Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Okay, so yesterday on American Idol 3 was SO annoying! They were doing auditions in San Francisco, and there was this guy named Rodriguez that came in and he was really good, but only Randy and Simon were there to judge because Paula was sick, and so they both thought he was okay until Simon asked "What would you do if you won and I gave you $1,000,000?" and the guy's like "I'd give it to charity, put some in business, and give more to charity" except Simon wanted to hear that he'd spend it on himself because that's what Simon likes to hear because he's a greedy pig, and then so after the guy told him what he'd do with the money Simon's like. "Okay then, it's a no", and I was SO mad because he was SO good and Simon changed his mind after one little question and plus Rodriguez was crying afterwards so it was so sad which made me even more mad!

And plus they only let like 3 guys in out of the whole thing and like 15 girls, which was probably only because Paula wasn't there. They've gone through 5 audition cities(New York, Atlanta, Houston, LA, and San Francisco), and so far they've all been horrible, except for a few people like Michael Keowne and Kiira and Sarah Silva and John Steven VI, who all remind me of AI2 peole, especially Kiira she's exactly like Carmen, and tonight they're doing Honolulu, which is on at 8/7central on CTV and/or FOX, so ya'll watch it, okay?