We spent 2 hours typing and then the internet got messed up and we lost the blog! Bugger. We had like so freaking much. About dancing. And chair breaking. And Ryan Cabrera! AND OUR CHRISTMUKKAH SONG!! And boiled egg burps!! And profile links!!! And me in the bathroom!! Wait, scratch that.
This was our Christmukkah song:
On the first day of Christmukkah we went to Rebecca's house
And we added Luke to MSN!!
On the second day of Christmukkah we went to Stephanie's house
Got grossed out by Shane
And we added Luke to MSN!!
On the third day of Christmukkah we went to Sarah's house (giyse)
Looked at Jordan's profile
Got grossed out by Shane
And we added Luke to MSN!!
And these were our links:
My updated MSN profile (with all this stuff about Paul on it): http://members.msn.com/default.msnw?mpp=4263~5AAoAAAAACZOKdUx3WWdEKNA!VQcz0ZsDdwspbjJVT5lnZhAwVYKKMHg$$~5AApAAAAAGJM3UCinyAY8Vb3fiJszBQWrnOFGaS75PZJo$
Sarah's updated profile (with lots of weird stuff on it like Allard): http://members.msn.com/default.msnw?mpp=4263~5AAAAiAAACPY8EeeiQjg6J5MoYDisZAa520xpzmC5VVlBBepLFu9!FKA$$~5AAAAjAAAEvRqr3SHQ8ibfsDmoXyk4nOHI7SEjNX2U2fk$
Oh crap I forgot to go see the Daily Enlightenment for today. I think I will now: http://www.buddhanet.net/flash/the-daily-enlightenment/index.html
December 30th: Complacency
It is terrifying to think that one is advanced in spiritual cultivation when all the peace that one is experiencing might be due to the external peacefulness around. One might be deluded to believe he is well on the Middle Path, steadily advancing towards Enlightenment.
All that one might be experiencing might be the ripening fruits of positive karma. This might lead to spiritual complacency as one rests on one's laurels. In the mean time, one's good karma drains out. This is like experiencing gods' lives in this human life. Once the good karma is depleted, the latent ill karma might surface.
After the heavenly holiday, even the gods can fall - and all "hell" might break loose.
Are you a "god" now? Be careful!
That is awesome. I got a book on the 28th called "The way to Buddhahood" which I saw when I was getting out my first Buddha books a month ago but I knew I wasn't ready for that, but I've read so much and having begun to understand what it's like to be a Boddhisattva, and what the Dharma is really like. So I've read a lot through it, but I still have so much to learn and practice.
And now I'm downloading Evanescence songs and searching for Growing Up Gotti Merchandise on www.aetv.com because it's my favourite show aside from RFR. The new season starts January 10 at 10/9c. I seriously can't wait, it's awesome. John Gotti is HOT!! Frankie is the nicest though, although he gets so POed over nothing sometimes. Carmine is kind of boring. Him and John look just like each other, but if you choose your favourite you can learn to tell the difference: Carmine is the model-type, he has like perfect skin and his hair is more slick while John's is kind of messy, and Carmine's face is shiny. John's eyebrows are a lot darker, the highlights in his hair are lighter and when he gets mad he puts his shoulders up a lot. Lol it's like 5:17am and I haven't slept at all, Sarah's asleep on the couch and I'm listening to Jacob Hoggard. I'm also downloading Ryan Cabrera songs, he rocks.
I got wincklepickers yesterday. They're these really short white boots that are really pointed at the front and have a 3 inch heel. They rock and they look so funky. My sister says that I'm trying to be Victoria Gotti. Beh. She has awesome style, though.
Now I'm on E-bay looking for Growing Up Gotti Shirts and listening to Ryan Cabrera "Lost again" he sounds like the guy from the Moffatts, who rock. Um they have like cheap stuff which is all in American. Like they have a John Gotti shirt which is awesome and not that expensive, but it doesn't say anything on it and the one with all 3 of them on it only ships to like American and Europe or something gay like that. But they have Gotti bracelets for only like $7 Canadian so that's good.
But now since it's like almost 6 I think I should post this. I'm not going to bed or anything, since I'm writing emails to people and downloading and listen to songs, but still. I might post later at like 8 or something when Sarah gets up. It doesn't get light for a while now. Alone in the dark with my music, just how I like it.
The MI5 Season 2 premiere is January 8th at 10/9c. That's another awesome show which me and my mom having been waiting a year and a half for it to start again, it was supposed to come out in September of grade 8 or something.
Friday, December 31, 2004
Posted by Rebecca at 5:58 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 26, 2004
So I went out with Jonathan on the 19th, and it was good. He thinks he's Chandler Bing. And he is seriously the sickest person ever. He's in Whistler now till January 3rd, and then he goes back to England on the 4th. He left on the 20th. Here's a picture of us two that my mom took just before we went back to our rock for 2 hours: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v187/JennifuhHudson/BeccaJ-Boy2copy.jpg
And here's a picture of our rock: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v187/JennifuhHudson/BeccaJ-Boy3.jpg (my mom was in the car at that point so it was kind of hard to take, that's why it's blurry)
Things are kind of messed up between us now, because while we were out last week we realized that this really never is going to work (because he lives in England), and then I told him that I loved him, and then he said it back when he wasn't even sure if he meant it or not, so now we both decided that we need time to think about whether we should even bother or not, because he's not sure what he thinks anymore.
When I phoned him on the 20th and he told me he still needed time, I told him it was fine, but I got upset afterwards because now I'm not going to be able to talk to him for two weeks, and I started thinking right away that it was over, and then I started picturing him with someone else and I started crying and I couldn't stop.
But now I realize that he never even said that he might not care, he just said that he needed time to think, which I also need. Another thing is that he also said was that he wasn't sure if he was ready for a relationship because he's never had one before, and I thought about that as well, and this is what I think: Obviously someone has to make him ready, and I won't let it be anyone else but me. Nobody else is going to get to kiss him before I do, or hold him like I did last week, and if any other girl even touches him I'll seriously kill her. He is mine and he will always be mine, no matter where the hell he lives.
He doesn't even have to tell me that he loves me, just knowing that he cares in the slightest is enough to make me feel lucky. And I'm not desperate or possessive either, I'm just smart enough to know that when something good comes along you shouldn't let it go, which is why I won't let him go. Not after everything that we have been through. I understand that he may not feel that much right now, but I will wait forever for him to say those words to me, just like I waited 3 entire months to see him again.
It's hard, but I can do it, and I know he can too. It's only another year before he moves here to go to University. He seems to think that I expect so much of him, but I don't. I'm not a hard person to please, honestly. Last week while I was leaning against him he put his arm around me and started stroking my hair, and then he leaned his head against mine, and I can't even being >to explain how that makes me feel.
He says that he wants me to be happy, and he seems to think that he can't make me happy, when he's the only thing that DOES make me happy. I get upset really easily, and anytime anything got messed up at school or anything, the mere memory of him kept me going. He also thinks he's not good enough for me, when he's the best thing that I've ever had, and like I said before, just the thought of him leaving forever kills me. It actually feels like it's cutting me inside.
The prospect of him going to University here depends on whether he gets funding from his grandfather, and if he doesn't, then he's never coming back because he'll be too busy...so if we do keep it going, the entire relationship relies on him getting funding. But I think that we should just keep it going and see what happens...he's got another year at school, so we can just keep it how it is now and then if it doesn't work out, then at least we tried.
But the main thing that should keep us going is hope, even if it's just a tiny ray and may not happen...if he DID come here, everything would be fine. And he's a really optimistic person, so I don't understand why he can't do this...unless he just doesn't want me to get hurt...but I WANT to do this. I want to tell him this, but I want to say it in a really sweet and caring way, not like I'm DEMANDING him to stay with me...and I'm so upset right now I don't know how.
This is what my friend Meg in Toronto says to say: "Johnny...I have to tell you somthing... we need to have a serious discussion here, you're such an amazingly optimistic person about practically everything...which I adore about you so much! But I get this feeling you're not the most optimistic about keeping this going...and I just want to know why. I'm willing to give it all I have, and I need to know if you want this, or not. Even if it breaks my heart, just tell me the truth I need to know how YOU feel and what YOU want...I already know what I feel and what I want."
I think that's good, and I've got some other stuff planned too, and I know that he'll have something to say when he comes back, so all I have to do is work what I say around that so that we both get our opinions stated. If I do it right, I know we can make it.
For Christmas I got Kalan's CD, Elton John's Greatest Hits, and my sister's friend burned me an Evanescence CD, and my sister gave me a CD of all Canadian songs that she got from her workplace, which has people like Celine Dion, Our Lady Peace, Chantel Kreviazuk (sp?), and Tal Bachman on it. My brother got me black fake hair, which is awesome, green chopsticks, which will go great with my black ones, a bracelet with a heart on it, and a studded grey wristband, which is freaking awesome. I also got perfume, concealer in the shape of lipstick, liquid eyeshadow, a brush, clip-on earings (I don't have pierced ears)a charm bracelet, a purse, the 5th Lemony Snicket book from my sister, which is the only one I don't have (I've read them all). Silk pj's, a long jean skirt, and a long sleeved shirt with string tie up at the front from my sister, and a discman from my sister (which is awesome because my old one broke a long time ago, probably from me playing Billy Klippert like 10 times a day and at night, I just hope I don't play Kalan too much on this one!) and candy!! And socks. So that's awesome. I also got $50 from my grandparents who are coming on the 29th, so now me and my mom are going to Wal-Mart to look for boots for when I go to school so I can be all punk freak with all my new punk freak stuff.
