Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Hey ya. Stupid Outkast, they suck. NO, Canadian Idol is NOT on tonight, I'm just posting for no specific reason. It's not on till Wednesday and Thursday. John Stevens "Music of my heart". There's just one thing that I want you guys to do, seriously I'll do anything, go to, join, then go to Games and Chatter at the bottom, then the REDUX EMPORIUM, then LADY IDOL REDUX II and say post at the bottom that you want to vote for COSIMA DE VITO!! Please, I'm in the top 2 with Diana Degarmo, and I really want Cossie to win because she doesn't have that much publicity, and it's a really big deal that I'm in the top 2 playing someone who's not really known. If you do that, I'll love all of you forever, I promise. My username is Merrill, I have the Metzger blend and Carmen Ramusen avatar click it it sings!

So ANYWAY, I'm just listening to Billy Klippert's "Waited".from his new CD that's coming out on June 15, the same as Joshua Gracin's. You can listen to it from I want both of them for my B-DAY, which is on June 19, which you'd know if you're not DUMB. Whoa jeez, calm down Rebecca. And you really should get it from, it rocks. Like it's literally, rock music, dude. You should also listen to his version of Levon, it rocks too, even more than it did on the show. If you want to know more about Billy, go to, that's who he's signed with, they have some pretty cool artists over there.

The dinner-dance is on June 24th, that's on the day of the second exam or something, and I'm still trying to decide where I should go with someone or not. Jenny Gear "Without the fanfare" a new song, it rocks. Obviously I can't go with Jordan because he hates my guts and wants to kill me, but there IS Luke from the church, I'm pretty sure he likes me, and then there's Metzger. Jenny Gear "Vanities". And I don't know about him. I really really want to ask him, I'm just so scared he'll say no and then I'll be sad. I wouldn't want to go with him as like a DATE, just as friends, but I'm not sure he'll understand that. I know he wouldn't WANT to go as a date, because I know he doesn't like me that way, but if I asked him he might think I wanted like, a date.

Oh my god oh my god go to, click on videos, then click on the video "Jake Gold goes through the good, bad, and ugly auditions" there's this one guy who's like "THEY SAY EH INSTEAD OF WHAT OR DUH" he is so HILLARIOUS I LOVE THAT CLIP!! And then Kalen comes after him with the curly hair and red face he is so HOT I LOVE HIM!! And then the guy after is so cool I love him. Merrill, out!