Top 20 Results: Another 4 go home
Look at all those peeps. Wow that dad didn't do his dad movements to the camera for once.
I'm good Ryan. Hi Ryan. Thanks Ryan. I know your name Ryan. You're welcome Ryan.
Sweet Carrie Underwood will be there I forgot about that!!
42 million votes yo. Sweet.
No the panel advice sucks. No offense judginas.
Dude now they are singing "Love the one you're with".
Sup Melissa. And Heather. Ugh Brenna please die. Hey it's Paris. Lisa. Ayla. K show some guys seriously. Katherine. Um this song is kinda gross. Or maybe I am. Either way. Lol Kevin. Why are those peeps up there with the dad. Kellie!! Kinnik ugh. No one likes you. Except for that loser on IDF who's a loser and likes losers. Jeez Mandisa I like you a little but NEVER wear that again we don't need to see your like 10 inch wide arms.
Yes they do.
Lil' recaps.
God Ace you SUCKED. Yeah show the one good part. So did you Heather. Eekina William!!!! I love you Kellie!! K Brenna go to hell. Sorry but I hate you. Yeah hopefully so. Katherine. Hey Sway was awesome shut up. Yeah Kinnik you suck and you're ugly. Lol Bucky. N Melissa you're just lame. God Taylor you're such a dad. David eekina!! That was a really average dad. Sorry. Dun be mean to David. Yeah well Ayla's lame and a robot and probably a snob too. Elliot I love you. Lol Moonie's Ruth Of Love. Paris. You look like a waiter. Gedeon is a RETARD. Lisa is boring. I don't think you're gonna make it either Lise. Lol Kevin!!! He's like yes I know. Yes Mandisa that was awesome!! AND CHRIS OMG HOLY CRAP DUN MAKE ME CRY AGAIN!!! That's not true Simon. But that is. Pfft Ryan yes he does you loser.
CARRIE UNDERWOOD OMG PLEASE SING SOME HEARTS THAT'S LIKE MY FAVE SONG!!! Sup Carrie what's up. Hey babe. I haven't seen her in like forever. Look it's Kellie's twin. Lol. Oh you suck Carrie dun do that song. Wow country singles chart no one cares sorry hun. Your hair's like a beehive. Something to do with a car crash. Um I dun think that opening in your shirt should be right THERE seriously that's a lil' too obvious Carrie. K wow I stopped listening and somehow my thoughts lead to the prom and something to do with the back of a car. Don't ask.
Break. That movie doesn't actually seem that sucky. Don't tell Sarah I said that. 1 2 3 whatever he said. Ohhhhhh the east route ahahahaha. Living on the b. What is this like deedeedeedee. Do they. K what is with that like new spokesperson. No one cares about those. I can't believe it either. Lol Ben and Tanya. Why is someone with criminal convictions still in this country.
You better have them.
The girls.
What are you wearing Paris.
Lisa is safe. Ayla is safe god she like has no emotion. Katherine oh I heard Patrick I was like he went home already. Katherine is safe yeah Ayla see that's how to be happy you robot. Mandisa is safe. Kinnik is in the bottom 3 ahahahahah called it. Brenna sucks. And is in the bottom 3 ahahahha you suck loser. That's twice it's obvious no one likes you. Kellie!! Is safe. Called it even before he said it. Paris is safe also called it. Awww bff's. Heather and Melissa. Dun really care. Heather is in the bottom 3. This is like a repeat of last week except without Becky cuz she's gone. Why are you surprised Randy Kinnik sucks. AHAHAHAHHA BRENNA'S OUT YES!!!!!! YOU STUPID LOSER FINALLY AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh VFTW is gonna be pissed. Shut up Brenna go home. You have no fans isn't that evident right now. What your album of sucky crap that you'll never make. All you care about is money which you'll never have any of. Yeah true enough you are pretty bad. God I knew you were horrible but I didn't know you were THAT horrible. Don't say that. No one wants to dance with you. Good go home bye never gonna see you again die.
Break. God what is on my pants. Who even says in a it's ina god. AHAHAHA AN ONION CRIED k I'm over it. No Ryan Teresa is not home god. Lol casino. 8:31. Replacing your window is an area where you can really improve your home's efficiency. Yes I do love watching Corner Gas Monday's @ 8 on CTV thank you. Nooooooo no Jon Dore don't remind me now it's gonna suck and be normal.
Now it's between Kinnik and Heather. I'm betting on Kinnik. Hoping anyways. What Pizza and Salad. I dun even get it. N Heather's like not funny god. Simon says Heather. N he's right n Kinnik's like YES!!! Dun get that song in my head man. I sang this song one time. At like karaoke. You like can't help but sing it.
Break. I heard when I saw a little puke in the sink. Hey that happens to me. Ohhhh pink. Not ping. Well duh they're like there to meet guys. Yeah and like the old people of course you can't do anything. K lil' peep you said you'd be on @ 8:30. Ohhhhh. Last night I turned into a dog. I saw that preview like a year ago. Lol that old lady. Dun talk like that. Huggie's Clean Team. What is with this song. For like vodka. Smirnoff. Called it. Monday Degrassi god maybe I'll finally watch it this time. Yeah this is like a mix of like Sue Thomas n Ghost Whisperer n that other show. Smallvile. No scratch that.
For the guys it's on. K now I'm freaking out.
Bucky. Awwww Bucky. Is safe. Lil' Buck. Ace hey babe. God you sucked. Lol that was ARE...NOT. He's safe. Elliot. Oh it is Moody's mood. You did do okay hun you were great. He's safe. Yeah no duh Ryan. Sway. Is in the bottom 3. Hey dun do that. Dad. Lol Dad is like nope dun ask me this stupid questions just tell me. N he's safe. David eekina omg no he's in the bottom 3. My eekina guy. Hey Chris I love you. He's safe thank god. That's 2 eekina guys down. Gedeon. God his smile. Dun be so complacent. Even if you are safe. Between Kevin and Will. NOOOOOOOOO DUN DO THIS TO ME!!! If you stick 2 eekina guys in there I'll kick you. Hey Kev. Kevin is in the bottom 3. K. So that's 1 eekina guy. And 1 guy who is awesome. NOOOOOOOOOOOO. Oh my god. No. David went home. An eekina guy no. You can't get rid of an eekina guy. No I'm dying how could you do that. And he sings out oh my god I can't watch this show anymore. I'm crying so much god it's David Radford. Who doesn't vote for him everyone loves him.
Break. Still crying a lot.
Between Kevin and Sway. What a fortune cookie. Sway is out. Thank god Kevin is safe.If he had went home I would have DIED even more. But poor Sway. You didn't deserve to go home hun. Awww his lil' mommy.
Ohhhh Ryan no memories I'll cry.
K is Bad Day the official AI theme song now or something.
Omg VFTW lost both their contestants tonight I dun think that was a coincidence.
Ugh danm show.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Posted by Rebecca at 8:00 PM
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