Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Canadian Idol Auditions:

Oh my god, this person is bad. That was just a clip, now introducing the judges, Sass, Farley, Jake, and Zack. Sass and Jake are awesome. JENNY! BILLY! All the top 11 of last year!! Haha, Kevin Murdoch. No, Jen's crying!

More judges talking. Who are these people? I guess we're about to find out, starting with OTTAWA, hometown of last year's winner, Ryan Malcolm!

Anastasia Flivova or something...terrible. She wasn't that bad!
Matthew Pride - Terrible. Okay he sucks!
Um this guy - Is singing Ryan's song, and he sucks.

Ha, Ryan's back.

Kim Savage - She's REALLY good, whoa. Zack says no, the rest say yes, she's going to Toronto!

Melanie Lenneau - Flirting with Jake, right. She's gotta go.

Jackie Hanna - Ummm, bad.

Nathalia Jolie or something...bad. Singing a Whole New World.

Lee Willis - Bad. Singing a Whole New world.

Eric Bollman - Sweet Caroline?

Some more cheap people.

Anna Russell - Cheap.

Serge Cayamong - He sounds just like Guy, I LOVE him!! He's going to Toronto. Commercials.

Back. Jon Dore and Ben Mulroney ice skating. Jon's wearing a pink suit. That's gay.

Katie Bernard - Bad.

Jessica Carey - Bad.

Nathan Harrop - Bad.

Julia Nygen - Bad.

Krista Allen - Bad, bye.

Anmary Legault - She's good. They all say yes - She's the 3rd person in!

Daniel Oickle - He's singing Alanis Morrisett. Whoa. Scary.

Steve Sandos - Bad.

Thomas Cho - Bad.

Andrea Gal - She's good. She's in.

Toronto coming up next, after the break.

Back. Bah, Kurt is there!

Allison Mcauley. Bye.

Steve Foster. Wayne's world? Bye.

Atm Muttakin - What a hardi! Bye.

Daniel Dupus - He's good. He's through! Jeez, Frenchie much.

Kendra Knoflook - I don't think she's that bad, but she's gone.

Roxane DeLongo - Sucky. Bye.

Sarina Mazzochi - Oh gosh, shut up. Bye.

Diane Archer - She's really good. She's in!! We get it, you're black, stop talking like it.


Andriano Lawson-Ballet. "When I fall in love", ugh horrible, don't ruin Jazzy's song!

Mike Ewart - What a freak, he's singing a song about a bird! Bye.

Misty Tassone - She's okay, singing Cheryl Crow.

Amy Bailleragon - Singing a song from the Little Mermaid, every line, how weird. Her and Zack make faces at each other. She made it, she's cool and really good, she takes like Cosima, except not Australian.

Now all the dancers, not singers, wow.

Mohanza Kelly - He looks like Gary Beals, seriously. He's better, though. He's in, haha.

More Toronto up next, after the break.

Back. Joshua Seller - He's hot!! And he's so good! He got in, yay!

Mark Feldman - Oh gosh, how gay. "No woman no cry". Bye.

Corey Loney - What a freak. Bye.

Beth Biederman - What a fairy freak. Bye

Marvin Poon - Ewww, how gay. Bye.

Andre Richards - Beatboxer, he's really good at that. He didn't get in because he didn't sing.

Brock Groombrige - He's really cute!! And he's 16, and good. Singing Power of Love. I hope he gets in, I really do. Sass says yes, she adores him. Jake says yes, but he won't make it to the next round because he sucks. Sweet, he got in!!

So now we're done, and back tomorrow!