Thursday, August 12, 2004

Group much did we miss? stupid show must have started on time. Jacob looks um very good. Kalan still has the layered look. Elena tries to look snazzier than Theresa. She fails.

Jacob is making fun of Lionel Ritchie. Ha! LR has to run away to the other side of the stage. Judges look bored, except Jake, who is bobbing his head like the Geico lizard. Oh and they have the camera stuck right behind some girl, so all you can see is her head. Good audience management there, people!

[moan] Now LR sings his song that he wrote for his wife, though he could just go back home to her and his boys and quit impressing us with how emotional he is [/moan]

Break. My guess? Shane, Jason, Elena bottom three. Jason goes back first, Shane goes home. Can we just send Elena home now? She bores me.

Theresa...looks worried...but she's safe.

Jason...(please please please!) Gah.

Kalan...(smiley and chewing his lip)

Uh-oh. By the way, Ben looks like a hospital orderly tonight.

Kaleb...bottom three.

Shane...looks like he thinks it's him...smiley....and bottom three.

Elena and Jacob after the break. I like how they always leave Jacob till the end. Part of the MAP deal, maybe?

Jacob looks sad. Elena smiling. YAY! Jacob is safe.
Judges opinions...

Jake...wafffles. No clue what he meant.
Farley...step up, out, let loose, blah blah. Then they can yell at you for not doing what they liked before.
Sass...tells them to think about what they do. Thanks, teacher.
Zach...goes on about how good Kaleb is. Hmmm. Wonder if that was a huge hint?
Shane is safe. My my! Can't stand Kaleb, but I don't want him gone. He is at least a bit different.
Ads. Oreo cookies. I want some. Back.

OK, so it's Kaleb. Pity that. The others look kinda sad, except Kalan who is smiling like an idiot, but I think he just likes the sing-out. Well, I guess Kaleb can just go back to his band or whatever. And hopefully for his fans (like the webpage owner here) he can get a record deal BEFORE everyone is saying Kaleb who?
Next week..Gordon lightfoot. Poor Jacob!

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Top 7 show - Lionel Richie:

Recap of Josh being eliminated, that was horrible. Kalan, Theresa, Shane, Kaleb, Elena, Jason! Judges intro. Josh is sitting beside Jacob's girlfriend. Now a Lionel Richie intro background thingy.

Kalan Porter - "Still". He was good, he stares so much like Jona and it kills me. Jake says it was his best on the show, Farley says he's a Sex Symbol Superstar. Sass says he's gone from good boy to dream boy. He was always dream boy to me. Zack said it was naked and real. Right. How freakish! Ben made fun of his shoes. I like Kalan's shoes! I also like his checkered shirt thing. It's hot. And it's a nice shirt. I hate Kalan's girlfriend, she's ugly. Well she's not, but still.

Commercials. Back.

Theresa Sokryka - "Hello". Whoa, she scatted at the end. That was different. She was awesome, she's so pretty I love her shirt! Good, Zack didn't yell at her. The other judges liked her, so that's good. Ben says he can scat. Theresa says she doesn't believe him. That is so me and Jona. What? Whatever, shut up.

Shaney Wiebe - "Angel". He was okay, I just wish he would shave again, he looks like a freak old man. Sass and Zack liked him. Jake says it was an uptempto song. It was NOT! Farley says Shane nailed it. Whatever! I just thought it was okay. Beh, Ben is being retarded.

Commercials. Back.

Kaleb Simmonds - "Truly". He yodelled and sang highly, I've been waiting for that for a LONG time, since "Tears in heaven". They judges all say he's amazing. Kaleb called Sass beautiful, that's so sweet I love him!! Ben says he takes longest to get to the stool. That's true, he does. Awww, Kaleb! Sorry.

Commercials. Back.

YES JON IS HERE! He's wearing his "Kiss the Dore" apron, I love that thing! He wore it on the clip in the group 3 results show. Now he's giving people burgers. And he has a stomache ache. Now they're rolling e clip. They're playing badminton or tennis, I can't tell. They're in the pool. They're making desert. Kalan makes a fish out of jelly. Shane makes a car. Jon makes a Canadian Idol sign.

Jacob Hoggard - "Brick house". I KNEW HE WAS GOING TO SING THIS! Sorry I didn't say. Lol he looks so freakish with his red leather sideways hat thing like mine and his weird shirt and pants, he's so funny! The judges hated him except for Sass. I loved him, he's got my vote!

Eloser Juatco - "Fancy Dancer". I knew that too. Holy crap, what is she wearing. She didn't suck as much as usual, but she still sucked. And that hairstyle? Not working for you, girl, sorry. And that belt? Ugly! And that skirt? Pretty cheap, too! The only good thing was her boots, but it kind of made her look like a s***.

Jason Greeley - "Easy". YES I LOVE THIS SONG! It's my favourite Lionel song.

Recap: Kalan Porter - 1-866-9-IDOL-01 - "Still"
Theresa Sokyrka - 1-866-9-IDOL-02 - "Hello"
Shane Wiebe - 1-866-9-IDOL-03 - "Angel"
Kaleb Simmonds - 1-866-9-IDOL-04 - "Truly"
Jacob Hoggard - 1-866-9-IDOL-05 - "Brick house"
Eloser Juatco - 1-866-9-IDOL-06 - "Fancy Dancer"
Jason Greeley - 1-866-9-IDOL-07 - "Easy"

I'm voting for Jacob and Jason and Kaleb and Theresa. And Kalan.

It's like 7:08pm and I'm just waiting for...I have no idea. Oh wait yeah, for Jona to phone. I talked to him earlier. For like 2 hours. It was cool. He said nice stuff to me. Like he was pretending he hated me and then he said he was kidding and then I was like "Well then what do you feel?" and he's like "I feel very much, it's undescribable" and then I said about how sometimes when people look at you you just feel something so, oh my god, and then I said about how when he looked at me and it was like oh my god. And then he was like "So you like it when people look at you?" and I was like "Yeah" in that kind of way and he was like "So who's your favourite person you like to have look at you?" and I was like "I think you know" and he was like "Yeah, I think I do too, but I just want to hear you say it" in that kind of way and so then I was like "Well...I think it's you" and he's like "That's what I was hoping...because if you had said your clarinet, I would've had to hang up on you" and I was like "I don't LIKE my Clarinet, she's my FRIEND!!" and he's like "Well, I don't know!" and I was like "Oh my god you think I'm one of THOSE people don't you?" and he's like "Nah, I'm just kidding" and then I was asking him again if he would find someone else and he's like "No, not unless it's like a really really hot model, or someone really rich" and then I was like oh my god and he's like "I'm KIDDING, seriously!" and then when I was going through my locker pictures he kept copying me and saying seriously because he says I say seriously a lot and I do, and that's also the reason why he said he feels very much even though that makes no sense because that's what I said. I just finished watching RRF, episode "Bad Boy" where Robbie pretends to be a gangster to impressed the new girl, who is played by Skye Sweetnam. It's about the 3rd time I've seen it, it's pretty cool.

I also asked Jona why he thought I liked him and he's like "Because you think you think I'm cute?" in that kind of way and I was like "Yeah" in that kind of way, if ya'll know what that way is. And then I was like "I'm just looking at my Canadian Idol poster, and some of the guys are really hot" and he's like "Is one of them me?" and I was like "No, I'm sorry" and he's like "Oh DAMN, that sucks!" and then I told him he was gay with himself and he said that's not even possible and then so I said that I thought he was gay and he said he wasn't so I was like "What's stopping you from being gay?" and he said me. And then I said about how if some guy asked me out like when I went back to school that I would say no I asked if he would do that and he said yes so I said why and he's like "Because you're here." And now CI is on so I'll talk more about what he said later.

I should seriously go to bed soon, BUT I don't want to, SO...I won't. I'm just sitting here on MSN talking to Sandy Lau, who is MY best friend in the WHOLE world, she's awesome, seriously, she's just the best, I can tell her anything. Now she's asking me how Calum is. He's a loser, that's how he is, don't ask why, I just don't care anymore. Oh, and I'm listening to THIERRY, as usual.

Jona phoned at like 9pm or after or something, but I was at the observatory writing out our names in Hieroglyphics because they had these stamp things with the symbols on them so when I saw it I freaked and spent like 50 hours there. Okay well, like AN hour, but whatever.

I love Jona. He's just so...different. And the other day when I got really nervous at the end because I was thinking about something, and I had my arms around my knees and my hair falling over my face so I couldn't see him and I had my face pressed against my knees and then without realizing I started rocking back and forth and it was disturbing him and so he kept nudging me and being like "Come on now, stop it, you're making me nervous" and then when I moved my hair out of my face he would be like sort of leaning over to look at me and then his eyes are so totally like blue and even though he wears glasses they're still like totally sparkling at me and it's just so...oh my god. We get along really well, like we laugh all the time and stuff, and usually when we try to make eye contact with each other we start laughing but that time it was we actually looked into each others eyes and it was just like...whoa. Because his eyes showed that he like actually cared and it's just that I haven't seen that in a long time. And his caring seems to be and mean more than anyone else.

And it's really going to suck when he goes back but he's coming back in December so I'll see him then, and nothing's going to change, and all that matters is right now, and it's just And it's just when I think about what I was thinking about before when I got nervous and if it actually happened and how it would be like oh my god and just everything to me. It happened with Jordan, but that means nothing anymore, and if it happened with Jona it would totally like I said mean everything and it would just make everything right and it would prove even more that this is fate, our fate, and it's meant to be, like he said.

Monday, August 09, 2004

This is a clip from my mom's day:

Title: Yuck-a-doo

Yuck-a-doo seems to be as good a way as any to start yakking when you are supposed to be cleaning up or feeding the Iggy or watering the plants, but since I just finished reading Becca's chatty-blog I don't feel at all like doing anything except nattering at nobody about nothing in particular.
Actually, I was going on the comp to see when the meteor shower was and when the Observatory ( which is like a gazillion times better than the Vancouver one, since that one is hardly ever open and when it is you can't see much except the trees) is open. Woah. Wordy sentence. But then she had too many things open and it wouldn't work (the comp, that is) so I started reading and waiting for the NEW! IMPROVED! SLOWER THAN DEAD SLUGS! Winamp to close. And the comp does this thing where if you actually sit in the chair for more than two minutes you can't get up again for possibly as long as four hours, or when someone comes downstairs and interrupts, whichever comes first.
So I have to put all my stuff away from going to Tsw for the weekend, plus tidy up whatever got left lying around, plus un-tidy up the stuff that Tinky put where I didn't want it put. Is there a reason the dead bushes have to be moved six feet and put right in front of my flower pot? Didn't think so. Do I have to keep the old flyers on the table with the new ones? Stuff like that.
Then I have to see what HIS reaction is to Marth's brother coming as well. Tinky decided against mentioning that. I so hate it when it is up to me to ask if something is ok AFTER the person is halfway here.
What I want to do is go to Elk because it is all nice and hot and I didn't get to go to the beach at the weekend, except with the dog who was trying to attack some giant poodle so we all had to leave. Uh oh. I hear a car, byeee!
-----------------------------------end of bub's cheap thing-----------------------

So, I'm back, from what might possibly be the greatest day ever. First we walked around in circles like 4 times, until he started saying about how he was immensely against circles, so then I called him a square, but then he said he was more of a triangle. So then we went and sat on a rock for like 3 hours. Seriously. It was so fun though, I was yelling at people in cars, and at first he was scared because he thought they would come and kill us and run us over with their trucks, but then he started doing it and then we were like to everyone that passed "K, let's stare at this person, see what they're doing" and then he would be like "That woman is wearing the ugliest dress I have ever seen" and he like insulted people's cars and stuff. And then this one time on the second rock I asked him if he liked her and he's like "She's got a nice butt." and I was like "WHAT?!" because I could not BELIEVE he had just said that and he was like "I'm KIDDING, you can't even tell from this angle!" and then I punched him and told him to shut up.