Posted by Rebecca at 5:58 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 18, 2004
So, I just talked to Jonathan at like 10:30am, but he could only talk for like 10 minutes because he was going out, but it was still allright. I was like "Hi" and he was like "Hi, I just got back last night and I was like "Yes I know that" and then he was like "I'm tired" and I was like "You're ALWAYS tired!" and he's like "Yup!" and then I was like "I'm tired too, I just woke up like 5 minutes ago and I was like crap where's the phone and then I couldn't find the phone and then it was in my brother's room so I like had to go upstairs and just like...mneh" and he was like "Oh...kay...then?" and so then I was like "So...how are things with you?" and he's like "They're good...and how are things with you, how's your new school?" and I was just like "It's good...like some of it is not good, but most of it does...but does it really matter? Wait, I have no idea what I'm saying, never mind". and then I was like "Because you don't care." and he's like "I care!" and I was like "No you don't!" and he was like "Fine then, I don't care!" and I was like "Oh my god that's so mean! You know, I actually believe you when you say that." and he's like "Fine then, believe me!" and I was like "Fine then, I won't!" and he was like "What was that?" and I was like "See, you don't even listen to me!" and he was like "I listen, I just can't find my wallet right now." and I was like "Oh, wow" and he was like "Oh, there it is. Yeah, it has $200 in it, so I think I might have been a little worried" and I was like "You are SUCH a rich snob!" and he was like "No I'm not! That's like 60 cheques, so it's like nothing, I only get 3 pounds/hour." and I was like "For doing what?" and he was like "Babysitting. So that's like 6 dollars." and I was like "Sucker." and he was like "You're right!" and then he said about how he had to go and I was like "So, what do you want me to do?" and he was like "Call me again, sometime in the future, nearly..." and I knew he was being dumb so I was like "So I will see you?" and he was like "Yeah, sometime in the future, nearly, I'm not saying within the next 6 years, but you know, probably sometime..." and I was like "Are you being sarcastic?" and he was like "Yes, of course!" and I was like "Well, I don't know!" and he's like "Why not?" and I was like "I don't know! It seems like I don't even know you anymore!" and he was like "Yeah, that happens in life." and I was like "So you think it's true?" and he was like "Do I think what's true?" and I was like "Never MIND!!" and he was like "No, repeat what you said, please" and I was like "Well, I said about how it seems like I don't even know you anymore, and then you said something - " and he was like "See, you don't listen to me either!" and I was like "That's because I don't need to." and he's like "Oh, and why not?" and I was like "Because you just say the same things over and over again." and he was like "No I don't" and I was like "Yes you do" and he was like "No I don't!" and I was like "Yes you do!" and then it went on like that. And then I was like "Can I ask you something?" and he was like "Sure." so then I was like "Did you miss me?" and he was like "Of course!" and I was like "Are you sure?" and he was like "Yes, of course I'm sure." and then he seriously had to go so he was like "So, I'll see you later?" and I was like "Yes." and he was like "Excellent." and then so we stopped talking.
The conversation was allright, I guess, a little shorter than I expected. He didn't seem that interested in talking, but he's probably just busy and tired. I'm not going to go thinking like really that he doesn't care, because as a Buddhist it's my nature to be an optimist, so. I'll call him at like 5 or something, because he left at like 10:45.
Posted by Rebecca at 11:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 17, 2004
I am so bored, la la la la la...school is out, and it's finally the 17th. If my calculations are correct, Jonathan got on the plane at 8:40am our time, which is 4:40pm his time, and it's now 6:00pm our time, which is 9 hours and 20 minutes after he left, and the flight is only 9 hours, and then he has to drive back from Sydney Airport, which takes about half an hour depending on how fast you drive, so he should be here in about 10 minutes. And I don't expect him to call me right when he gets in, so I probably won't talk to him for another hour or so, or maybe even tomorrow depending on how tired he is, which I expect him to be, because after you get off a 9 hour flight from like 20,000 miles away the time difference is totally messed up because you think it's like 3am (well actually, right now it would be 2:03am there, but whatever) and it's actually like 6pm so you're all jet-lagged. Ahaha Ryan Malcolm, and Gary Beals is still in Vegas. Sorry.
Posted by Rebecca at 6:04 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Updated Wouter site with songs and relationship news about Wouter and another Idol contestant. And other awesome stuff.
Claremont Idol is tomorrow and I'm singing "Imaginary" by Evanescence. I only just got the karaoke yesterday, but I think I'll be okay. I still have a lot to do tonight: I have to wash my hair, then dry it, and then put in it curlers for tomorrow, and then put my karaoke on a CD. Oh, I forgot say, I dyed my hair black on the 6th and got an Evanescence shirt, so now I'm Amy Lee. I rock. I'm not like gothic or anything, but people think I am because I wear black a lot, but that's just because it's a nice colour and it's mostly what I have. I also wear pink sometimes too. And blue.
I'm wearing my blue lacy skirt thing with my tights, and Sarah's letting me wear her fur boots, which are awesome. I'm not sure what shirt I'm wearing. Probably my sparkly white one, because my Evanescence one doesn't go with the rest of the outfit, plus I'm wearing it right now.
Sarah made me a sign for the show tomorrow. It rocks. It has all these inside jokes on it that everyone will be like the h is this.
The bottom is supposed to say BM but she's gonna change that. It rocks. Lol, yeah like Reynolds. Sorry. I think Stephanie's going to put BAM Spice Weasel on it tomorrow. Sarah got me a mini-book about Meditating for Christmas, it rocks. I'm Buddhist now. OH MY GOD CLAY AIKEN 2005 CALENDAR SOOOOOO HOT EEEEK. He has that CFM look in every picture. You'd have to go to the DLI forum on IDF to know what that means.
But I'm gonna go now because RFR is on in 5 minutes and I still have other stuff to do, I'm so glad I don't have any other homework. I'm going through my MSN history with Sandy and I'm reading about Jonathan.
Posted by Rebecca at 7:25 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 13, 2004
I'm using this as a temporary hosting site for the Belgian Idol mp3's until my Wouter site gets back up because it's down right now and I need to put the songs from last night up because they're being requested, so here's what you do:
Go here: http://gmail.google.com/gmail if it takes you to the main page, the login name is idool2004 and the password is ilovelaura. All the songs are there, so just help yourself and remember to go to IDF (if you're a member) and thank purplerain for hosting them there, if it weren't for her I wouldn't have the mp3's up every week!
4 days.
Posted by Rebecca at 6:12 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 12, 2004
Updated Wouter site with the winner's name and pictures and stuff. I know I'm supposed to be doing my homework right now but it'll only take me a little while and plus it's gay. Okay well it's not gay, but I just felt like saying that. I'll start it at 8:30pm.
I was going to talk about Jonathan, but now it's like 20 to nine and I have two poems to write, but maybe I'll just type them up/write them while typing. I love Jonathan.
Okay, i'ts now 10:33pm, I finished all my homework about half an hour ago, so now I've got half an hour to listen to Guy Sebastian and study Buddhism at www.buddhanet.net. Ahaha man walks on moon. Sorry.
Posted by Rebecca at 10:52 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 03, 2004
So I phoned Jonathan's grandparents on December 1st, and they said that he was definitely coming back, so I gave them my new phone number.
He's coming on the 17th. EEK that's only 14 days. Eek 2 weeks. That's when we get off from school. And that's when Lemony Snicket's movie "A series of unfortunate events" comes out! I am SO seeing that! I meant to see it on the day it comes out but my sister's working that day so we're seeing it on the 18th, so that's good. Unless he wants to do something on that day. In which case it won't be. He always comes when I'm doing something! This is probably more important though, I mean like it's my boyfriend that I haven't seen in like 3 months. Over 3 months. And by the time it gets to the 17th it'll be almost 4 months. I am SO making him write to me next time. Stupid Jonathan. Sweet Jonathan. I love him.
They're having another Claremont Idol. The auditions are till next week. I want to audition, but I have to wait till I'm not sick because I'll sound crappy otherwise. Even though I already do. It'll just make it worse. If that's possible. I'm trying decide between Evanescence "October" "Imaginary" "Tourniquet" and "I must be dreaming" and maybe "Give unto me" but I don't think so. And also maybe "Even in death". This is what I've worked out so far:
October - Probably the best song but it makes me cry because of Jordan.
Imaginary - Second best to October but it gets a little too loud at partsIt and I dont' want to blow my voice.
Tourniquet - A good song but not one of my favourites and it just sounds okay, plus it doesn't mean that much to me.
I must be dreaming - Another song that gets too loud, but it's allright.
Even in death - I'd put this right below Imaginary, it's an awesome song.
So this is what I've narrowed it down to:
Even in death
I just downloaded Harry Potter 3 and me and my mom are going to watch it at 10 but she's watching TV right now and I have to phone Calum and read my Buddha book and medidate and listen to Evanescence in my room.
Posted by Rebecca at 9:08 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Happy late birthday Clay Aiken!! Yesterday he turned 26 but I remember only when I went to bed so I didn't have time.
December 8, 8/7c, NBC, Clay Aiken Christmas.
Posted by Rebecca at 5:36 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 29, 2004
EEK Evanescence rocks. Sorry. I updated my Wouter site with the song choices for next week and pictures. www.xanga.com/Merrill1345.
Posted by Rebecca at 5:27 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 28, 2004
Updated Wouter site with picture and HUGE review of tonight's show. And results. And stuff. www.xanga.com/Merrill1345
My nephew Gavin is sitting on my lap right now while we're listening to Evanescence "I must be dreaming".
But now I have to go do Math and French and I love Jonathan and Vote Wouter.
Posted by Rebecca at 8:36 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 26, 2004
I'm on MSN sending someone Guy songs right now. I voted for him in their hottest Idol guy poll on Idolforums.com, and they said they liked Guy at World Idol and wanted to hear more, and I have probably have the most Guy Sebastian songs a Canadian fan could have along with videos, so I invited her to add me to MSN. So far I've sent the songs "Anthem of why" and "I wish" which are the best on his new album. I'm listening to "Wait" which is another amazing song. She said he sounds like Terrance Trent D'arby. Who now? Beh.
GUY WAS AT THE FINALE!! They were singing some freak slow version of "Waltzing Matilda" which was started off by Ricki-Lee and Angie Narayan, and then suddenly the judges stood up and clapped and then Guy walked out and I screamed and almost started crying because I was so surprised and happy because I love him so much.
Now we're talking about what a loser Jonatan Cerrada is and she said she's never heard Thierry so I'm sending her a song of him because he's amazing too. Now I'm saying that Courtney should have won Australian Idol 2 because he's amazing too!!!
Now I'm listening to the Kjartan Salvesen song she sent me "Trust fate" he's the winner of Noweigan Idol 2. He sounds like Millsy from AUI1. He's really really good, better than Kurt.
I am waiting for Mr.Worthy to phone me back. I got a bunch of new clothes from Martha today. Hannah and Gavin are here. I'm not randoming, seriously. Slananananananana...boosh. Sorry.
We had a party today in French class for no reason, and after like 30minutes of listening to ACDC, who I want to kill, I put on Kalan Porter's "Born to be wild" and then stupid Liam Kelley turned it off saying that Kalan was "butchering the song" and I was like "I'm gonna butcher you, you retard!". So then I put it back on afterwards. Kalan ROCKS, kay?
Clay Aiken is going to host his own Christmas Special show on December 8th, 8/7c on NBC. WATCH IT!! He just got over a cold and sinus infection from his "Joyful Noise Tour" where he plays with a 24-piece Orchestra and tries to sing over it, which means that he strained his voice and needed medicine from the doctor for it and had to cancel about 4 of his tour dates. Silly Clay.
