Monday, March 21, 2005

Jonathan broke up with me yesterday because he's gay. Literally. Wow. It went really bad last night, but he told me he'd phone me today and we'd talk. And he did. It went okay, because he convinced me that he wasn't just lying, and I guess I do believe him. He always was kind of weird. And he said he thought he liked me in that way but he never did, and he realized that while he was in England because something happened. Ew. But he says it can be as it was before, it just can't go any further. He said it was just friendship before. It does really really suck, not only because I just lost my boyfriend but now I hear that he never really was my boyfriend and he lied for like 6 months but oh he didn't LIE he just didn't KNOW. And he's GAY for god's sake! But it's okay though, he says we can still be friends, and he even KNOWS that's a crappy line lol. He said he wants to keep emailing and talking and seeing each other. He's gone up to Whistler today for two weeks or less. He said he'll call me when he gets back. Hopefully he'll have thought about what a stupid dumbass he's being, but probably not. This would be the most HILLARIOUS situation if it wasn't me.

But I'm having fun watching Australian Idol videos so now I'm going to go see if I can get some more karaoke songs for my audition next week.

Vonzell Solomon might be singing "I wanna dance with somebody" by Whitney Houston tomorrow night for Billboard hits, it's a spoiler on TWOP and IDF.