Thursday, July 15, 2004

I'm sorry I didn't recap last night I wasn't here until later but I'll tell you now!
Wildcard show:
Bernard Quilala - "I heard it through the grapevine". I am SO disappointed in my Bernard, I thought he could've done SO much better, but he was NOT very good at all, so I didn't vote for him more than a few times. The judges ripped him apart, like I knew they would.
Liz Titan - "Try it on my own". Like I said, I HATE people singing Whitney when they're not Whitney, but she did great with that song, not that I heard much of it because my stupid mom and sister wouldn't stop talking through it!!
Raj Ramawad - "Lately". He was so good! It was so weird, when I first came in at about 9:20pm, I just picked up the phone and voted for contestant number 3, and when I watched the show, I realized I had voted for him it was so funny! And then I voted for him later and his line was busy!!
Kyla Sandulak - "Stand by me". Beh. She's just like Jenny Gear! She looks like her, and sounds like her. I would like her, except I already have one Jenny. She was allright, though.
Ted Senecal - "Jeremiah was a bullfrog". Beh. His song was so freakish! And he's such a freak!
Elena Juatco - "What I did for love". As much as I hate her, she was really really good.
Jason Greely - "Sad songs". Eeeek!! I LOVE JASON GREELY!! He was so freakish he was like being freakish all over the place! And he was so good! That was his audition song, except back then he had like stretch-throat or something so he didn't sound that good but I voted for him so much I love him!
Andrew Broderick - "Imagine". Beh. He sucked. And he actually pronounced words properly so it was boring! All he said was "tay", that's it.
There's no point in putting numbers in the recap, so I'll just write the songs:
Bernard - "I heard it through the grapevine"
Liz - "Try it on my own"
Raj - "Lately"
Kyla - "Stand by me"
Ted - "Jeremiah was a bullfrog"
Elena - "What I did for love"
Jason - "Sad songs"
Andrew - "Imagine"
I only started voting at about 10 and then stupid Stephanie phoned me so I missed like half an hour but I hope I did good enough for Raj and Jason Greely! I'll be back later to recap the results show, Sarah's coming over!