Ruben Studdard is in the hospital with pneumonia, which was caused from exhaustion, which put him in the hospital in the first place. He's going to be in there all week, because they're not sure how serious his condition is. He should give performing a rest, it's been hurting him for a while. He also had to cancel some of his performances at local schools in Alabama. Hope he gets better soon!
I updated my Wouter site. With the theme and song choices for this week. And pictures. The person I'm talking to just said she'd add me as an affilate on the front page. And I'm going to do the same. Now I'm listening to Kurt Nilsen "Before you leave". He wrote this song about his girl. That's sweet.
I just remembered the time me and Jonathan were at the rock and I was trying to tell him that I liked him and I kept like smacking the rock because I couldn't say it and he started laughing and was just like "You get embarrassed so easily, it's just...fun!"
And then when I was talking to him on August 19th at Martha's house and it was when we were talking about what person he was to me and I said I didn't want to say just in case he thought I was stupid and he was like "Well, it could already be two ways...1) I already think you're the stupidest person in the world and nothing you say or do could make you any stupider or 2) I don't think you're stupid and never will think you're stupid no matter what you do" and I was like "Yeah, there's that" and he's like "Well, it's the first one." that is so sweet! Only 4 days till December eek!
And then there was last time I talked to him on August 21st at Martha's house where I was saying about how he didn't like me and he said he did and I was like "Oh yeah, that's why you kept staring at that chinese GOTH girl when we were out together!" and he's like "I was just teasing you!" and I was like "Oh SURE you were!!" but seriously he would not stop staring at her it was so annoying he was like "I've never seen a chinese goth before. She was rather...intriuging, wasn't she?" but I do believe he was just kidding, he wouldn't do that.
I just finished watching Guy's finale video of "Angel's brought me here" after he won and he was like crying and Marcia was like crying and there were inside fireworks raining down and confetti everywhere it was way better than this year's finale. EEEK GUY. Sorry.
Maria Haukaas Storeng is amazing! I just got a bunch of songs from her from Sandy, the new girl I'm talking to on MSN from Idolforums.com. Maria's from Norway Idol.
I'm going to the store now so I'll just end with this: I love Jonathan and BM!
Posted by Rebecca at 9:17 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Casey won. I accidentally went on MSN today at Sarah's house and my Australian news box popped up so I was like oh crap. But I'm happy. I didn't think she would. I'm still going to watch the finale, though.
I'm just listening to Evanescence and working on my medieval triangle. It's where you write abracadabra so one letter disappears with each succeeding line till there is nothing left, and the misfortune around you will disappear just like the word. To make misfortune go away forever you have to throw it in a river, but as a believer in Buddism I think that part of life is suffering, so people shouldn't try to rid themselves completely of it, so I'm just trying to keep it away from me most of the time.
Oh thank god blogger doesn't let you close your page without asking you if you really want to or not. My computer was just messing up so I went to close kazaa and accidentally clicked on this but it asked me if I realy wanted to so I clicked no and I was like oh thank god blogger doesn't let you close your page without asking you if you really want to or not.
My computer is really really screwing up so I think I should just post this and ahahahahaha Born is gone.
Posted by Rebecca at 4:18 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Australian Idol Top 2 show: (shut up, it was actually worth watching)
Anthony - "Listen to your heart" the new Idol single. He was pretty good. There were no judges comments tonight.
Casey - "Take me as I am" it was a pretty good message song. It was like I am who I am and if you don't like it, go stuff it. That's actually what Casey said in her intro. They showed a throughout-the-competition video thing for both of them. Casey looked so awesome at the auditions the judges were like what the hell is this.
Anthony - "Walking away" by Craig Davids. Grrr. This is one of my favourite songs, and as usual, Crystal has to go and add some stupid parts that weren't even there, for like half the song! Plus he was like dancing around on the stool and it seemed like he was going to fall off!
Casey - "Hello" by Evanescence. Oh. My God. Serious, honestly...like whoa. I almost cried. It was just...oh my god. So beautiful. The high notes were just...wow. I wrote an apology to her in my planner today in French. Like it was in French class, and the message was in french. It said this: JE REGRET QUEL JE PARLE, CASEY. TU EST STUPIFIANTE ES TRES UNIQUE. TA CHANSON "HELLO" EST MAGNIFIQUE ES TRES TOUCHANTE. JE PLEURE QUAND JE VOIT TA REPRESENTATION. Wow, that rocks doesn't it? My french owns. Shut up!
Anthony Callea - "Glory of love". LOVE this song! He was really good. But the same as usual. Anthony has one of those unique voices where he can sing anything, but he can't sing anything. I'll leave you to figure it out.
Casey Donovan - "Listen to your heart". She put more emotion in it than A did, and she was awesome.
In the middle of the show James spat half a gummy snake into Mark's cup while he was talking and they all went hysterical and Marty Worrall was clapping.
At the end of the show they played rock paper scissors to see who would sing first at the finale. For the first 5 times they kept putting the same thing and Anthony was like "We planned this before the show!" but then finally Casey beat him with scissors to paper. And then just before the show closed James was like "So Australia, who is it gonna be...Casey or Courtney?" and then Casey was like WTH and Andrew was whispering "ANTHONY" and then it showed Anthony's face and he looked like how could you confuse me with that loser?!
The whole top 12 was in the audience, except Angie. Marty and Courtney were sitting right behind Dicko like loners, and the rest of them were farther up. I spotted Amali right away because of her huge mouth while she was cheering. Ricki-Lee was harder to see because she dyed her hair dark brown. And then I finally saw Chanel with her Mickey-Mouse-On-A-Bad-Acid-Thank-You-Very-Much-Mark-Holden hairstyle. I could see Hails beside them because of her blond hair, and then Dan and Dan were in front of them.
I hope Casey wins. For good reason this time. Only 5 days till the results. I have to download the finale because everyone's gonna be there and Sarah's going to come over and we're going to have a party and watch it even though she doesn't care. She said she'll come if it's full-screen. Beh.
Posted by Rebecca at 7:25 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 15, 2004
Updated Wouter site with song choice for this week and info about the main site videos. Updated yesterday with the results. www.xanga.com/Merrill1345
15 days. I'm listening to Wouter "Je Hoeft Niet Naar Huis Vannacht". Very loudly, too. Now Laura Ramaekers. She did awesome this week.
I was so bored in French class today because the class was playing some cheap game that I wasn't playing because it's cheap so this is what I wrote in my planner:
I love Courtney Murphy. Wouter de Clerck is hot. C'est un bunny day! Lalala bunny day. Go Casey Donovan. Ahaha Crystal. Shut it. Guy Sebastian eek. Mon nouveau guitare acoustique est Chanel Cole. Eek Johnny. Kalan est chaude. Stupid Usher. Diana D rocks. Randomness, much!
At the AMA's last night Usher won like every single award I hate him so much! He won the award that JOSH GROBAN should have got "Best male artist". Stupidhead. Kobe Bryant was booed. John Mayer's mic was messed. Anna Nicole Smith was drunk, and some woman tried to marry Clay and he was like get away freak.
That's all I have to say for today.
Posted by Rebecca at 5:33 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 12, 2004
Updated Wouter site. www.xanga.com/Merrill1345. There's extra information and stuff that I got today. And pictures.
EEEK so cute!
I got new pictures for my binders...two of Wouter, one of Courtney while he's sleeping, and one Ricki-Lee jumping on Courtney's back at the bowling alley.
18 days. Eeek.
Posted by Rebecca at 11:48 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 11, 2004
November 11, 12:28am [Happy Birthday Kalan Porter :)]
So tired. But so in love with Johnny. Oh crap, I did NOT just say that. I'm at Sarah's house. I was so hyper earlier, we have like 3 videos of me singing songs about him. Mainly about how I need him and how grateful I am to be with him and about how we're meant to be together and how I can't live without him. Jeez Rebecca, obsess much? It's less than a month till he comes back, and I am freaking out. It's just that I've missed him so much and I'll have so much to say that I won't be able to say anything at all. Just to be around him again is going to be so wonderful, I just hope I don't cry. I only when I see Courtney or Guy, so that would mean a lotI just hope he hasn't changed that much, he's got one of the best personalities I've ever known, honestly. He's probably still got that undescribable effect on me where he looks at me and it's just so totally, oh my god. He knows he does it, but I'm not sure if he knows why it has such an impression on me. It's his eyes, I know it. They're just so caring and gorgeous and so easy to get lost in. If I look into them enough, everything else disappears and I can see everything he feels but isn't brave enough to say. He also has this way of making everything better by just saying something sweet. It's the way he says it, I can always tell he means it by the soft and gentle way he speaks it. I can't even begin to say how that makes me feel. If he were to get me lost in his eyes until I couldn't think properly, then whisper something so sweet that I couldn't help but take his hand, and then kiss me, I don't even know what that would do to me, I'm not even sure if I could handle that! He just has a way of brining out the emotion that I don't want anyone to know about, and then he understands exactly where they come from because he feels the same way.
----------------------------END OF REBECCA'S LOVE LIFE--------------------------
I wrote that last night. The videos are hillarious, I'll upload them when I can. I got like 3 emails today from people in Belgium who saw my Wouter site and want to know how someone in Canada knows him, and one of them is the person my mom met yesterday who knows about me but obviously didn't know that was me. So that's cool. I updated the site yesterday and am going to today, with his song choice for next week. And other stuff.
Yes, I know that entry above was retarded, but I was thinking about him all last night! I can't help it. It's 19 days till December. 19 days. That's so close. EEK Johnny. Sorry. I just stapled that note thing into my Johnny scrapbook.
I've been writing since 5 but I never posted. I'm dumb.
Posted by Rebecca at 9:15 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Australian Idol Top 3 Show: 70's night:
Courtney Murphy - "Somebody to love" by Queen. He was amazing, especially the last high note. HE GOT A TOUCHDOWN!! I was so happy I almost cried.
Casey Donovan - "You're so vain". It was way too overexaggerated, she looked so ulgy! But it was funny at the end when Andrew asked her who it was about she was like "Honestly Andrew...you." and then so he's like "So it's over?" and she like pretended to turn away and cry and was like "Yup!" Ugh, she got a touchdown too.
Anthony Callea - "Hold the line" by Toto. It was good. He's so short! Lol he's like 5'1. I always noticed but this week it seemed even more noticable. The judges thought it was okay.
Courtney Murphy - "My love" by Paul McCartney. He was really good, but the song was a little cheap. The chorus was like "bahbahbahbah" seriously, it wasn't even words. The judges liked it too.
