Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Group 2:

Anna Cyzon - "Son of a preacher man". She's good, but not like great. I don't think the judges will like her. Jake says okay. Farley says okay. Sass says really good job. Zack says he hated it, bad song. I thought she did good! 1-866-9-IDOL-01

Commercials. Mohanza is next. I swear he's Gary Beals II.

Back. Mohanza Kelly - "Change gon come" or something retarded like that. Something about being born in a tent and brother. He sucked! You couldn't even understand what he was saying. The judges love him. I see another Gary Beals attack coming on to Canada. 1-866-9-IDOL-02 His name comes from an African King. Wow, that's surprising.

Loreal Style Studio with Tanya Kim. Ooh, Kalan is highlighting his hair, sexy!

Commercials. Liz Titan (pronounced tee-TAHN, not Ti-TAN)

Back. Liz Titan - "I have nothing" by Whitney Houston. I can't really hear her right now because my sister just phoned me, but I think she's doing really really good. 1-866-9-IDOL-03

Mark Levesque - "At this moment". Ooh, bad song. That's another Clay song done by someone who's not Clay. Ooh, he messed up the words. He said "How could I hate you" when it's "How could I hurt you". He yodels real good, though! He's awesome, I love him. Zack doesn't like him. Jake said it was good and bad. Farley said he stepped up in the performance category. Sass said he was great and shiny. What? Whatever, she said she loves his voice and that he did a great job. Wow, Mark won Regina Idol? Coolie! He's the first city Idol who I've ever seen, the Victoria and Vancouver ones just fizzled out and we never saw them. Stupid Abdul. 1-866-9-IDOL-04

Commercials. YAY, KALEB'S NEXT!!! Damn these Election Parties, they're so mean to each other. I voted Liberal on Friday, go me. And Keith Martin. That's who I was voting for.

Back. KALEB SIMMONS! - "Don't do it, baby". YAY!! He's so awesome! YAY!! 1-866-IDOL-05, PLEASE VOTE!!!

Filomena Pasqua - "R-E-S-P-E-C-T", she doesn't look too great, but she sounded fantastic. The judges didn't like her because of song choice. I didn't think the song was that great, either. 1-866-9-IDOL-06

Commercials. Elena Juatco up next. Damn it!! Kalan's going last! I have to wait so long through all these cheap people!

Back. Elena Juatco - "Midnight train to Georgia". On my sheet I accidentally wrote Midnight Train to Georgie. Haha. She was really good. Zack says she's crazy. Sass likes her. Jake says best performance of the two weeks so far. Finally, someone moved him. Farley said it was awkward. Well, she WAS acting a little weird, but she was partners with Jacob, what do you expect? Zack says to Farley "Well she's nuts" and Elena goes "Yes, I have a few loose screws" which is what Zack said to her. And then she was like "YAY!" to Ben and he's like "You ARE crazy"!. Shut up, stop dissing Liberals, you damn commercials! Ugh. Keith Martin rocks. Oh crap, I just realized I didn't record Elena, I had it on pause. Whoops.

Back. Ha, freakishly smart. That's what Ben called Kalan. Holy CRAP, he is good at the violin. And he's fun! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD EEEEEK!!!!! HE'S SO CUUUUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEE!!! Oh I'm dying, oh I'm dying. I have no idea what he sang. Something about "You're my lady". Farley said he's gonna win! Sass says he's going into the top ten.

Recap: Anna - 1-866-9-IDOL-01 - "Son of a preacher man"
Mohanza - 1-866-9-IDOL-02 - "Change Gon Come"
Liz - 1-866-9-IDOL-03 - "I have nothing"
Mark - 1-866-9-IDOL-04 - "At this moment"
Kaleb - 1-866-9-IDOL-05 - "Don't do it, baby"
Filomena - 1-866-9-IDOL-06 - "R-E-S-P-E-C-T"
Elena - 1-866-9-IDOL-07 - "Midnight train to Georgia"
Kalan - 1-866-9-IDOL-08 - "Lady"

THE DAMN PEOPLE WON'T LET ME VOTE FOR KALAN!! IT SAYS THAT THE PERSON I AM TRYING TO TEACH USES TELUS AND DOES NOT ACCEPT PRIVATE CALLS!!! WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN?? Oh well, everyone else is voting for Kalan anyway, and it lets me get through to Kaleb, so I'm good. Wait, now it's letting me vote for Kalan. No wait, now it's not. