Sunday, April 04, 2004

I'm on Idolforums trying to explain to some idiot how to use online textmessaging to vote for John Stevens if you're in Canada, doing my Science homework with my books on the desk and the keyboard leaning against the screen and sometimes on top of my book, listening to music, and writing this. Now, if that's not multi-tasking, I don't know what is. Oh, and I'm also drinking coke. Mmm, coke. I'm listening to Matt Rogers "Hard to handle", from Soul Week. Haha, Matt. Stupid Americans, not voting for Matt. He acted really calm when he got voted off but I bet when he got home he was like kicking everything and being like "DAAAAAMMMMNNNNN!!!!!" Haha, I'm so hillarious. Shut up. No seriously, if you want to see something hillarious, go to and watch Jaded's interviews with George Huff, JPL, and John Stevens. "I am fast like a wombat", and John is like "What the hell?". Shut up.

I'm almost done my procedures for the science experiments. Ah crap, then I have to do the freaking observations. What the hell are you supposed to observe when a walnut is burning? It burned, damn it!! Damn, now my stomache hurts. Freaking ice cubes. Now I'm listening to Jennifer Hudson "No one else on earth". Freaking people, put her in the bottom 2 again why don't you. I use the word freaking too much.

Freak, it's cold. Sweater. Pillow. Ah, cat mouse sheep. Right. Shut up. Yeah, so I didn't make the talent show thing, but I don't really care, I didn't really expect to and besides the school dance is next week so I'll just do karaoke again. I'll probably sing "Hopelessly Devoted to you" like I did last year at Claremont. God, I sucked then. And did anyone tell me? Nope, they just let me keep sucking like a freak. Clams are delish, whoo! Right. SHUT UP. I say shut up too much.

Who the hell is whistling? Oh right, the birds. I had this messed up dream about Calum last night, and he was acting like my brother, and I was trying to ask him a question and he was like "Nope, nope not listening, sorry, nope", which is exactly what my brother does.

Whoa, I almost just wrote shut up on my observations, holy crap. The theme for the dance next week is Ha-wa-en, so I'm going to wear a flower in my hair like Jasmine does. Right ear, so that people know I'm single. SHUT the hell UP! Well, actually, I don't know if I am. Jordan called me last Friday to tell me he hated me and to piss off, but then he said if I did what he wanted, he'd like me again. Those things were basically don't talk to certain people, don't talk about him, don't talk to him, don't be loud, blah blah blah vote-cakes. I think I messed up, but whatever. I'm actually starting to like Jasmine, I don't know why. Maybe it's the way she says Ha-wa-ee like a Ha-wa-en, with the exception of Camile, but Camile's a loser, so.

Now I'm listening to Katie Webber "So Emotional". This is like the only song I'm good at singing, aside from Crazy. Britney freaks out whenever I sing Crazy, she says it was made for me. Right. I wonder if I'd be getting my homework done any faster if I wasn't on here? Probably not. Now I'm listening to Jennifer Hudson "Baby, I love you". I love Jennifer, even though I called her a freak when she was chosen to come back. I seem to remember liking her in the original auditions in like, San Fransisco or Houston or wherever she came from. Oh wait, it was Atlanta, duh.

Now I'm listening to Kimberly Locke "8th world wonder", which is number one on the billboard charts. Oh well, at least someone from Season 2 aside from Clay is doing good. I remember when Jordan said I acted like he was the 8th world wonder or something. And then I didn't get it and he was like "No one ever gets my jokes and then they're not funny!!" Yay, done my observations!! They're really crappy, but oh well. Um, this thing is being really weird. Wait, never mind, it's all good. Shut up, Rebecca. What the hell it's messing up again. Whatever.