Casey Donovan - "Misty Blue." She was really amazing in this, but of course the judges didn't like it. She was better than R&B night, and that's saying a lot. That is such a good song.
Anthony Callea - "Bridge over troubled water" by Simon & Garfunkle. He was so cheap. Like I thought maybe it would be as good as Clay's, but it was really boring. He got a touchdown for it though. They all got touchdowns! Stupid Mark. Lol Marcia held up a sign that said "Shut up Mark" it was hillarious, and I hate Marcia.
First in the finale....
Second in the finale...
Yup, you guessed it. Crystal.
I should have known, but for some reason I thought that Courtney had a chance of getting to the final two, but now I remember that Australia's stupid. They vote out the best people (RICKI-LEE).
Okay, so this is the final two: The girl who's stayed exactly the same from the beginning, doesn't listen to criticism, totally forgot the words and got Ricki-Lee kicked out, and doesn't even care enough about winning the competition that she would ever *gasp* CHANGE something about herself!! Like OH my GOD, what a thing to ask!
And then the guy who's always known that he's going to win so he knows he doesn't NEED to change anything about himself to win.
But the man who has the biggest music appreciation and knowledge out of all of them? The man who listened to criticism and tried to do everything he could to be better so he could have more of a chance of winning because it actually MATTERED to him? No, he doesn't deserve to win. I already posted this on IDF.
Apparently when it was down to Anthony and Courtney, Court looked really sad because obviously he knew.
I'm not recapping next week, I'm not. I'm not even going to watch it, I don't care. I actually hope Casey wins, I really do, because then Australia will have a crappy Idol who's career goes nowhere and maybe then they'll know what a mistake they made. Coming in third is good though, Cosima has her own recording company and has a best-selling album. Neither of these two could follow up to Guy, though, nobody could.
13 minute recap, sweet.
Check out my new Wouter site at www.xanga.com/Merrill1345. It rocks. I love Wouter. EEK!
Posted by Rebecca at 6:26 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 07, 2004
Australian Idol Top 4: Big Band:
Anthony Callea - "Fever". I thought he was just okay, I couldn't pay that much attention because it was Halloween and I was getting ready to go out (the show only took 3 hours to download because I guess all the North Americans were busy) but the judges agreed with me.
Casey Donovan - "Why Don't You Do Right". She was just okay too, Ant was better. The judges liked her. Dicko said she needs to learn how to answer questions properly or else if she wins her CD will be called "You know" and he asked if they could make a deal about that and she's like "Meh..." and I was like what a loser she doesn't care what they say about her! And Dicko's like "No, I'm serious, this is a big issue that we NEED to sort out" so finally she agreed. She doesn't even want to win, she won't even change the slightest thing about herself, people aren't doing her a favour by voting for her anymore.
Hayley Jensen - "It had to be you". She sang it for her husband Tim who was in the audience. She was good, Jason was better, but still. The judges thought she was allright too.
Courtney Murphy - "For once in my life". I don't know how this got from a Motown song to a Big Band song, but whatever. Just like the others, he was just okay. That's an awesome song, but I prefer it in Motown.
Anthony Callea - "Route 66". This was AMAZING. Like seriously, whoa Crystal! He was one of the best in the second round. The judges loved it too.
Casey Donovan -"Come Fly With Me". She was absolutely horrible in this one. I didn't even remember what she sang because it was so horrific. Just...ugh.
Hayley Jensen - "Nature Boy". Seriously. Kalan's best song. Hayley was...interesting...with it. It was very good, but just very strange to watch. Mark said something about each line being the same with her or something, I don't know.
Courtney Murphy - "Don't get around much anymore". EEEK! He really brought it back in the second round, he was so my Courtney! HE GOT A TOUCHDOWN!!! His first ever from Mark!!! We were so happy! Me and Courtney, that is. And the best thing is: Casey didn't get one.
Results show:
Bottom 2:
Stupid Case-head. Ha she was in the bottom 2 AGAIN. Courtney was safe! I didn't read my mom's note till after school on Monday and it made no sense because it said Anthony and Courtney....NOT bottom 2 and then Hails and Case-head so I was like WHAT! And then it said out and a part of it was folded over and Hails' name was on the other side of the fold but I couldn't find it and then when I did I was like DAMN IT!! And I was like "Stupid Australian Idol..."
Sorry my recap took so long to get up, but on Monday I was with Allard, Tuesday I was with Allard, Wednesday I was at work from 9-5 boxing bread crumbs and cleaning windows (don't ask) Thursday I was with Allard, and Friday and Saturday I was filming "La revenge du la phantom lapin" (don't ask, I was the bunny). So in other words, today was really the only day I could do it.
So anway, here's what they sang last night, but the show's not up for downloading yet:
Casey - You're so vain (as much as I hate her, this might be a good song for her)
Misty Blue (beh, whatever that is)
Anthony - Hold the line (might know)
Bridge Over Troubled Water (don't know WHAT he's thinking, that was practically Clay's winning song from AI2, he'll be killed)
Courtney - My love (beh?)
Somebody to love (Ahahaha the ogre song from Ella Enchanted)
So I'll put the recap up as soon as I see the show. And BTW (no, not Crystal) only 23 days till my baby comes back! I'm talking about Jonathan, duh. I have to phone his grandparents at the beginning of December because I have no phone so he won't be able to phone me when he comes back. Like I have a phone, but people can't phone it. Because it's Teresa and Trevor's. But if it's important (which obviously this is) then I can give it to people, so I guess that's what I'll do. I still have about 3 weeks to decide though, I don't need to phone them like RIGHT on December 1st, probably like the 5th or something. But EEEEK it's so close to him being home! I really have missed him so much. But no, Johnny's my boyfriend and that's all there is to it.
I'm drinking a mixture of Coke and Dr.Buzz and it actually tastes really good. Crap. My cat just threw up on the floor so I had to spend forever cleaning it up. Okay, I'm good now. I'm listening to KIL "Rock slide". KIL is Kovered in Lies, Billy Klippert's old band. I miss them. Stupid Billy. I was listening to his CD the other day, it's my favourite. When my discman worked I used to listen to it every day, like 3 times a day. I need to fix my discman.
Oh, more Idol news, I found a list of all the AI4 top 100 contestants that returned from last year and the only people that we know are:
Bao Viet Nguyen (my mom's favourite from last year)
Cassie LeBeau (she was stupid Kelly Clarkson girl from texas, I think she messed up in the "You can't hurry love" group songs, I remember her trying to ad-lib and failing)
I'm mad because Michael Keown and Nicole Tieri aren't there. I don't know if Nicole auditioned again, but I know for sure that Michael at least auditioned, he promised last year that he would come back, and he's not the type of person who wouldn't.
I'm going shopping with Stephanie and Sarah at 1:30 today at Mayfair. I don't know WHY I do, all they do is look at clothes and not video games like me and Johnny! I love Mayfair though, it's where I met Johnny the first and second time. Especially the SECOND time, whoa. That like, killed me. I honestly could not believe that it had happened, I kept looking at my phone number written on my hand (written by him, of course EEEK) like all day, just to make sure it wasn't fake. It's still hard to believe, actually. Like seriously, how. That's so messed. Well actually, most people would prefer to call it fate, but fate is messed, so.
I just finished listening to the main song by KIL "Kovered in lies". It's the most awesome song ever, but you have to be careful which version you listen to, some people might be offended! I have like 5 different ones, I never remember which one is which, but this one just now was the bad one! Oh well, I'm by myself. Ooh yay, I've had 10 visits to my site today! Hopefully I'll get more after this! Honestly, I have people going into the archives, I have no idea what they're looking for, probably AI or CI or AUI stuff.
EEEK I LOVE WOUTER DE CLERCK!! Sorry. Belgium Idol 2. It's in the top 6 or something. He rocks he's so cute and I love him! He's 21 but he looks like he's like 16!! They're having a show tonight actually, I need to get it! They sometimes sing in English, but sometimes in Belgian, or Belsh, as I like to call it.
Okay, I should go now. Stupid IDF isn't working. I love Johnny. EEK Wouter. Vote Courtney.
Posted by Rebecca at 11:09 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 25, 2004
Australian Idol: Top 5: R&B night:
Chanel Cole - "Hit 'em up style" by Blu Cantrell. I actually DO know this song very well, it's been around since the 90's. She was my favourite of the night, her hair was really funky, sort of like it was on Beatles night, and she looked good too. None of the judges liked her except for Marcia.
Anthony Callea - "Back at one" by Brian McKnight. He added runs at the beginning which weren't there, and his high note was Gary Beal's "Unchained Melody". In other words, there WAS no high note, he held the low note his way out of it, which to me is cheating. He was really good though, and all the judges loved him. Dicko said that the Gay Community would be supporting him and we were all like WHAT because Anthony has already said that he's not gay and he has a girlfriend, and then they all laughed.
Casey Donovan - "Beautiful" by India Arie. This was the only song that I didn't know. I actually wanted to listen to her this time, so I didn't look at her, I stared at the floor, because that's the only way I can just hear her, and she did pretty good, but when you look at her it just turns you right off the song. She got a touchdown from Mark.
Courtney Murphy - "What a fool believes" by The Doobie Brothers. I actually DO know this song really well too, I hear it all the time! He had a really hard time with his falsetto, which Mark nailed him for, but the verses were great. It was just that the entire chorus was high and he's not used to that, plus I can tell he has a cold even though he totally denied it when Mark asked him. He acts so sad when they don't like him, he seems to think that means Australia won't vote for him. He's made me cry the past two weeks, especially last week with Oh Sherry, and only Guy can make me cry, I never thought anyone else would but I LOVE COURTNEY!
Hayley Jensen - "Ain't no mountain high enough" by Michael McDonald. Hate. This. Song. She was actually the worst of the night, not just because I hate this song but because there were times where she went so flat she was actually talking. She looked like she was having fun and she seemed happy with her performance, so that's good. Mark pretended to like her by saying "You did the best you could do" because he's insulted her so much he doesn't see the point in it anymore, he's obviously never going to like her.
They all got to go for Rolling Stone Magazine photoshoots. Chanel's was the best, Casey looked sickening, Courtney's was funny, Hayley didn't like it, and Anthony is hot.
Results show:
Hilary Duff performed there. Someone should have told her a bit about the show beforehand, because when they asked her she thought that last years winner was a guy named Sebastian. Seriously. I love Hilary, but ugh.
Bottom 3:
Back first:
That. Was. Way. Too. Close. GET OUT OF THE BOTTOM 2 COURTNEY!! I'm so sad Chanel is gone, but how could Courts be there! When Chanel's name got called she was all like "WHAT?! I DEMAND a recount!" so that was funny, she took it well.