He was so nervous at first, like when we first sat down on the rock he kept picking up twigs and breaking them and stuff. I guess I wasn't as nervous as him because I've been through this before, which I told him. We made up this messed up thing about how he sat on a rock with a strange person because he had no friends. And every time we talked about that we would both go hysterical. And then I asked him well then why he was there, and he's like "Because I think you're cute" which was totally like oh my god, and then later when we were walking back into the market and holding hands he said he wouldn't want to be sitting on a rock with any other strange person but me.

He said he believes in fate, that things happen for a reason. And then I said about how freakish it was that we met again when we never thought we would, and he said "Tis fate" and then he said it again after for some reason.

And then when we went back to a payphone to phone my mom, I called him a loser, and he's like "Dork" and I was like "Loner" and he's like "Midget" and then I was like "Ignoramus, whatever that means!" and he's like "Loser Loner" because I had called him that earlier and he's like "I think I'm gonna have to hurt you" and I was like "Um you can't, you're too weak" and then he's like "I am SO insulted. I've been called a loser, and a dork, and maybe even a loner on occasion, but never a loser loner!" so that was really funny, he's hillarious, though he says I'm incredibly amusing.

He goes back on August 21, which he says is like 13 days. He's going up to Whistler a little while before then, though. I said to him like when he goes back, is he going to have someone to be around (that was my way of saying will he get a girlfriend) and he was like "Not unless I turn gay" and I was like WHAT are you talking about, and then he said he knew what I meant and no he wasn't going to. And then I was like "So does it have to end, like when someone goes away?" and he's like "You mean when I go back to England? No, not unless you want it to."

And then he was freaking out because there was a bee, which he said was a wasp but whatever, so then we moved to a different rock in the same grass bit. And he wouldn't sit ON the grass because then he would get his pants dirty and the grass is for lower class people like me, just like the other side of the street which he said I should go on because he hates me, joke, of course, duh, ya'll!

He says that Starwars is better than Canadian Idol, and that Startrek games were cool, and I said they sucked and to prove they were better, and he's like "I don't have to, because it is". And then we were talking about video games and he actually KNOWS what Shining Force is, and he's played both games and he said they're awesome, and they are, so that's cool. He said his cousin Aiden thought I was autistic! And I got so mad I was like "Um WHAT he thinks I'm like some retard kid?" and he's like "You can't call them retards just because they have mentally ill problems of communication!" and I was like "Yes I can!" and then he called my Diana Degarmo choker a dog collar, so I got mad at him.

And then some people went and sat near on the stairs which were a little bit aways from us, and then he got scared because he didn't want to be near some "drug taking acohol losers" as he put it, and he said they made him nervous. And then I said hot and he thought I said high. And then he said "You really DO have a speech impediment, don't you?" and then I hit him again and he's like "You can't hit me, I'll hit you back!" and I was like "You can't do that, you're not allowed" and he's like "Then why do you?" and I was like "Because I'm ALLOWED!" and then we were talking about rune and hieroglyph and stuff and he was freaking out that I memorized it and stuff, and he asked me if it was Latin or Greek and I was all like I don't know it's Roman you freak! So then he asked me how to do a Roman A and then he was mad because he didn't have a pen so then I just told him that it was like an English F but the two lines slanted downwards so then he traced it on his hand and was like is that right and I was like yes it is, and then he asked me what the tree in front of us was named, because he knows I name everything, and he's like "It looks like a Bob, but if you turn it upside down it looks like a roman A" and I was like beh he's interested! And then I was like "The tree's name is Shane Wiebe" and then I was like "Stupid Shane...get Manoah kicked off..." and then he laughed at me again. And then he started saying about something about the Elvish Alphabet and something about Arabic Alphabet and I said that thing that I always say and he's all like what does Arabic have to do with that and then I'm like Arabic is that thing that I always say and he's like okay whatever forget it you're dumb! And then I said about Calum and he said about Daniel and he said about how he sees him sometimes when he's at school and he says that he has his group of movie star followers always trailing him around and I said it's the same with Calum and then I said I hate Calum and then Jona's like "Bloody movie stars" and I was totally just like I know. And then he got scared of my hair scrunchy because it's black and fluffy and then he was backing away from it and he fell off the rock so I laughed at him. When we first got to our first rock I made a joke about Newfoundland, you know, being the rock and all. And he was like what.

