Monday, August 06, 2007

CI5 Top 7: Queen

Judgess. Wow Zack looks hot.

Queen is lame.

Brian Melo - "Too much love will kill you". He has leather jacket. He reminds me of someone. Jack loves. Farley says it was an incredible performance. That it was. Sass says he did the song justice and she liked the juxtaposition. Zack said it that pitchwise it was sketchy all over the place. 1-866-9-IDOL-01

Greg Neufeld - "We are the champions". I hate this lame song. There are so many glowsticks in that audience. Sass says HE is the champion. Zack says he didn't rip into it. Jake says that Zack is so off base. Farley also loves. 1-866-9-IDOL-02

Stylistssss break - Hey Tara looks so pretty. Matt has no hair. Carly looks pretttyyy. I think Brian had no hat on for a second!!!! Jaydeee oooh emo hott. Awww he messed it up.

Carly Rae Jepsen - "Killer Queen". Awwwwww she is the preeetiesttt. Hair extensions much. That's a hot dresss. And tights. And shoes. The whole outfit is hot. I want it. The piano player is like ummmm get away from me. Sass says she's so impressed she's almost speechless. It kicked. Zack said she brought her own thing to it and no one else is in her league for being unique. Jake loves her look. Hey me too. And he loves that she took the cabaret side of Queen and accentuated it because that's her style. Farley said she entertained and did what she felt like doing and that's what they like to see. Awwww. Ben says she looks like a superhero. What? 1-866-9-IDOL-03.

Matt Rapley - "Under pressure". Matt is probably like what is Queen. This is quite lame. And loud. Well then. Zack says he had some strong moments and something about a cattle prod. Ew what. Jake said some moments he got drowned out by the backup vocalists but it'll sound better at home. Not really. Farley says he's glad Matt took it back to where he was a couple weeks ago. Back to Suckville? Hmmm. Must be a nice place. I should visit it sometime. Oh wait that's right, I don't SUCK. Sass liked it. 1-866-9-IDOL-04.

Dwight D'eon - "Tie your mother down". Um. K. He is in the audience. I would so grab him. His HAND. God. The guy in front of him right now is like uhhhh. And now he's all in the camera's face. This song is weird. Who the hell is Michael Landsberg. Jake says performance 10, vocals 7, but he lit it up. Farley says he puts his heart into everything he does and it was really really good. Sass says it was the perfect song for him and it was wicked. Zack says he's back to being a contender. 1-866-9-IDOL-05.

Tara Oram - "Headlong". What in the W is she wearing. And her Her shoes are nice at least! That corset is hot but not with that ugly dress. Farley says it's the best performance of her. SWEET A NEWFOUNDLAND FLAGINA!! Sass says she loves watching her. Zack says she sang the hell out of it. Jack loves. 1-886-IDOL-9-06.

Jaydee Bixby - "I wanna break free". Awwww what a baby with his messy hair and leather jacket that he stole from Brian. What are those like metallic pants. All judges love except for Jake who says he didn't listen to Brian May. Pffft. 1-866-9-IDOL-07