So the top 4 is: Hayley Jensen, Anthony Callea, Casey Donovan, and Courtney Murphy. Beh.
Next week's theme is Big Band/Swing, and I'll find out what they're singing later this week.
I have math to do, so I'm going to go now. I just thought I'd get this done with. Wow, it only took 18 minutes.
PS: Ashlee Simpson was caught lip-syncing on Saturday Nigh Live, when they played the wrong music and it had her voice in it. She didn't know what to do, she just danced around like a retard and then walked awkwardly off stage. Sucker.
Posted by Rebecca at 7:39 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 22, 2004
My internet was down for a week so I couldn't get the last two recaps up, here's the one of Beatles Night:
And here's the one for 80's night:
Australia seems to be on a stupid run. First RICKI-LEE, which I still can't get over, last monday I watched the results show from Beatles night and I started crying because it actually hit me that she was gone.
NOW MARTY?! Ugh. Now I no longer have my three amigos, which were my 3 favourites from the very beginning: Courtney, Marty, and Hails. Now Chanel has moved up into Marty's spot.
I only just watched the 80's show yesterday, and my favourites were by a MILLION miles COURTNEY!!! And Anthony. I love Courtney so much, he's actually starting to make me cry, and only GUY can do that. Anthony was really amazing too. Chanel was good, Hayley was good, and shut up Casey I hate you you got Marty got kicked off and haha you were in the bottom two so stop trying to act nice because everyone hates you already. Pig.
Next week is R&B Night, and here are the song choices:
Hails: Ain't no mountain high enough, by Michael McDonald. UGH. I HATE THIS SONG!! I honestly think she's going to get kicked off for this, even though the show's not till tomorrow, this is the worst song ever. AND I HATE MICHAEL MCDONALD.
Casuck: Beautiful, by India Aries. Haven't heard it, don't want to either.
Channy: Hit em up, by Blu Cantrell. I haven't hear this, but apparently she's jazzing it up a bit.
Anthony: Back at one, by Brian McKnight. Lol. Sorry. It's just funny, I love this song, and it's been done so much, but he should do good with it.
Courtney: What a fool believes, by the Doobie Brothers. Beh.
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK GUY HAS A NEW ALBUM OUT!!! It's called "Beautiful life". I haven't been able to get any of the full versions of the songs except for "Out with my baby" which I still can't believe he did such a horrible video for, but the song is awesome. You can hear samples from the other songs here:
That's what I'm doing right now. My favourite songs are:
Anthem of why
Make heaven wait
Fiend for you (yes, I spelled that right)
Oh oh
Anthem of why is the sweetest song ever. For a little while, Guy was trying to become some rapper freak which is why he did that degoutant video of Out with my Baby, but the songs that I just mentioned totally bring him back to who he is, even if he does have a song featuring "Rahaan" on the title track of the album. I'm looking for full versions of songs on Kazaa but I can't find any, maybe because his album only came out two days ago. In his song "Story of a single man" he sings about this girl called Emily. She better be made up I was like beh who's Emily.
Shannon Noll visited the Idol Mansion this week as their suprise guest. Okay so first Guy, now Shanny, who next, Cossie? That would be awesome, I love her. Now I'm listening to "Oh oh". I love this song. My mom wants to get this weeks edition of Inside Idol, because she wants to see Shannon because she loves him so much. But first we have to get last weeks Inside because I want to see Ricki-Lee. I had a Science test last month and I had to remember the word Incisors so whenever I forgot it I just thought of Inside Idol, hahaha!!!!!!11111oneone lyke omg. Lol sorry, people on TWOP do that all the time to make fun of the bad spellers on message boards, and I hate bad spellers, so it's funny. But that seriously is a really good memory hook.
EEEEEEK I FOUND SOME SONGS!! Well I haven't downloaded them, but they have full versions of How, Fiend For You, and Oh Oh on Kazaa!! And they're all remotely queued, typical.
I have 3 names. My real name, Rebecca, my french name, Monique, and my science name, Ricki-Lee Coutler. In French class we all chose french names so that was mine, and in science there's another Rebecca so I just changed so Ricki-Lee. The guys get so annoying they always call me Ricki because they think it's only a guy's name but then I ignore them till they call me Ricki-Lee. It's awesome being Ricki-Lee. We got to dissect a pig's heart yesterday, me and Steph had so much fun, except when I had to clean the tray under the sink and I accidentally got pig blood on my face. We had the best heart out of all of them, ours was cut so perfectly, that's because all the other guys were just stabbing theirs and my and Steph were the only girls cutting because all the other ones were losers and crying so Ms. Shuck yelled at them!
Now my loser brother wants to do something so I have to make sure he doesn't close Kazaa because I love Guy.
Oh, and PS if ya'll are wondering why I'm not at school it's because there is none today.
Posted by Rebecca at 12:26 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 09, 2004
Song choices for Beatles week:
Hayley: Yesterday. Carlos sang that in the top 32, he was the guy who sounded like Guy and didn't make it and was a wildcard but blew it by singing "Senorita" by Justin Timberlake.
Chanel: Across the universe.
Anthony: When I saw her standing there
CAsuck: Eleanor Rigby
Ricki-Lee: We can work it out. She's singing a hip-hop version of it.
Courtney: Got to get you into my life
Marty: Oh darling. He's having a bit of voice troubles, strains have come in a bit but he's allright when he sits down. The false is hurting him a bit. I hope he recovers by tonight's show.
The show is on in 3 hours there, so I'll post it tomorrow when I have it. All the shows and extra shows can be downloaded from www.suprnova.org, just go to Search and type in Australian Idol and click TV shows, and then left click the most recent one, the same with Inside Idol. For the performance shows it usually takes about 10 hours, depending on how fast it's going, the most it can take is 12, and the results shows and Inside Idols usually take about 5, I downloaded an Inside Idol today and it was going amazing fast so it only took 3 and a half. Good luck with that!
Posted by Rebecca at 10:29 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 08, 2004
Australian Idol Week 5: Contestants Choice:
Ricki-Lee Coulter: "I have nothing" by Whitney Houston. She was one of the best of the night, at first I thought it was a little boring when then when she got into the second chorus she picked it up and she got an up yodel in the end which was totally amazing. She looked great too, her dress was really nice. The judges loved her, Dicko said the show is basically about her, and everyone says she's going to win. I wouldn't mind that.
Marty Worrall: "Broken wings" by Mr.Mister. I know this song really well, he did a good version of it, but it wasn't amazing. Dicko didn't like it.
Hayley Jensen - "Release" by George, a girl rock band. She was my favourite of the night along with Ricki. It's such an amazing song, she built up to this uber note in the middle that was so awesome, the judges loved her too. She always sings these girl rock songs, she's got good taste like that and she's 21. She's married, by the way, her husband Tim is really nice, I saw him on Inside Idol.
Daniel Belle - "Your song" by Elton John. He totally messed with the arrangement and added bits that never were in the song and he was way too loud. I was actually starting to like him because I got to know him a little bit from Inside Idol just like Emelia and like her Daniel wasn't good but he was funny. But seriously, he was trying to show off too much. The judges didn't like him. Mark said he was just lazy with his paraphrasing and he didn't even try and stuff.
Chanel Cole - "Constant Craving" by k.d. Lang. It's so weird, they all sing songs that I know so well! I love this song too. Chanel started it a little slower than it is, but she was awesome, she yodells up really well and down too, this is my second favourite performance of hers, the other one was "Walk on by".
Courtney Murphy - "God only knows" by the Beach Boys. I know this song really well too, except I always hear a girl's version of it, and Courtney's version was a bit faster but he did really good, he has such a soulful and meaningful powerful voice, I love him so much. Dicko said he's been cruising lately and he doesn't think he's trying hard enough.
Casey Donovan: "Special ones" by George. Yup, typical, steal the band Hayley's singing, copy much! And she even had one with a high note in it too, just like Hayley. Hayley's high note was way better though because she worked up to it starting low and going up high until she hit it, Casuck just went from like "You never get through to MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" and it was so horrible. Hayley's song was better too, even the judges knew it!
Anthony Callea - "The prayer" by Celine Dion and Andrae Bocelli. Beh it's all in Italian! Well, most of it anyway. He was really amazing too, he's got such a powerful voice which my mom said she just noticed but I knew it all along!!! I was always a Callean except when he sang "The reason" because he doesn't have the right type of voice for that but whatever. He gets a little annoying when he does freak faces and flicks his eyebrows up really fast which my mom said I do when I'm singing but I so do not. The judges loved him everyone was crying and standing up.
Results show:
Bottom 3:
First back: Hayley
Out: Daniel. That sucks for Chanel because they were planning to get married on November 22nd, but me and my mom were happy. Well she was happy, I don't really know what to think. Like on one hand he sucked was so annoying when he sang because he tried to be all opera Shane Wiebe and it SO wasn't working for him but then on the other he was so funny and he jumped on Courtney's bed and made him swear at him.
The next week is Beatles. I'll probably know some of the songs that they sing, I love the Beatles, but I hate John Lennon's song "Imagine" except for J.Hud's version, that rocks because she does. Okay then. I'll be back sometime this weekend to say what they're singing, which they'll show on Inside Idol which I might download today and it's Thanksgiving so there's no school on Monday so I might be back here sometime to say what happened on the show and if I'm not there on Monday then it'll be later next week because I have homework and friends and Nick Gait and stuff. Whoops.
Posted by Rebecca at 6:32 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 03, 2004
I'm totally bored. Okay well I'm not, but whatever. I barely ever write about anything anymore, because Australian Idol is only once a week and I have nothing...else...to write about it. I'm at home by myself listening to Melanie C's second self-titled CD that came out in June 2003. I have both of her solo CD's, she was my favourite from the Spice Girls and still is. It's at her song "Lose myself in you". I like being at home by myself, especially at night, then I can do whatever. There's nobody good on MSN, so I'm just talking to people who I only talk to when I'm bored.
I'm thinking about Jonathan right now. It's only about 75 days till I can start to think about him coming back. Well I think about him coming back all the time, but you know, till he actually DOES come back. YES SANDY'S ON!!
So anyways, I really do miss Jonathan. A lot of people think it gets easier as time goes by, but it seriously doesn't. And people don't really seem to understand how hard it is. I always go through my website archives to read what he's said, and I do think about him all the time. But I do make the best out of the situation though, I mean at least he's coming back soon and the days are going by really fast because I'm really busy with school and musical theatre and band and recording songs and watching Australian Idol and homework and stuff, so it's all good. There have been times recently that I've said to myself that I'm not going to make it, but I think that if I really try then I can. I'm keeping a scrapbook of all the things that I've written about him and things that I've made since he left, so I work on that when I can and I'm going to give that to him when he comes back, and I also keep a diary of the more personal things that I've written, and that's for him too.