We couldn't look each other in the eye, it was so funny, every time we did we'd start laughing. He said he calls his Chinese friends ****** and the East Indians ******* and I was like you can't do that that's so mean! And then I taught him about that thing that I always say and that other thing that I always say. And then later I said that it was easier to say than it was to say the other one, and I asked him to say it and he's like "Some sort of racial discrimination!" But then he got it right without me telling him that, so.

He said he'll call me tomorrow, I hope he does. Oh crap, I missed RFR. Oh well, I'll watch it tomorrow, it's probably one that I've seen before anyway. Oh yeah, that was something else that he did. When we were on the first rock he was like pretend crying about missing tennis and I was like "Oh yeah? Well I'M missing my favourite soap opera so shut up!" and then he laughed at me and he was like "Oh yeah? What's that about?" so then I went babbling all about it.

And then I told him about my website and he's like "You have a WEBSITE? Why do you have a WEBSITE?" and I said it was awesome and I couldn't live without it. And I asked him if he liked Hilary Duff and I said that I had like 30 posters of her in my room and he's like "You have POSTERS in your room?" and I was like "Yeah, I got some John Mayer, Clay Aiken, Kelly Clarkson even though she sucks, and I have this thing that says MICHAEL JACKSON IS THE BEST." and he said he believes Michael didn't do anything just like me, and then we were talking about Martha Stewart and about how I didn't think she should be in jail just for telling a lie and he's like "Well, lying's not a good thing" and then so I explained the situation and stuff to him, and then we were talking about CSI and Will and Grace and the Simpsons and Corner Gas and Simple Life and stuff. He says he's heard the name Lionel Richie before, but he doesn't really know who he is, and then we were talking about Celine Dion and Josh Groban and Glass Tiger and David Bowie and Richard Marx and Canadian Idol and Will Young being gay and he said he's not but I know he is because he told everyone and Jona said it's just publicity so I said shut up, like I always do, but he didn't care, like he never does.

And then I said about how Stephanie called me in the middle of Canadian Idol and he was all sarcastically like "Oh my god she DID? The NERVE of that girl!" and then I was totally all like "I KNOW!!" but he was just being dumb as ususal, so, and then I was all like "And she wanted me to phone her back but then KALEB SIMMONDS was coming on, like Kaleb Simmonds, man!" and then he was laughing at me again and I was like what's your problem you freak! Oh yeah and then when we were talking about Shining Force I said about how Patrick won't let me play SF2 because he thinks I'll break it so he hid it, and Jona said he probably doesn't even know where it is, and then I told him about how I can't play it so I download all the music and listen to it all the time and then he laughed at me again. I just finished listening to one, actually. The reason my mom's thing was callled Yuck-a-doo was because it stank downtown and she couldn't think of anything else to describe the smell so she was just suddenly like "YUCK-A-DOO! GROSSNESS!" and then we all went hysterical. And Jona thinks that a dink is a cross between a dork and someone who stinks. I thought fink, but whatever, it's someone that my bro Tim's best friend Nate said to him one time in Vancouver and my mom got mad.

