Saturday, February 18, 2006

Je suis tres...however you say bored in French. Ahahahah an apparently lack of interest. Yeah well maybe if your subject didn't suck so much and you actually knew how to teach.

Wow some peeps are dying they're like arhghghghgh. Like in Mortal Kombat. With like a skeleton ripping thing that was sick I never did learn how to do Fatalities and rip out that dude's brain and Johnny Cage who cannot fight.

Omg he's married! And I think he has a wife!! Lol that was great I'm so stupid.

What is upstairs.

Wow that was entertaining. Stinky little kitten. Like knocked me off the couch and then my head hurt. Still does. But it was warm upstairs.

How will I know him. He will know you. Find the tavern and we will speak again later.

What is that like dundundun. And he has like white eyes.

It is quite cold.

And now I can see what that William Makar video is called. Eekina William Makar!

Oh wait I have to find out who came 10th in AI3 cuz I totally forgot.

Omg it was like that Amy Adams I didn't even remember her.

Oh look that person is on again.

These chips are rather disappointing.

Rawr Ace Young an Ace Young.

Do we have any good drinks upstairs. Oh we better.

Oh wow like some fruit juice.

K these chips suck they are not BBQ.

Wow that person had a baby thanks for telling me little pig.

I want a hot dog. Like one of those ones you get at like a carnival or something.

Ooooh Rob Thomas like my fave video.

K this one's overplayed.

And ColdSuck.

Omg Rob Thomas/Anna Nalick so going to THAT concert.

And Sarah Harmer. That was like a end of grade 8 and then I'd be like noooooooooo that time in my life!!

K whoever like this person is. I have no idea. But her video is on. Oh like that guy isn't fake. He is too what she said he wasn't.

K that JM message me you lame.

Stupid planner. I cannot read through this crossing out. On a besoin de un somethingsomething magnifying glass.

Speak of the BM. Sarah just came on.

K why did the videos like break. Oh there we go. And william sang BOTW.

Wow so much Ev.

K that Ehles is coming over now and we're going to the mall with that Silvana.