Saturday, October 11, 2003

Jordan is SUCH a jerk, seriously. Yesterday I told him that I phoned Rylan and he turns around and totally starts telling him all these lies like, "Oh, she's going to lead you into a death trap" and all this other garbage, and he kept asking what I talked about, when it's totally NONE of his business who I talk to, and just because he's jealous that doesn't mean that he can try and ruin everything for me. So I went up to him after school at his locker, and I was like, "What's your problem?", and he's like, "You're annoying, go away", so I was like, "You're such a liar! Why do you tell people these lies about me when you don't even know what you're talking about?" and he's like, "You're annoying". So I was like, "YOU are a liar," and he's like, "Yeah, and YOU have been dumped." So then I was still like, "You're a liar, you say things to me you don't even mean!" but then he just ignored me. You know, I could so totally blackmail him. I could tell his friends EVERYTHING he used to say to me on the phone, and I don't think they would find it very, "Cool". So if he wants to tell lies about me, and ruin MY life, I can do the same with him, but I'll actually tell the TRUTH about what he said. I know it wouldn't solve anything, but it's payback. Maybe I should leave a message on his machine telling him that if he doesn't act normal I'll tell his friends everything, so he should really think about that. That would freak him out so bad. We just finished a book called Door In The Wall, an old fantasy english book with old english language like Thou and Thee and cool stuff like that. It's WAY better then the other two books we've been reading in class, "Leroy and the old man", and "Sixteen is spelled O-U-C-H". We read through the book and listened to the tape at the same time, which was good because the reading guy made it sound so real with old english knight/monk/squire/page sounding voice so it was good. Stupid Bugsy. That's what all the guys call Jordan because he tried to save a bug in Grade 6 camp. I miss bugsy. No, I don't. Yes, I do. I don't know. You know what? Whatever.