I'm really tired so I'm going to go to bed now, but I'll just post some of the songs for this Sunday's Australian Idol show (Contestants choice) that I got from Inside Idol:
Marty: "Fly" by I think Shawn Smith or someone, it definitely is a song I know but I'm not sure if it's the same one.
Chanel - "Constant Craving" by Annie Lenox. I love this song. Channy's really mad that there won't be any BV's (background vocals) this week, so's Courtney, because it really helps with the song.
Courtney: Something by the Beach Boys that I know really well but I've heard this girl version of it but I love it and I think he'll do really well when he sings it, I think it's called "Without you".
Anthony - "The prayer" by Celine Dion and this Italian guy. I'm pretty sure I've heard it before, Anthony's singing it to show his Italian heritage, it has a lot of Italian in it.
Ricki: "I have nothing" by Whitney Houston. I. LOVE. This song. SO much. I love Whitney Houston, and Jennifer Hudson did SUCH a good version of this, I'm sure Ricki will do too, I'm really glad she's singing this.
As for Daniel and Hayley, I'm not sure because I couldn't recognize the tune while they were practicing and they don't actually tell you the name of it, you just hear it while they rehearse. Hayley's has something with the word "Ready" in it a lot, and as for Daniel, I can't remember at all.
I don't give about Casey. She's such a loser, when the other Idols were at the Piano writing a song about each other, she wasn't even there, and Chanel even wrote a verse about her! She doesn't like any of them, and she never hangs out with them during group hangouts or anything, she's such a loner and I hate her.
Courtney really misses his girlfriend, he spent like an hour and a half on the phone with her this week, sometimes not even saying anything, he was just really happy to have her on the line. That is so sweet, honestly, and he doesn't have any other family to turn to, that's so sad. I feel like I can totally relate to Courtney, I love him so much.
I miss Emelia. She was so nice.
Edit: Daniel's singing "Your song". I thought that's what it was, but I wasn't sure and I didn't want to say because that's such a big song and in case I was wrong then people would be mad.
Posted by Rebecca at 12:39 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
I don't have time for my own recap today because I have a TON of homework and I just got home from Musical Theatre and going to the store for 2 hours so I'll just give you the links for the official ones:
PS: Go Marty and I'm sad at the results because she swore a lot and she was funny in the bowling alley.
Posted by Rebecca at 7:22 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 20, 2004
Australian Idol Week 3: 60's night:
Marty Worrall: "Satisfaction" by The Stones. He was good, the judges hated him though. I like Kalan's version better, but that's agiven.
Hayley Jensen: "To sir with love". She was really cool, that's a nice song and she got some good yodelling in there. The judges didn't like her either.
Courtney Murphy: "Spinning Wheel" by Blood Sweat Tears. I love this song. Lol Ted Senecal on Group 4 results show in that cheap bar thing. Sorry. I love Courtney! He was really good and he was dancing retardedly and the judges all like him except then Dicko started talking about his weight and about how the magazines would rip him apart about it and about how everyone who doesn't really know Courtney calls him the fat guy and if he was okay with it, and Court says he didn't give a flying ------ what people say because he's happy with himself.. But then they mentioned Rick Day or May or something and they said about how he was overweight and he was one of the greatest singers of all time, and then Mark goes "But it killed him. So we're not concerned about your image, it's your health". That's so sad, they think he's going to die or something! Courtney isn't even that big. No one ever said that to RUBEN on the show or BRANDY and they are SO much bigger! And even Casey's bigger, and no one says anything to her. No, but I'm really worried now, do they know something about Courtney that we don't? Like is he sick or something? Why would they say something like that out of nowhere? And it's not like he can't breathe when he's singing or something! Look, here's a picture:
See, he's not that fat at all! Shut up, judges!
Casey Donovan: "Somebody to love". Ugh, she's so ugly. She's not even that good. Her hair is disgusting. I'm not sure what the judges thought because I turned it off so I wouldn't have to look at her anymore, it hurts. Seriously, look:
Amali Ward: "Say a little prayer" by Dionne Warwick. As much as I don't care about Amali, it was really bad. I could hardly even recognize what song she was singing. The judges didn't like it either.
Emelia: "Anyone who had a heart". Kim Locke's version was a lot better, but Emelia's growing on me a little. The judges liked it.
Anthony Callea: "Gimme some lovin'". He was always my fourth favourite, but I was watching some videos of him today that my mom must've gotten (major good quality, much?) and he is just SO hot, I guess I didn't know that before because the videos on the site aren't that great and they're only like 30 seconds, but his video of "Ignition" is really awesome, even though I hate that song. He's like this years Millsy, only better and hotter.
Daniel Belle: "He ain't heavy, he's my brother". Ugh. This kid has a major problem. He only got into the top 10 by yelling at Dicko, and now he's trying to be all Shane Wiebe and it is SO not working. Plus you can't sing that song, it's Ryan Malcolm's.
Ricki-Lee Coulter - "Proud mary" by Tina Turner. Love her. When the judges were fighting in the first week she's like "Children, children!!" and yesterday she called Dicko "boyfriend" and she was making of Mark. LOVE her. She's my second girl favourite to Hayley. She's sort of like Cossie from last year, as I may have mentioned.
Chanel Cole: "Walk on by" by Dionne Warwick. Jeez guys, do enough Dionne Warwick much? I like this song. Kelly sang it in Season 1 of AI, but Chanel did it better of course. It was also a little more normal than most of the stuff she's done. She's sort of like the girl version of Jacob, and that gets a little annoying sometimes, as I'm sure everyone knows.
Results show:
Bottom 3:
First back to the couches:
Out: Amali
I was really happy when I found out, my mom wrote me a note last night when she found out, so I could read it on the way to school like I did last year, and when I picked it up on my way out today I accidentally looked at it and I saw the name Marty in big letters so I was like OH CRAP but then when I got to the bus stop I read the whole thing and she kept writing on different sides of the paper it was retarded! That scared me though, Hayley coming that close. I would have preferred Casey to go, but at least we got one cheap person out of the way.
I'll be back next Monday for performance and results. They have the songs on Sunday and results on Monday in Australia but I don't get the songs usually till Monday when I find out the results or late the night before, so.
Posted by Rebecca at 8:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Top ten are singing "Jail house rock". Joshy!! KALEB!!! Shane. Now "I only want to be with you". Theresa. And Eloser. Some song about toothpaste and hairbrushers, with Kalan singing it. Right. Eeeeeh!! Flames sprouting up! Lol Jacob. Beh Shane doesn't look like himself! Beh Shane is being so high! Now him and Jacob are being freak rockers to each other. Now they are both holding up an Abbotsford together. Manoah!! Ewwww...Brandy. Sick. "Sister's are doing it for themselves". Why did Manoah get stuck with ugly fatty? Her hair is disgusting, she doesn't seem to get that she can't plaster it to her face because it makes her look even uglier. Eeeek Jason! Billy! What a retard he is! End of the group songs.
Now all around the world people are congratulating them. Beh. Lionel. Beh Ray Romano! Now Jerrica! Brocky! Daniel Dupuis. Ted Senecal! Mark Levesque! Ewww Constant. Barrett! WILLY WHITE!! Melanie Benson!!
The judges. Ha Jake. Farley. Sass!! Whoa, she looks like so awesome! Zack isn't there. Zack is at home doing Roshashhannah. Or something. Break.
Back. Kalan clip of his audition. Now Theresa. Now them in the top 100. Theresa sang blue rodeo! Now Kalan when he messes up. I hate this.
Jon Dore! Jon is talking about Idol memories. Now they are playing music and hugging. Jon says I love you.
Now clips of Jon and Ben together. Ben laughs freakishly. LOL Hello VANCOUVER!!
Now Kalan is here. Medicine Hat clip. Beh his friend Kevin! He says that Kalan broke both his wrists one time snowboarding and he had a violin concert really soon after and he was so detirmined that he did it.
Back. Yo and hello. No he is not. I don't know who he is. Yes....no. NOOOOOO!!!!
Back for REAL!!! Theresa is here. YAY GLASSES! Sorry. Clip of Saskatoon. Her sister is there, and the other one is in the audience. I like the audience one Kristina better.
Clip back the the top 32.
Now Top 10! Each singing their favourite songs.
Josh singing "Iris". EEEEK!!
Manoah - "Hallelujah". I haven't heard this in so long.
Brandy: Sickening pig. Sorry. "Nobody's supposed to be here".
Kaleb - "You ain't nothing but a hound dog". EEEEEEEEEEEK!! Sorry I love him so much, he's yodelling!
Eloser - "Mary Jane". Get away, freak.
Shane - "The way I feel". Lol, Shaney.
Jason- " Saturday night's allright for fighting". EEEEK!! We both jumped up and down at the same time YAY!!
Jacob - "Everything" Beh camouflage.
Ryan Malcolm after the break.
Adam Brody is sarxy. Ben Mckenzie is sarxier! Ben is ugly.
Back. RYAN!!! Singing "Fallen" his new song from his new album! This is an awesome song. Beh Gary is in the audience. Beh Ryan is cheering he thinks he's cool! He is. Now I can see Billy. Top 3, much?
Derek Ebner is hot!! IS HOT!!!
Top 10 singing "You're still the one". Ewwww, Brandy has to ruin a part of it. Now Theresa is good. Joshy singing, something. Kalan singing too with a cowboy hat! Yay it's Kalan and Uncle Josh back together again! Manoah's singing "I'm like a bird". Beh! Ew Elena. Now Shaney is singing "Bulletbroof" by Blue Rodeo. Richie's song! Now Kaleb's singing "Sundown" Burn on you Jacob!! Correction, much! Now Jason and Jacob singing something freakish. "The wait". "Take a load off Granny?" Whoops. My bad. Jacob and Kalan slapped hands AGAIN!!
Break. Back.
Now they are showing top 10 clips and results shows and them talking and stuff. DON'T. TOUCH. KALAN. ELENA!! Only Theresa is allowed to.
More top 10. Joshy! Theresa nice shirt. KALEB!!! Jacob. JASON!! Get away Eloser with your loudness. Brandy ewwwewwww sickening barf. Shaney!! Now they're finished.
This is Sarah. This one time at band camp...... ooops This one time in art class Kristina farted really loud. Stephanie and me laughed.