I asked him if next time did he want to sit on a rock again and he said it's a little too public so he said he knows a place that's more private: the lake. That should be fun, except we can't sit on a rock and laugh at people! There will of course be rocks at the lake, and maybe people, but like he said, it's more privater. Or something. He said that loserish isn't a word.

And then he thought it was hillarious that I thought it was hillarious that people ripped my songs apart on IDF that I post. He said that the mere thought of me thinking it's hillarious is funny. He said that it was just the way I put it, or something like that.

Okay, I'm done now. Lots of people are here. Hi.

Um this is retarded my computer is being so slow! Sorry, I'm trying to be normal when all I'm really thinking is EEEEK!!!! I'm going out with Jonatan. In like 15 minutes. My mom's just getting ready because she's driving me up to "Broadmead Shopping Centre" to meet him there. I am SO freaked. The only thing I'm sure of is: My hair looks nice. I think. Ugh, this is so dumb! I'm not wearing makeup, so that's good, I have nothing to smear, no nail polish, so nothing to chip off, no lipstick, so nothing to get all over my face and look like a retard, so I'm good but I'm still a loooooooooooooosagirl!

He was actually there when I phoned him, and I had no idea what to say so I was totally just babbling about how Vancouver was a small China-Town or something and about how everyone just babbles ni Chinese so you have no idea what they're saying and he said maybe I should learn Chinese or something retarded like that! Beh!

I'm wearing like a billion tons of purfume, but that's just another one of my trademarks, so there's nothing I can do about that. I think I'm good. On the way there I'll think of what to say. Um it would totally help if I knew where my mom was, she's my ride! The phone's ringing. Sorry, not answering, got plans.

I have to go now!! I'll tell everything when I get back. I. Am so. FREAKED! As you might have heard already.

This is so messed. I have a stomache ache again, and this time it's from drinking milk. Seriously, I had like, maybe two small glasses, and I can't take it. I seriously cannot even drink milk without having some freak problem. So now it's like 9:46am and I'm getting Fefe Dobson's new song "Don't go (boys and girls)", which is cool, but I'm totally not sure what it's about, and if it's what I think it's about, then it is so not cool.

I've been in Vancouver since Friday. Well actually, this is how it went:


I got up, got dressed and stuff, then my mom and dad went to the bank, so I phoned Jonatan, but his grandpa said they went to the eye doctor and then to Hillside Mall or something. Is that all he ever does, like, go to the mall? Like seriously, you come over here from England, you can do all this stuff, but no, you go to the mall. Right. So anyway, he said he'd get him to call me back, but I knew I was going to Vancouver, so it wouldn't be any good, but I didn't tell him that, I just wanted to see if Jona would actually call, because he didn't last time. So then I went on the Ferry to Tsawwassen to my grandparents house, then at about 9:30pm we went to the airport to pick my brother Patrick up from Quebec, and then we met my sister Teresa and her boyfriend there (Trevor Nelson), so then while my mom and Nana were at the luggage part thinking he would come there, maybe out of the shoot or something (joking), me and Teresa and Gandy went around the arrival part and then he came out and I got to him first and he gave me a big hug, which is so weird, because I haven't hugged Patrick for like, years. Well actually, I did when he left for Quebec like 5 weeks ago, but that was just like some one armed thing like I did with Calum on the last day of school. Well, with Calum it was a bit more, but I won't go into that. Rawr. Sorry. Anyway, Patrick was totally all like tired because he had to spend 12 hours at the airport in Quebec, and then like 5 hours on the plane, so. So then we got back to the house and just sat around and then I went to bed because I was tired because we were at the airport for like 3 hours because his luggage took so long to come.


