I am so bored, la la la la la...school is out, and it's finally the 17th. If my calculations are correct, Jonathan got on the plane at 8:40am our time, which is 4:40pm his time, and it's now 6:00pm our time, which is 9 hours and 20 minutes after he left, and the flight is only 9 hours, and then he has to drive back from Sydney Airport, which takes about half an hour depending on how fast you drive, so he should be here in about 10 minutes. And I don't expect him to call me right when he gets in, so I probably won't talk to him for another hour or so, or maybe even tomorrow depending on how tired he is, which I expect him to be, because after you get off a 9 hour flight from like 20,000 miles away the time difference is totally messed up because you think it's like 3am (well actually, right now it would be 2:03am there, but whatever) and it's actually like 6pm so you're all jet-lagged. Ahaha Ryan Malcolm, and Gary Beals is still in Vegas. Sorry.
Friday, December 17, 2004
Posted by Rebecca at 6:04 PM
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