AI5 Top 20: 10 guys
Finally some good peeps.
Danm I want to watch Behind The Music George Michael. Oh well I will @ adverts plus I've kidna seen it before.
ANYTHING can happen under the spotlight of American Idol omg god my nose itches.
NO ONE BETTER SING SAM COOKE. Oh wait who is that. I mean Jesse Cook lol. Sam Cooke sings stop.
Dad. Elliot. Ace rawr. Giddeon. Kevin!! Sway. WILL!! Bucky. David!! Chris!!!
No one cares about the ladies. No one wants a recap either.
K Kinnik you sucked. So did you Melissa. I love you Kellie!! Brenna I hate you. K Ayla you're boring. So are you Lisa. Paris you are fine but dun wear that you look like a waiter. Mandisa!! That was great.
No Ryan Teresa is not home.
Dad Hicks - "Easy" by the Commodores. They say HEY IT'S THE DAD. N you take it off and you become a dad. Yeah dun sing this Jason Greeley with your dad movements god you REALLY look like a dad tonight. K Taylor do you have to go to the bathroom. Oh wow I called you by your name. Dun go so close to the camera. Dun be a dad like that. K that's enough whooping there's none of that in the song dun copy Jason. I'm a daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. Sorry. BEH BO BICE IS THERE!!! HE'S LIKE YES GO DAD!!! Randy said it was not his favourite but he still loves the dad. Paula said he's got a dad thing going. Or rather a Taylor Hicks thing. She loves his dad movements but not fave song choice but he's her fave dad in the whole world. Simon said it didn't work for him cuz bad song n Taylor's not coming out of the bubble and he's a dad not an Idol. And about how every week he's just a dad. He's grateful to be a dad though. Did you go to the concert with your dad. 1-866-IDOLS-DAD. K Rebecca that's been done. 01.
Break. Elliot Yamin next oh wow. K my arm is so cold there's like ice down my sleeve however that happened.
Elliot Yamin - "Moonie's ruth of love" is that I heard. But I doubt that's even what it's called. Oh he did say about your mom. Wow that's an ugly mom. Dun be mean Rebecca she's sick. Oh okay. K seriously Elliot it's not hard to remember the word road. The song is called God Bless The Broken ROAD. Stupid. You don't appear to be going anywhere. Hey Elliot. Why are you so good. This is weird. Oh well I didn't even see you last time. Omg ahahah the song is called "I'm in the mood for love" lol how did I get Moonie's ruth of love. That's awesome that's a TOTW. K Randy sit down it wasn't that good. That dog pound sucked it was like all Elliot and he's not even in it. Paula said he did Stevie proud. Simon said bad song kinda but great performance. 1-866-IDOLS-02. Oh crap Elliot I'm sorry I forgot to press record for you. Oh thank god I remembered now cuz Ace is on next oh omg yes.
Nooooooooooooooooooo break!!! K what was the point in unpausing it for that. Shut up I didn't know. NO Kitten you cannot go out!! I keep thinking you're Bobby so I almost let you. K 30 plus 30 you must be like 60. Or ARE you still living them. Hey Sarah could have come over today. I'm so stupid. Yeah I wouldn't say that for $1m you lame radio station. Lol a door guide. God I just said I would never do that!
OMG ACE!!!!! What are you wearing you look a lil' weird. Oh I thought you were singing If You're Not The One. Whatever "If you're not made for me" is. Ohhhh a beanie. I heard Houdini. I thought you were married. This IS "If you're not the one" you stupid learn your song name lol Ace. K must go as close as possible. Wait why are you sucking. Stop sucking right this instant. This song was going to be the best for you. I dun you're gonna hit that note. Oooooh maybe you did I can't tell. Ohhhh the hair push that's all you gotta do. Oh Kevin hates you. Oh do a closeup do a closeup do a closeup. That was a sucky closeup. Randy was like good song man cuz you sing better than you show. Paula was like everything omg. K peeps seriously. Simon said he struggled. Yup. N he's gon be disappointed when he hears himself. It's true stop booing you stupid 12 year olds yes I love Ace too but at least I'm not deaf. It was kinda bad. Come on people just cuz you love him doesn't make you stupid. He could have done a LOT better with that song. Like he could have KICKED. 1-866-IDOLS-03. You stupid don't give it to Brenna she'll get ick all over it.
Giddeon "Story teller" McKinney - "Change is gon come". God don't talk you're annoying. N dun imitate Simon you suck at it. Oh yeah you're that stupid who doesn't even know you're song name. God you've got the biggest mouth in the world. YOU SOUND LIKE A 5 YEAR OLD. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Oh Giddeon. God this song is the worst now I hate you even more. You're just so ugly. Stop trying to do dad movements. I would not have stood up. Close your mouth I dun need to see your tonsils. What about Sam the Onion man. Sorry. Randy said the beginning sucked but not the end. How about all of it. Paula says he's unique different smart. What about ugly. Simon says that he is a funny looking thing. Yeah he is quite ugly thanks Simon. He said Randy was right. Oh crud I ran out of tape. Ummmmm I need to record this for bubs. Please put adverts on. 1-866-IDOLS-04. Dun smile Gideon.
Break. Oh I need a tape god. Auditions. GOD STUPID TAPE!!! Come on rewind. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on rewind faster it's like on.
Kevin Covais - "I heard it through the grapevine". Lol you cannot be serious. ahahaha they felt safe around you. Yeah I'd probably be one of them. AHAHAHAAHHA 13 YEAR OLDS. Sorry. AHAHAHAH SEX SYMBOL. Omg Kevin seriously. OMG HE WINKED! Lol he's so funny. Yeah they think you're 5 Kevin. Randy was like YO MAN something something. Paula is like awwww omg crap. Lol no way!!! I know he's got the best performance. Well John Stevens' are the best. Lol Simon what is lalaland. K dun be mean to my Kevin even though he's not one of the 4 eekina guys. OMG HE'S CHICKEN LITTLE. Lol Paris. Oooh chicken large rawr. K Rebecca you're gross. 1-866-IDOLS-05. God Kevin is always five.
Break. Oooh Sway next wow.
Back. Oh wow get back in time for Sway.
Sway Penala - "Overjoyed" by Stevie Wonder. Yeah if you mess that up I'll kick yours. Yeah last week you sucked. That was cool. I was into it. Lol. Randy said not as good as last week. Um last week sucked. Paula said tonight he was disconnected. What. Simon was like it was karaoke. 1-866-IDOLS-06.
Will Makar - "Lady" by Kenny Rogers. EEkina omg dun look at me like that I'll like die. Seriously. Stop. Like I'm gonna die seriously. K that was kinda ugly. Now stop. I have permission to go out with you now stop looking like that at me. Judges were like that was so eekina. 1-866-IDOLS-07.
Bucky Covington - Something by Garth Brooks. What did you even just say about chicken and something losing weight something. Like a Kid Rock. You eat straw. Judges said something. 1-866-IDOLS-08.
David Radford - "The way you look tonight" by Frank Sinatra. The lil' eekina David is back not like some Elvis like last week. N the judges were like that was bad n he was like a stone face like omg I hate you guys. 1-866-IDOLS-09.
Chris Daughtry - "Hemorrhage" by Fuel. Omg. Like he was so good. I could die. I like cried omgina. Lil' Chris!! My lil' Chris who I always loved n peeps were like noooo but now they're like gom Chrisdina eekina! N the judges were like omgina. 1-866-IDOLS-10.
Recap. God you dad.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Posted by Rebecca at 8:58 PM
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