In the morning (well it was like 12:30pm but whatever) my brother came into me and my sister's room and like threw himself on the bed and then woke us up (well I was sort of already awake, but whatever) so then we all laid there and talked for a little bit, and then I went upstairs and had breakfast, and then we went to the stores and stuff, and I got yet another fake hair thing, I have like 6 (hey, it's my trademark!) and this one was like a reddish-orange one with braids coming out at the bottom and hair at the top, it was sort of the same colour as my hair was when I first dyed it, it sort of matches, but ya'll should see my other ones, I have like a black bun one with curls coming down at the front and like little sparkly stars attatched to them (the one that I was wearing when I saw Jona at the mall the second time), one with just braids with beads and stuff on them, a red fluffy one, which I think is my favourite, and a blondish-brown one that's just like a curly bun thing. So then anyway, after convincing my mom to come with us, Trevor came over to my grandparents house to pick us up, and we went into Vancouver for the Fireworks down at Kits beach, which we used to go to all the time when I lived there. I've been back to the beach and pool and stuff there once in grade 6, but I haven't been to the fireworks since the end of grade 4, so that was cool, except afterwards it felt like I should go into the parking lot and get into the brown/white multi (we had both) with Mum and Patrick and Teresa (And maybe Timothy) and then just drive back to our house on East 28th Avenue, which of course isn't there anymore, because they knocked it down to build some ugly purple Ching house, but whatever. So then it was kind of sad, but still, we got the see the Polynesian dancers at Showboat (Jerrica Santos from Group 3 CI is one, but she wasn't there because she lives in Surrey, but she might go there sometimes because she likes to perform and that's the best place, but I don't know!), which we used to go to all the time too, it's all in the same place, Kits is a really really big place, it's got like a beach, a pool, a park, showboat, grass, concession stands, like everything, it's awesome. So then after that we walked over to the Vancouver Observatory, which my mom says is cheap and that the one here is better, but whatever, she doesn't like Vancouver anyway, she always pretends that she never lived there. And then we went past the Vancouver Maritime Musuem, which she says is cool. And then after we walked back to the car, and then drove back to T & T's place (Teresa and Trevor) and then I slept downstairs in Dustin's room or something, which smelled like the playhouse at my Vancouver house, which is like all musty which is SUCH a good smell, seriously, I love it, it's also like the smell of my sister's old room in the Vancouver house, but the playhouse smell is bettter, so that was good. It also smelled like the suitcase my brother used to go to Quebec, which he said smelled disgusting, but I disagreed.

Sunday: So we got up, had breakfast and stuff like that, and then went up to Ladner Market, in Ladner. And then after that we went back to my grandparents house, and then had dinner, and then we went back on like the 9pm ferry, so then there were no messages on the machine, so I was like totally all POed because I thought Jona didn't call, but then I ran upstairs and asked my dad if anyone called and he's like "Yes. Your 18 year old boyfriend phoned". And I was like um he's 16 but whatever! So then I'm going to call him this morning sometime, I'm just talking to my sister Melissa right now, and looking at my website's front page, and listening to one of my burned Thierry CD's.

I think I'm gonna go now, because my stomache hurts, and stuff. Oh BTW, my mom did the recap on Thursday the other night because I was watching the first two unseen-and-never-will-be-seen-again episodes of Radio Free Roscoe in a different room, and then I watched the tape after the show, and I was SO POed because I voted for Josh all night and now it seems like such a waste, but it's really not. They were all crying except for stupid pathetic loser ELENA, who was smiling, I hate her, she's such a bitch. It was so sad though, I got Josh's video from the other night and I watch it like every 5 seconds, it rocks. I've offered my mom a full time results show recap job, and she said that if she's allowed to just take notes on paper during the show, then type up the results afterwards, she'll do it, so the results will be, from now on probably, up at about 8:40 or so, if that's okay with ya'll, which it should be, because it's only about 10 minutes later. I love her recaps, they're so funny! I know you don't get to know what I think, but you guys should know who I want to go home by the performance show recaps, which will still be done by me, and just in case ya'll aren't clear on who I hate, I'll post it at the end of the recap, mmm-kay?