Wednesday, February 23, 2005

AI4 Top 24 results show:

Audition recaps. Noooo, Jamie Paul!!

Talking to the judges about Richard Simmons and Paris Hilton and song selection. Beh.

Results after the break.


A recap of the girls.

The entire top row is safe.

Bottom row: Carrie is safe. So is Mikalah. So is Lindsey. Nadia doesn't.

Melinda and Janay are left. Melinda is out. Um she like can't even speak and Randy is like eh. Scott is shaking his head and he's wearing cheap glasses! Now Ryan's making her sing.



Now the guys. Recap. Constantbean!!

Go die Bo Bice.

Now Constantbean is talking about how people think he's racist but he's not because Ryan said it. Yes, duh.

Scott Savol...has 3 minutes and 50 seconds before more results. Lol Ryan is dumb.

JOSEPH IS SAFE!! As is the top row.

The bottom row is lining up.

Anthony is safe! Constantine has to wait. Judd is safe. Nikko is safe. Lol Constantbean is safe.

Jared and Travis are bottom 2.

Jared is going home. That's too bad, he was second best of Monday night! Now he's singing.




Top row is unsafe. Bottom row is.

Aloha is safe. Jessica is safe. Vonzell is safe.

SARAH MATHER IS OUT H!!! WHAT.!! She was my favourite in my blend what happened thought I lost her in top 100 but was in fourth room h happened b!! Ugh. NO!! Deh. Now she sings. Stupid. And she's just like standing there like yeah okay crappy song.




Bottom row is safe that's Anthony and Constantbean!!

Mario and Scott are safe. Bo and David are safe.

Anwar and Joe are the bottom. Go home Anwar!! Um wait neither of them are out.

Judd is out? Okay now this is h-ing redonkulous to the max. Like what. He was SAFE!! And he was one of the best! About ants what!

Judd sings out.

Top 20 next week.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

AI4 Top 24: Girl's edition:

Vonzell, Amanda, Janay, Carrie!! Sarah!! Melinda. Nadia...Celena...Mikalah ugh, Lindsey yay! Jessica, and Aloha!!

Vonzell - "Heat wave". Her shirt is nice. She was good. Randy says a little pitchy but she corrected it with her personality. Um Randy just made all the guys woof it was scary!! Paula said she was good. Simon said it was really good. 1-866-IDOLS-01

Amanda - "How am I supposed to live without you" um this is Joseph's song from last night! Their song list must suck. She's better than she's been before. Randy says allright. Paula says she doesn't know. Simon says he agrees. And he likes her. In that way. Ew. 1-866-IDOL-02

Break. Janay Castine and Carrie Underwood next.


Janay - "I wanna love you forever". She was really bad. She sounds like she's crying and shaking and she looks very scary. Randy and Paula say she's good. Simon said song was too old and she's trying to be a grown-up and she's not 50. K. 1-866-IDOLS-03

Carrie - "Could've been" by Mandy Moore. I LOVE THIS SONG!! This is the best song ever and she was awesome eeek I love Carrie!! The judges all love her!! 1-866-IDOLS-04 vote for her eekina!

Break. Crap I forgot to press unrecord for Carrie! Sarah Mather up next yay!!


Sarah - "Get ready". This is a cool song, but it has stupid lines!! Randy says that she can do better. Paula says bad song choice. Simon says forgettable. 1-866-IDOL-05

Melinda Lira - "The Power of Love". This is a good song. She's like Camile Velasco. Randy says young Kelly Clarkson. That's not a good thing. They all like her. 1-866-IDOLS-06



Nadia Turner - "Power" or something about it. All the guys are standing up. Anthony's hot. Um she's trying to be cool by rocking or something. Not cool. Eww Bo is wearing ugly sunglasses so ugly!! The guys are woofing again. Beh Anthony. All the judges liked her. She was like...weird. 1-866-IDOLS-07

Celena Rae - "I will love again" by Celine Dion. There was a high note that she deliberately missed out. She was kind of cheap. Um Anthony is the only one standing up. Sit down! Randy says boring. Paula says it was good. Simon says he doesn't know. 1-866-IDOLS-08

Break. Mikalah Gordon and Lindsey Cardinale after this.


Mikalah Gordon - "Young hearts run free". Dear god. She stole Carrie's song!! She's horrible. Ugh. And she makes ugly faces and she talkes to the judges during the song h!! All the judges love her because they're stupid. Ew. 1-866-IDOLS-09 don't vote for her or I'll find you and...hit you with a block of cheese.

Lindsey Cardinale - "Standing right next to me". This is her audition song!! Judd Harris likes her. She was good. Randy says she can do better. Paula says bad song. Simon agrees with Randy. 1-866-IDOLS-10

Break. Jessica Sierra and Aloha Mischeaux after this!!