Back. Medicine HAT!! A clip of Kalan getting this far. Rawr. He is so SARXY! Now's he's going to sing "Nature Boy". SARAH BROKE THE STOOL!!! She fell off the slope and crushed it! It's in pieces. Splinters. Twigs. And then she looked at it and it turned to ashes. And then she ate the ashes. and then she killed me. And then she burped really loud. I can't stop laughing I'm dying.
Back. Theresa getting this far clip. YAY!! She's singing "Good mother", I love this song I sing it to my niece all the time and we always watch her video together.
I love Jacob. rawr!
Back. Now a look back at the journey that brought them here. Theresa and Kalan singing together for one last time. "True Colours" by Phil Collins. Kalan is looking lovingly at her. Stop it, Kalan. Now they're hugging! They so love each other. I want to be Theresa so bad.
We are listening to Sarahs sisters band Acquired taste!
Back. Oh god. I am so freaked. I'm going to cry either way who wins. Now the judges are saying what they think.
They're running over what the judges said yesterday.
And the winner is... KALAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy. Theresa is happy too. She says she loves Kalan. Kalan sings his Idol song and keeps getting confetti stuck in his hair, it's funny. And everyone in the audience does too. And now his family comes on stage. Stupid Kristy. And all the Idols are there too. I'll post about Australian Idol now, I guess, and AI4 in January! Kalan's single is coming out soon, GET IT!!!
Posted by Rebecca at 10:01 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Top Two Performance Finale: Kalan and Theresa:
The top ten are in the audience! Except for Kalan and Theresa, of course. Judges. Sass looks great, like Ben says.
Theresa! Kalan!
BeachFest 2004, Jon took the idols there. Video clip: Kalan singing Born to be Wild. Stupid sunglasses! I have them, they're pink. Theresa singing Crusin'. Yay she's actually wearing her glasses for once!
After the break.
Back. Theresa won the coin toss, so she's singing "Awake in a dream", the new Idol single. She's crying again!! I sang her Big Band song for my Challenge Choir audition today. Zack says it was half good and half bad, the other judges liked it.
Break. Back.
Kalan Porter - "I can only imagine" by MercyMe. I. Don't. Like. These. Kind. Of. Songs. They're just weird to listen to if you're not a...church...type person...thing. Shane should have sang this. Kalan was cheeeeeeeeeeeeeap! Zack's yelling at him that it was boring.
Theresa Sokyrka - "Come away with me" by Norah Jones. Oooh she scatted! Have to learn that later. Her music messed up, it suddenly dropped down so she didn't know what to do. She keeps doing that thing where she skips a beat and then goes again!! She did it twice in a row, she even knows she does it because she starts laughing, and she did her shoulder thing. The judges all liked her, Jake said that one day Norah Jones will probably be covering her songs, and Theresa's like "Ohhhhhh!" it was so funny. Kim Locke is in the audience too!
Loreal Clip. Kalan and Theresa thank Andrea and Shannon for helping them get this far. Right...they're in the top two because they had their hair and makeup done each week! Even K & T know that people just vote on looks! Sorry.
Break. Back. Beh some hockey player who looks like a bear. Kalan Porter - "Born to be wild". Rawr. It was better than last time. Beh. He has a skull on his shirt. The judges all liked him. Farley says he's the smartest kid on the show ever and Sass disagrees but she says no offence to Kalan. Sassy, I love you, but shut up.
Break. Back. The cast of Instant Star is hanging with Jon. Manoah is below them. Hey Manny! Kalan's dad is above them. Hey Kalan's dad!
Theresa Sokyrka - "Crusin". She was so good!
Break. Back.
Kalan Porter - "Awake in a dream". He's awesome, and Zack says he's going to win.
I'm voting for both for each hour.
Recap: Theresa - "Awake in a dream" "Come away with me" - 1-866-9-IDOL-01
Kalan - "I can only imagine" "Born to be wild" "Awake in a dream" - 1-866-9-IDOL-02
Posted by Rebecca at 9:03 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
Top 3: Judges choice:
Rawr, Kalan! Get away, Jacob. You suck. Theresa! Judges. Sass looks great.
Jacob Hoggard - "If you don't know me by now" by Simply Red. Ugh, I love this song, don't mess it Hoggard. He sucked, he keeps pausing in between songs. Jake says if people don't vote for him then he's crazy, Farley says he's has good presentation, Sass says something about molehills and mountains. Zack says he can't be himself and he doesn't even know who he is and if he wants it. YEAH!! In your FACE Hoggard!!
Break. Theresa up next.
"What the world needs now". She was really good, she should have done some scat. Farley liked it and so does Sass. Zack didn't. Jake says she can save the world.
Break. KALAN up next!!
Back. "Still haven't found what I'm looking for". EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK he's hot!!! And he was really good. I bet he was singing it to KRISTY, stupid girl!! The judges all say he's gonna win!!! YAY!!
Loreal photo shoot! Break.
"I want you to want me" Jacob. He's such a hyper idiotic freak child. His act it so old, he doesn't even want to be there, he doesn't want to lose his band but he doesn't realize that he already has, and he's also lost the competition. SUCKER!!! He's such a fake. I think I'll work on my French poem now. Good, he's done. The judges liked him.
Break. Theresa up next!
Back. Ben's parents are there and so are Jon's and Jon is mad. I like Ben's mom, she was there when he pulled down his pants last year. His dad is cool, too, old prime minister.
Theresa. "Ready for love". She's not wearing her glasses this time. She was really awesome, so much heart. Zack says he watches the shwo for her and she almost cries, the other judges loves it too.
Back. KALAN up next!
Kalan Porter - "Nature boy". He's just so...oh. Judges all liked it.
Recap: Jacob - 1-866-9-IDOL-01 - "If you don't know me by now" "I want you to know me"
Theresa - 1-866-9-IDOL-02 - "What the world needs now" "Ready for love"
Kalan - 1-866-9-IDOL-03 - "Still haven't found what I'm looking" "Nature boy"
K & T time!! Jakes eating a banana.
Posted by Rebecca at 8:58 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
I got back from at school at about 5, even though we got out at like 3:30, but that's okay, I'll say why later:
So in the morning I left the house at like 10:45, and then walked up to Royal Oak with my Clarinet Cosima and then I talked with some of my friends at the bus compound, and then I walked around to the front, saw Calum with his friends and screamed and ran into the school. So then I went to go see Mr.Levere and then Mr.Cafley and then Mrs.Sneddon wanted me to wheel a cart of book to her classroom so she told me to put Cosima on top so she fun being wheeled around, and then we (that's me and Cossie) had to take the cart back to the Art room so then I went to see Mr.Butterfield and Mr.Large. Then I went to see Mr.Prescott and then Ms.Robertson but there was this stupid kid who always followed me last year and started doing it again the first day I come back! And then Mrs.Robertson kept asking him to leave because he wouldn't let us talk and then he kept asking her and Mrs.Norris for food and money, what a loser! And then they kept telling him to go away so he was like "Well, REBECCA'S here!" and they were like "She's visiting, get out!" so that was cool. He like, has no friends or food or anything!
So then I walked back home and went to Claremont and found my friends but then had to go away from them to go to class which I only have Laura in but we had to sit alphabetically so that was cheap, I have like 1 friend in my class and she doesn't even sit near me and so everyone is snobs and was ignoring me so it was cheap! But I got assigned my locker and get to put stuff in it tomorrow and I named it after Johnny like he told me to. It's 2:50am there, I hope he had a nice day at school and I hope he named his locker after me like he said he was going to. But I didn't have my lock with me so I couldn't put pictures up but I do have some, and they're cool. There's the one with the Idols on the plane and then I have a new one made by Sarah because my cheap photoshop is being cheap and doesn't work.
My homeroom teacher is nice but she's kinda weird. And my SS teacher thinks she's cool because she can say "Dude" and "Sweet". Beh. Nope, don't try to be k001!! Lol.
My Math teacher is really nice, and I get to sit beside Sandy which rocks! My teacher helped me afterschool with my course changes. But he won't be there for the first week because he has to go to Toronto for a tournament or something.
I got lost trying to find the foods room but then Sarah's sister Kate showed me. I was sitting at the back near the fridge which had it's motor running (Lol Kalan, get your motor RUNNIN'!) so I couldn't hear anything and the teacher kept staring at me probably because she know I couldn't hear a word she was saying. But that class is cheap, I dropped it for French 9E anyways!
And then I got lost looking for dance but then Emily's sister Michelle showed it. I hate dance. I'm only doing it because I have to for Musical Theatre. Most of the girls are in grade 12, and the grade 9's are snobs from last year, so I'm like totally left out except for this one girl who I don't really know but she says she knows me. Beh.
So then after school I went to go see Mrs.Card, my brother's old French teacher who asked me to visit her on the school tour, so then we were talking about my course thing and Canadian Idol and she wants Kalan to win and so she took me down to the course room thing to see Mr.MacNeil but I had to wait first so I met this Chinese guy named Tony Oh. He's in grade 10. NO, I don't like him, I love Johnny. AND I'M NOT A PLAYER!!! Sorry.
So then that all got fixed so then I went back to her and she got me a French teacher who she says I'll love, I was going to go with her but she said this other one called Mrs.Orgen or something was amazing so she made me meet her and she had an overflowing class so she almost said no but then Mrs.Card begged her to and she promised I'd be her star student (right, she's just saying that because my bro was, I'm not like him) so then she said yes. And now she kept waving at me!! Oh well, at least I'm in with SOME people! My homeroom teacher knows Patrick too, she said he's "so sweet" whatever!!! He's mean.
And then I went to the band teacher Mr.Killikelly to ask about guitar and he said since there's no room in my first semester I could get lessons in 2nd semester. Cool.
And then I came home. So tomorrow it's a regular day, I'm looking forward to French. Oh crap. What if Jordan's in that? Oh wait, I think he does Spanish, good, so I might not have to see him till next semester. I didn't see him at all today which was good so I thought maybe he didn't go there but then Shannon said he's in her science class and so I was like oh shoot. Shannon was in my foods class but the teacher's ugly. I hope I don't see Jordan in the hallway or something, he'd probably say hi! NOPE sorry loser, have a boyfriend, and you don't! Wait, of course he wouldn't, he's a guy! Never mind, ya'll know what I mean.
I'm trying to download Jamie Cullum's "All at sea" on Kazaa but I keep getting these 17-26minute songs of scatic! Ugh. It's either that or "More sources needed". I'm gonna more sources you, freak! I've tried like 20 versions.
I'm gonna watch RFR now. I have to get up early tomorrow to get the bus, which I have no idea what time it comes, but I hope Sarah will be on it. I'm going back to Royal Oak on Friday. I'll talk to Calum then. Oh shoot, I forgot to ask him for his Locker Number while I was just on the phone with him. I left him notes last year with Idol people's names on them. I used Diana, Ashley, and Jasmine. I want to do that again this year. I'll phone him on Thursday.