Now in the John thread at Idolforums, we're all talking about our John dreams. We're so nice over there!!! Especially the John and JPL fans!! I'm Merrill over there, so if you want to look at some of my retarded posts, go and look. Not that you would or anything, but shut up anyway. Damn, I just wrote "hydrocabon" instead of "hydrocarbon". What the hell is a hydrocabon? What the freak is wrong with this thing? It keeps going down another line after I write one word and then the word gets transferred up to the previous line. Whoa, someone's scientific. Shut up. No, you shut up. I'm not using very many italics in this post because I can't be bothered, I only do it with American Idol recaps.

Did you know that oil is a hydrocarbon, and that carbon has lots of energy? You don't care either, do you? Neither do I. I just wrote "Walnut oil is very powerful to start fires, and has more energy than sugar". Is very powerful to start fires? You can't say that! Whatever. Whoops, I almost just wrote Calum instead of Calium. I do that a lot, it's getting annoying. Then don't do it. I'll do it if I want to. Fine, be a loser. Fine, don't shut up. CHA!!!! It says to give examples of fossil fuels. What the hell is a fossil fuel? OH yeah, like coal and diesel oil and gas and propane and alcohol. Mmm, alcohol. Thank John Stevens I pay attentions in class. Whoo, walnuts are delish! I think. Except for those ones that have almonds in them, those are just sickening. What the hell is gas propane? No, gas, propane. That's it. Haha, Hank Hill. So yesterday we went up to Fisgard Lighthill in Juan de Fuca and it was just like Newfoundland with the freezing wind and the rocks and water and lighthouse and old war sites. I felt like I was in Newfoundland. Oh yeah, Jenny Gear!! I so have to go back there.

YES!! I'm finally done this crappy science. My conclusion is like 6 paragraphs long, I better get a good mark. Wait, I ALWAYS get good marks in Science. Oh yeah, go me!! Oh damn, now I have to do a stupid diagram of the four experiments. I'll do that later. No, you'll do it now. Fine then, be like that. Fine then, I will. Yay, my stomache doesn't hurt anymore!! That's nice to know. Yes, it is. I shouldn't be here. I should be like, out on Broadway somewhere. Whoo, Broadway is delish!! You don't EAT broadway, dumbass! Yes you do. No, you don't. Get a life. No, YOU get a life, freak.

I am almost done my diagram. It's crappy, but hey, all I did was get an A in Art. I don't know how. Mr.Butterfield said I had "Amazing potential". Right. My people look like computers. I have no idea where that came from. Haha, I just realized that today is 04/04/04. That is so cool, I just wrote that down on my paper. Crap, now I have to colour. Where the hell is my red? Where the hell did you put it? Um, if I knew that, I wouldn't be looking for. Yeah well, you're dumb. Oh, I'M dumb? Yup, that's right, you're dumb.

YES!! I am finally freaking done everything!! My diagram is actually pretty good. Now I'll watch Casper meets Wendy. Only because it has Hilary Duff in it. Hilary Duff is on YTV all of this week. Well actually, it was all of last week, and it's ending today. At 7 there's her interview on Hit List, and at 9 there's her interview on Girlz TV. Ooh, and on April 11th Clay Aiken will be on the Hit List at 9:30 for Part 1 of his interview with Danielle, and on the 18th is part two, I'm not sure what time it's on, I'll check the site later to see, Haha, wake up and smell the coffin, that's what one of the ghosts just said on Casper Meets Wendy. Whoa, I type fast. Damn, adverts. Maybe I'll like, make a waffle or something. I have to go to the library downtown at some point to get Lemony Snicket's tenth book "The slippery slope" to see if Sunny dies and to see who survived the fire.

I think this is my longest post ever. I have to put the Narrator on to hear him read it, that will be so funny. Whoa, someone on TV is like, sick. Right. I hope it lets me post because if it doesn't, I'm going to be like, pissed. Whoa, someone's obsessed with like, ponies. Oh crap, I just realized that the pillow I've been holding this whole time had cat fur all over it and I'm wearing black. Damn. Haha, you suck. Shut up. Mmm, waffle.