Jessica - "Against all odds". She was really good. Randy likes her. Paula says it was nice. Simon likes her too. 1-866-IDOLS-11

Aloha - "Work it out" oh don't, please...only Ricki-Lee can sing this. Sandrine from BI2 tried it and bombed. Stop dancing, Anwar!! She was good, but It's redonkulous. Lol Ronnie. All of the judges liked her. 1-866-IDOLS-12


Vote for Carrie and Sarah!! Lol group hug Ryan's like SCORE!!

Monday, February 21, 2005

AI4 Top 24: Guy's edition:

What is Ryan wearing? Lol he made a Leroy Wells reference.

Nikko Smith! Scott Savol!! Anthony Federov eek! Bo Bice please die. Lol Travis. AHHH CONSTANTINE! David Brown. Jared Yates beh. h. Um k then Anwar. Judd Harris beh. Joseph rawr. Mario Vazquez. The girls are watching in the audience.


Nikko Smith: "Part-time lover" I love this song!! Umm he's kind of horrible but he started out good. And staying bad. But he was okay. Randy says he made Stevie proud. Paula says the same. Simon thought it was okay but the viewers will forget about him. I won't! I don't forget anything though. 1-866-IDOLS-01

Scott Savol: I have no idea what he's singing, but he's good. He just yodelled eek and sang high! Randy says it was aiight. Paula says interesting song choice. Sure. Simon says he knows he doesn't look like an American Idol and Randy says neither does Ruben. And I think Simon just called Randy fat. 1-866-IDOL-02.



Bo cheap - He calls himself a rocker he's not he's fake Constantbean is the real one!!

Anthony Federeek!! "Hold on to the night" they play this on my radio station all the time. Lol he's my Jonathan. Randy says he was safing and boring but good. Paula says it was safe. Simon said he was as dull as dishwater. We don't need your crappy alliteration Simon shut up!! 1-866-IDOLS-03

Bo Cheap - "Drift away". Fake. Rocker. Horrible. Ew. Randy and Paula both loved it they're dumb. Simon liked it too. Cheap. 1-866-IDOLS-04. What he knocked it out of the stew? Beh h Ryan.

Break. Lol the chicken guy. I hate you Solomon. Lol the girl who likes Jake.

Travis Tucker - "My cherie amour". What is this, like The Ocean theme night? Hey, at least he's not saying 'tay' like Andrew Broderick on 06-30-04, yo. Sorry. He was okay. They all say he's safe. They sing the songs they're allowed to and those songs are safe. Simon says he's not good enough for a hotel lobby. And h is Paula wearing? 1-866-IDOLS-05

Constantbean!! "Kiss from a rose" eeek he rocks so much I love him!! The judges all didn't like him and Randy said he was out of tune and so he tried to imitate him and Simon was like "Yeah, that was REALLY out of tune" and Constantine was like "Just stick to rap" and Randy's eyes went all huge! Constantbean, that's so mean! Lol that rhymed eek!! 1-866-IDOLS-06

Um my tape just stopped and then I pressed play to see if we missed anything and it's somehow recording over Saturday's episope of MI-5 which I didn't see because I was at my dad's house and we pressed record at the END of it so how could it be recording over! And it somehow



David Brown - "Never can say goodbye". He is not singing this...beh. He was okay. Lol at the end he was like a Kaleb Simmonds. They all say he was safe. 1-866-IDOLS-07

Jared Yates: "How could I say goodbye?" or something like that. He yodelled like a million times he was awesome. Randy says he was boring and average/slightly below. Paula says the same. Simon said it was like some ghastly audition for a boy band which he wouldn't have been picked. 1-866-IDOLS-08



Anwar Robinson - "Moon river". Um he's way too loud it isn't mean to be sung like this be quiet and you can't even recognize the song!! They all loved him and Paula stands up. He sucked! 1-866-IDOL-9

Judd Harris - "Travelling band". Um why does he rock so much he was weird before!! He's still weird but awesome. Randy says it was good. So does Paula. Lol Paula says nitch, it's pronounced neech! 1-866-IDOLS-10


Back. Joseph Murena eek! "How am I supposed to live without you" eek he was amazing!! He was awesome he's the best!! He yodelled so much! Randy likes it but says it was safe. Shut up. Paula says it was good .Simon says he wasn't very exciting. 1-866-IDOLS-11

Mario Vazquez - "Do I do" by Michael Jackson. Randy says the best tonight. Paula says touchdown. NEVER SAY THAT!! EVER!! She is stealing Mark's thing from AUI!! 1-866-IDOLS-12


Vote for Joseph!!

The girls go on tomorrow: Sarah, Carrie, Lindsey, Aloha, Janay, Vonzell, Melinda, Mikalah, Nadia, Amanda, Jessica, and Celena.