Posted by Rebecca at 7:28 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 06, 2004
I'm listening to Ashlee Simpson "Pieces of me". I like her singing, but I hate her. She is mean to Hilary Duff. I hate anyone who's mean to Hilary Duff. And she dyed her hair black just so she wouldn't look like Jessica, which basically means she doesn't trust her music to say that she's different.
I'm really excited about school tomorrow. I'm going to get there early so I'll be the first one in the classroom and no losas will be there! But first at like 11am I'm going up to Royal Oak to see Calum and Mrs.Robertson and people, because they get dismissed at like 11:15 and I don't have to go to school till 1:30. Callan from last year is in my class. Laura is in it too, she's allright.
I have to sort out my pictures so I can put them in my locker as soon as I can. I'm using a few from last year, like family ones and Jenny Gear and Guy and Cosima. I need one of Thierry.
Go to http://photobucket.com/albums/v187/JennifuhHudson/th_AAAA.jpg the blonde guy in the corner is my Johnny. He's hot.
I'm going to ask the band teacher at Claremont if he can teach me Guitar. I was playing one at Sarah's house and it was so awesome and she let me name it and I named it Theresa. Hers looked like Theresa's guitar, and it was nice, but I also like this one:
and this one:
I like the 600 series one better, but they're both nice. They have rentels at Long & McQuade but that involves lots of credit card stuff, so. And plus Mrs.Robertson said to ask Mr.Killikelly.
Now I'm listening to Jewel & Sarah McLachlan "Song for a winter's night". I can yodel now that I've practiced Theresa's version of this song! I can't believe it. I've been trying to do that for like 2 years and it hasn't worked but then she sang this song and then I sang that song and it just happened I'm so happy. I also learned to scat. I was just singing along to "Hello" and usually I stop at her scatting part because I can't do it but this time I just went with it and I did it. Thank you, Theresa! Now if I get a guitar I will owe everything to Theresa Sokyrka.
Now I'm downloading Spice Girls song and singing to the karaoke version of Mariah Carey's "Without You". The voice part keep coming in and it's annoying. Whoa, what was THAT? Um okay this is cheap.
Now I'm listening to Spice Girls "Time goes by". I haven't listened to this song since I left Vancouver. That's because I lost this CD. This is my song to Johnny. Now I'm listening to "Say you'll be there". I can't believe I still know the words to this song. Maybe I'll watch the movie. Now it's "Who do you think you are?" I love this song. It won't let me download, it says it's queued. That means people are trying to download it. Dude, who still downloads Spice Girls except for me? Dude, now they're like ALL queued and I can't get ANYTHING. That's annoying. "Let love lead the way". I'm not sure what album this is from. I think the one I lost. Now "Goodbye" ah no, not good song right now. "If you can't dance" and "Stop" are really good song.
This is the Australian Idol 2 Top 12:
Angie Narayan
Marty Worral
Haley Jensen
Courtney Murphy
Dan O'Conner
Daniel Belle
Amali Ward
Ricki-Lee Coulter
Casey Donovan
Anthony Callea
Emelia Rusciano
Chanel Cole
My favourites that I absolutely love: Marty, Haley, Courtney
The ones that I like: Chanel, Anthony, Ricki-Lee
The ones that are okay: Dan O'Conner, Amali
The ones that I don't like: Emelia
The ones that I absolutely HATE: Angie, Daniel Belle, Casey
Angie got kicked out last night, thank god. She was just...scary. It was so weird watching her, some like gigantic 26 year old who looks 60 and can't dance for beans, just...ugh.
Marty rocks so much. My mom doesn't like him because he has a shaved head. How dumb.
Haley is so pretty and she sounds like Cosima.
Courtney does the whole high thing and he reminds me of Guy except different voice.
Rickey-Lee looks like Cosima, sort of a rip off but she's okay.
Emelia is ugly. Even Jessica Mitchell did a better verison of "If I ain't got you" than she did.
Anthony is really hot and his singing is good except he sang Hoobastank during the Wildcard show and it wasn't very good and he got in for it.
Casey is fat and ugly. Her hair is such a disgusting mess. And she's not that great of a singer either. Sort of like Brandy Callahan except less ugly. They might be the same size, though.
Amali looks and sounds okay. She sort of seems like a snob, though, but I don't know much about her.
Dan O' Conner is sort of ugly, but he sounds okay.
Daniel Belle is SO ugly and he sang such a bad song so badly and he yelled at Dicko. He sucks.
Chanel has a cool style, but not really my type of music. She dresses cool, though. I might get used to her. She might end up being one of my favourites if my 3 leave, I don't know.
The Theme for the first show was Australian Made, like last year, and although I haven't gotten any media yet, I know what they sang:
Chanel: "Green Limousine" by the Bad Loves.
Daniel: "You were there" by The Southern Sons.
Amali: "Emotions" by the Bee Gees.
Ricki-Lee: "Hopelessly Devoted To You" by Olivia Newton-John.
Marty: "When something is wrong with my baby" by John Farnham and Jimmy Barnes.
Casey: "Symphony of life" by Tina Arena.
Angie: "Touch of paradise" by John Farnham.
Anthony: "Heaven knows" by Rick Price.
Emelia: "Just the thing" by Paul Mac.
Dan: "Better" by Screaming Jets.
Hayley: "Weir" by Killing Heidi.
Courtney: "You weren't in love with my" by Billy Fields.
Here's the recap, if you want it: http://au.australianidol.yahoo.com/recaps/sunday_sept_5.html
I'm talking to my best friend Barbara from Vancouver and we're talking about when I could go over there. I said December but then I remembered Johnny's coming back then, so I can't do that.
So then I said a weekend at the beginning of the year sometime and she said that's good. Well, I'm gonna go watch Simpsons now and then Lizzie McGuire and then That's So Raven and then Even Stevens and then Brotherly Love and then Radio Free Roscoe twice and then I'm gonna go to bed.
Posted by Rebecca at 5:28 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 02, 2004
Results show (I'm doing it because my mom's not here and I don't think she'll come in till later):
Jacob's really starting to bug me. He can't EVER be serious, even when he has to be. Look it's Ben! He looks like a girl. Um...what are those freak things behind him? Bleachers? Um...the voting wheel stopped yesterday at 11:00pm, you freak. Zack. Sass is wearing a nice shirt, yet again. Farley is wearing a freakish tie. So is Jake.
A look back at last nights show. Where is the volume control? Theresa. Kalan. Jason, he loves Farley's hat. Jacob. Theresa again! KALAN!! Oh, he's so hot. Lol Jason again. Jacob singing his cheap song that's MEANT to be a duet. Lol Jason winked, I didn't notice that yesterday.
Break. Wow, we sure got a lot in THAT segment, didn't we?
Back. OOH GROUP SONG!!! Jason wiome on, get happy!" Diana did this song on Big Band Night on AI3. "Someone to watch over me", Theresa! This was Diana's OTHER Big Band song! How ridiculous. She looks nice. Jacob singing some song or other. Something about a kiss to build a dream on. Oh, that would be it. Whoops, I'm smart. Someone likes Theresa alittle too much. Kalan with "You're nobody till somebody loves you". I care, Kalan! Beh he's wearing a purple shirt under his suit! With something red on it, a heart or a strawberry or something. Now all of them finishing it off. Um what was that freak hand movement Kalan?! Now Ben is talking to all of them. Theresa says to scat you just have to feel the music, but she's heard Ben scat and she says he should stick to hosting. But he sucks at that too, doesn't he? Joking.
Now Jon is with all these audience freaks. Now they are all stepping on Jon. Now another clip where they go to Jon's house and try to wake him up. Kalan says into the mic thing "It's your mommy!". Now they are all jumping on him and being martians and playing guitar and wrestling with Kalan as the ref and Jacob is pretending the roof is on fire and being a cop car or something and then they drag Jon down the stairs and feed him while he's asleep and then Jon wakes up and he tells them about his dream which had them doing all the stuff that they were really doing while trying to wake him up, and he says to Kalan "Do you play the drums?" and Kalan's like "No..." and Jon's like "You should man, you were really good in my dream" and you should have seen the way Kalan looked at him it was so funny he was like WHAT is wrong with you you retard!
Break. Oh shoot, this thing has gone on overwrite, so it's messed up at the top where it should say "Jason with Come On Get Happy", just for the record.
Back. Matt Dusk is here singing his song "Two Shots". He's hot, I can't remember who he looks like, though. He's from "The Casino" and he has a CD. He's a big band singer. Which, of course, is why they have him on Big Band Results night. Now Ben asks him idiot questions about when he's going on tour. He asks EVERY guest performer that! Matt Dusk won some CNE Contest thing and that's how he got his start. Now he's singing again "Fly me to the moon". Okay, he's done.
Break. Beh, there's a message on my machine for my mom from some England woman named Alana who said she's calling to see how she is and she'll try back later and thanks for today or something! Beh, my mom has NO idea who she is, my mom doesn't even know anyone here!
Back. Jon Dore. What is with his hair? It's like...deviled. Best and Worst clip showback. The award goes to Marvin Poon and Margaret-Anne Karen or "Almost Paradise". Dude, they sucked! It should have been the "A whole new world" trio, with that cute guy Jordie Houghton!
Results time! Jacob: Overview of songs and judges comment. Jason: Same. He winked again! Theresa: Same. She's wearing a nice shirt. Kind of like Sass's from last night only different, but the straps are the same. I haven't seen her wear her glasses in weeks. I miss them. Kalan: Same. Ben is talking really fast because he needs time! First member is: Going to have to wait until after the break.
Break. Oh, that message was for my dad, not my mom. How does Kevin sound like Susan? Oh wait, I'm deaf, that's how. It's someone he does editing for, and they worked together today.
Back. Jacob is safe. Jason is in the bottom 2 again, darn. The Newfoundlanders had trouble voting last night, their lines were down, which is why I kept getting through. Theresa is the 2nd member. I love them both so much! Zack said something about TV sucks or whatever. Jason is singing "I won't dance". Now Theresa is singing "It's only a paper moon". She scats so fast. She's doing the shoulder thing, I love that, me and my mom do that all the time when music comes on.
Break. Those bleachers were music stands, by the way. It's going to be Jason.
Back. The eliminated contestant is...Jason Greeley. Stupid Newfoundland lines. If it weren't for them, he'd be safe. Now a clip of his journey, and he sings us out with "Easy".
Posted by Rebecca at 8:59 PM 0 comments