarded things like that. So I said about how ELoser got kicked off, and then I said about how I was trying to be okay even though it wasn't good (him leaving) and he's like "I think it's okay, and good...except for the HORROR of someone being voted off Canadian Idol." and I was all like shut up it wasn't horrible it was good. But then he said that he promises we'll do something in the first two days that he's here in December. He says that when he comes back we'll pick up where we left off. And then just before he had to go I asked him what person he was to me and he's like "Well I don't know, why don't you tell me?" and I was like "I asked you first" and he's like "Well, I counter-asked your first asking with a second asking" and I was like "That's not fair!" and he's like "Yeah well, LIFE'S not fair, get used to it" and I was like "Well, what if I counter asked your second asking with a third asking?" and he's like "You can't do that. It's against the rules." and I was like "The rules of what?" and he's like "The rules of counter asking and asking twice!" which I thought was just SO retarded, but it was funny. So then I was like "Well then, maybe I'll just tell you what I HOPE you think of me as" and he was like "Okay, what do you HOPE I think of you as?" and I was like "I hope...that you think of me as your...girlfriend" and he's like "I do...and I hope that you think of me as your...boyfriend" and I was like "I do." so then he had to go and then I was crying.

But then the next morning (Friday) I got up and went to Playland and went on rides and stuff which I'll tell you about tomorrow and then went home and went to sleep with Hannah in her room. Martha told me to phone Jonathan to see when he was leaving on Saturday because I forgot to on Thursday night but when we got home it was way to late because we mised the bus.

And then Tim woke me up this morning (Saturday) and was like "We have to like 20 minutes." so then I was totally like well get me the phone because I won't have time to phone him at our house so I phoned John at like 8:45 and it was so funny because we had both just woken up so we couldn't really talk properly and then he kept pretend snoring in the phone at me so I was pretending to be mad even though I wasn't and then I was downstairs and then I was hitting Tim with a pillow because he was making fun of me so then I went and sat on the stairs and I was saying about how he might totally like forget and he's like "Like I could forget you!" and I was like "Why not?" and he's like "You're too memorable." and I was like "How?" and he's like "Because, you're completely nuts and you yell at people on the streets!" so then I went back upstairs and I saw Hannah's poster of all the Disney Princesses and I told John about it and I was like "Which one is your favourite?" and he's like "What a stupid question I am SO not answering that!" and then I was like "NO, tell me" and he's like "That's dumb, let's move on!" and I was like "Okay fine then, there was something I wanted you to say, but whatever, if you're too dumb then that's fine!" and then he was like "Okay, what are my options?" and so then I told him and he was like "I'm not answering the question unless you're one of the options" and so then I was like "I don't have to be." and so then he's like "They're all second to you" which was TOTALLY what I wanted him to say so I'm glad he got it.

And then I was like "But I totally messed it up last time, when I said that stupid thing at the end" and he's like "Well, there was a lot of stupid things, which one?" and I was like "You're SO mean!" and he's like "I'm kidding!" so then I was like "That one that I wouldn't say what it was and I accidentally said it was something else, you know what I'm talking about?" and he's like "Yes." so then I was like "BUT there's no point in talking about it because you don't even care!" and he's like "Yes I do." and I was like "No you don't!" and he's like "Yes I do. I'd show you, but I don't think I can exactly do that right now, if I could then I'd prove you wrong, you can hold me to that promise next time."

And then I said about how I have no significant item of rememberance and he was like "Name your new locker after me, and I'll name my new locker after you" and I was like "Okay, but what are you gonna say to your friends when they ask you why you're talking to your locker?" and he's like "They won't ask, they already know that I'm completely nuts" so then I was like "So what are you gonna say to them when they ask you what you did?" and he's like "I'm gonna be like...went to the mall, bought video games, played video games, went to Whistler, met gorgeous women and got them out on dates!" and I was like beh how freakish! And then he said about how he liked me more and I was totally like no you don't and then I was like "I still don't get WHY you like me, I don't get what you see" and he's like "Because you're you"

And suddenly I was like "In Ukranian, Sokyrka means 'Little Hatchet' " and he was like "Wow, that was random." and then he said "I've got something to give you. It's in England, I've had it for ages, I've been saving it...and it's something that I think you'll really like" and just before we got off the phone he's like "You're very precious to me" and that made me be like oh my god. And then he had to go. And then I went too. But then we missed the 11am because I was on the phone and Martha was being dumb or something and John was leaving at like 2pm or going on the 2pm plane or being at the airport at 2pm to get a plane, he had no idea, he was too tired to make sense. He said he cared because he was tired. He also said he cared about me and my stomache ache.

I don't think it'll be THAT long till December, only like 111 days. And then there's school and stuff, so it'll be fine. Gary Beals' album is out, and he will be on CI next results show, FYI.