Saturday, March 27, 2004

Okay, so today I auditioned for Totally Teen Talent 2004, which is a talent show of Victoria. Or that. Anyway, I sang "Lean on me", I did it for GEORGE HUFF, man!! He taught me the dip and hands thing and the bouncing and the jumping and spinning, and the "Listen!" with the pointing of the finger, which I was totally too scared to do but if I get through to the finals I will so totally bring it. GORDIE TUPPER was there, man!!! As one of the judges!! He's one of the news guys from CH, he's so cool, I was like "Oh my god, it's Gordie Tupper! That's so cool!" and they were all like laughing at me and Gordie was like "Yay, someone knows me!"

It was so weird when we got inside because there were the people who were waiting to audition, and then there was this TV which showed the auditions, which were in the room beside it. The audition room was so cool, there were like lights all around it and they had a big sign saying your name which they focused on before you started. The first two performers were like these Britney wannabe dancers who danced to Britney music, and then there was this girl who sang "Reflection", only she sucked because she was too loud and forgot the words and shut her eyes when she was singing, which you totally should NOT do after what happened to that guy in the American Idol auditions. He was singing badly with his eyes shut and when he opened them Randy and Simon were gone and Paula was just like sitting there staring at him. When the sucky girl came out she was like crying because she knew she sucked and her like 6 friends who me and Mom thought were going to audition were like trying to convince her that she didn't suck, even though they knew she did.

My mom said that I was good, and that I did everything a good performer knew how to do, which is like stare straight at the camera because it makes you look hot, and smile, and dance, which I didn't even know I was doing, and my mom was expecting me to like stare at the floor like I did at my school talent show, but when I didn't she was like "Whoa, I didn't know she could do that!", so that's cool.

Plus, I think that doing this made Calum think better of me, because usually he's not that interested in what I have to say, but when I told him yesterday I was going, he like totally paid attention and asked me about it and seemed kind of impressed, which is really a good thing for him.

So, if they decide I don't suck, they'll contact me by April 1st, and I really hope they do.

Song of the day: George Huff - "I can love you like that". That is just the best song in the world right now, man.

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Okay, the results know what? Screw the friggin recap. Matt Rogers, Diana Degarmo, and Camille Velasco were in the bottom 3, I was pissed that Matt and Diana were there, so Diana got put back, I was very happy, then Matt Rogers got friggin SENT HOME!!! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH AMERICA???? THEY DON'T KNOW TALENT WHEN THEY SEE IT?? Shit, I cried a lot, I am SO pissed. Alistair Hayward is going to flip out at school tomorrow, he loved Matt almost as much as I did. John Stevens is safe. I'm happy for him. Matt is gone. DAAAAAAMMMMNNNN!!!!!

Song of the day: Matt Rogers - "Amazed". MATTTTTTYYYYYYY!!!!!!!

Okay, so the top 11 show:

Diana Degarmo - She sang Martina McBrides "Broken Wing". She was SO good. She's become my new girl favourite since the top 32, I love her almost as much as Carmen.

George Huff - He sang "I can love you like that" by John Michael Montgomery, most recently done by All For One and Boys II Men. Oh yeah, I'm good. I heard that song like the day before he sang it, he did it so good but it was weird because he couldn't spin around because it was a slow song, but during the judges comments he kicked his legs up into the air it was funny. I think I liked him so much because the last time I listen to that song it made me cry about Jordan so it meant a lot to me that George was trying to make me feel better. I'm so messed up. But really, I did feel better. Ah, the emotion. SHUT THE HELL UP, REBECCA!!!

Fantasia Barrino - She sang "Always on my mind" by Willie Nelson. She was like trying to be cool by doing a slow song but she sucked and I still hate her and want her to die.

John Stevens - He sang Roger Miller's "King of the road". When my friend from Ohio told me he was doing that song I downloaded Dean Martin's version of that and I so knew he was gonna rock, and he DID!! He was so HOT!!! And so AMAZING!! In his package he said he always hated his red hair when he was younger because old ladies would come and mess it up. Haha, me and Sarah should do that to all the red heads we see. Watch out, Calum!!

Camille Velasco - She ruined one of my favourite songs, "Desperado", most recently done by Jeffery Dingle in the auditions. I loved that guy, man!! I HATE her, even if she does look nice with her hair straightened.

Jon Peter Lewis - He sang "She believes in me". He was kinda boring. There's not much I can say. He has two brothers, a blonde guy named Christian and a black haired guy who's really hot and looks like Clayton Akerman. Mmm, Clayton.

Jennifer Hudson - She sang "No one else on earth", althought it sounded more like "Earf", but whatever, she was still awesome.

Matt Rogers - Hee!! He sang "Amazed", which Josh Gracin sang last year. Josh's version was better, but Matt was really sweet and he was in the Rose Bowl so I hope he stays.

Jasmine Trias - She sang "Breathe" by Faith Hill. She was kinda boring, and couldn't hit the high notes. Still got the flower. She says having behind her left ear means she's taken, right ear means single. At the auditions in Ha-wa-ee it was in her left, now it's in her right. I wonder what happened? Her brother's hot. His name's Renato or something.

Latoya London - She sang "Ain't going down till the sun comes up". I am going to KILL her for ruining a Josh Gracin song!! Josh was in the audience and he pretended to like it but I totally knew he thought his version was SO totally better. What is up with these people and their ruining of Josh Gracin songs? Jeez.

Amy Adams - She sang "Sin Wagon". I knew she'd be good at country, it's her thing, and she rocked, man. Her hot boyfriend was in the audience too. I have no idea what his name is so I'm just gonna be like mmm, hot boyfriend.

I think that's my longest recap ever. Yes, I know I put all the song title in Italics but that's because I LIKE using Italics because they're from ITALY!! I LIKE IT, DAMN IT!! Whoo, I'm good now. Now watch Kingdom Maine Hospital tonight at 10 on CTV or I'll never let any of you read my recaps again! I mean it! GO!!!

My song of the day - Diana Degarmo - "Think". Awesome song, man, awesome song. The words are so damn hard to figure out though.