Wednesday, April 18, 2007

AI6 Top 7 Results:

Omg Bucky is there lol.


Whoa what is with that homeless person.

Wait what. Lol Fergie is there!!! Lol a rubix cube bracelet.

Lol nice ford commercial.

2 groups.

Lakisha Sanjaya Blake

Jordin Philly Chris.

N Doolittle is alone n safe. N Ryan says for her to go to the group she thinks is safe. Lol so she sits down on the stage n is like nope.

N The Jordin/Philly/Chris group is safe. Ooooooooooooh Melinda n Chris like almost made out.

So bottom 3 is Lakisah Sanjaya Blak.e

Lol they went to film studio for Shrek 3 n met Antonio Banderas n they're like OMG!! N theyu watching it lol n laughing.

Hey guys it's Martinaaaa.

Nnnnnnnnnnnnnn Blake is Safina.

Omfg Sanjaya is home.

Umbrellllaaaa. K.

Love I love this song. You wrote I wish you were her you left out the e. Lol.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

AI6 Top 7: COUNTRY!!

Prayers for those Virignia peeps.

Sweet Martina McBride.

Phil Stacey. He trynna look like Chris w/ his black shirt n blady. N he singing Where The Black top ends. This recaps used to be so formal. Now I'm lz. Lol. Oh I love that it like made the part like be there. Wow.N Randy lovdes. N Simon said why did it take 10 weeks for you to be good. N Paula loved too.



Jordin Sparks - "Broken Wing". Awwwwww my girl. N judges love.



Sanjaya is singing "Something to talk about". Well then. Wow. That was pretty bad. Lol Randy hates. N Paula too. N Simon REALLY hates. Lol.



Lakisah - "Jesus take the wheel". Or you could not. See the point of this song is that it's supposed to be done with a country accent dumbass. N judges hate.

Chris. Stop seriously. You're just so bad.

Melinda sings.

Blake sings.

I got green hair. Brendan's gonna freak.


K I'm bored. When will this show ever start.

I need food.

I wonder if they started Fiddler on the B yet. N it'll end at like 10 lol so he will be too ada to finish that survey for me n pick our song. It better be Rihanna.

There my pizza is in the oven. Mb I go on MSN. Except it'll like bust lol but oh well.

There it started I must go.