So, I just talked to Jonathan at like 10:30am, but he could only talk for like 10 minutes because he was going out, but it was still allright. I was like "Hi" and he was like "Hi, I just got back last night and I was like "Yes I know that" and then he was like "I'm tired" and I was like "You're ALWAYS tired!" and he's like "Yup!" and then I was like "I'm tired too, I just woke up like 5 minutes ago and I was like crap where's the phone and then I couldn't find the phone and then it was in my brother's room so I like had to go upstairs and just like...mneh" and he was like "Oh...kay...then?" and so then I was like " are things with you?" and he's like "They're good...and how are things with you, how's your new school?" and I was just like "It's some of it is not good, but most of it does...but does it really matter? Wait, I have no idea what I'm saying, never mind". and then I was like "Because you don't care." and he's like "I care!" and I was like "No you don't!" and he was like "Fine then, I don't care!" and I was like "Oh my god that's so mean! You know, I actually believe you when you say that." and he's like "Fine then, believe me!" and I was like "Fine then, I won't!" and he was like "What was that?" and I was like "See, you don't even listen to me!" and he was like "I listen, I just can't find my wallet right now." and I was like "Oh, wow" and he was like "Oh, there it is. Yeah, it has $200 in it, so I think I might have been a little worried" and I was like "You are SUCH a rich snob!" and he was like "No I'm not! That's like 60 cheques, so it's like nothing, I only get 3 pounds/hour." and I was like "For doing what?" and he was like "Babysitting. So that's like 6 dollars." and I was like "Sucker." and he was like "You're right!" and then he said about how he had to go and I was like "So, what do you want me to do?" and he was like "Call me again, sometime in the future, nearly..." and I knew he was being dumb so I was like "So I will see you?" and he was like "Yeah, sometime in the future, nearly, I'm not saying within the next 6 years, but you know, probably sometime..." and I was like "Are you being sarcastic?" and he was like "Yes, of course!" and I was like "Well, I don't know!" and he's like "Why not?" and I was like "I don't know! It seems like I don't even know you anymore!" and he was like "Yeah, that happens in life." and I was like "So you think it's true?" and he was like "Do I think what's true?" and I was like "Never MIND!!" and he was like "No, repeat what you said, please" and I was like "Well, I said about how it seems like I don't even know you anymore, and then you said something - " and he was like "See, you don't listen to me either!" and I was like "That's because I don't need to." and he's like "Oh, and why not?" and I was like "Because you just say the same things over and over again." and he was like "No I don't" and I was like "Yes you do" and he was like "No I don't!" and I was like "Yes you do!" and then it went on like that. And then I was like "Can I ask you something?" and he was like "Sure." so then I was like "Did you miss me?" and he was like "Of course!" and I was like "Are you sure?" and he was like "Yes, of course I'm sure." and then he seriously had to go so he was like "So, I'll see you later?" and I was like "Yes." and he was like "Excellent." and then so we stopped talking.
The conversation was allright, I guess, a little shorter than I expected. He didn't seem that interested in talking, but he's probably just busy and tired. I'm not going to go thinking like really that he doesn't care, because as a Buddhist it's my nature to be an optimist, so. I'll call him at like 5 or something, because he left at like 10:45.
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Posted by Rebecca at 11:00 AM
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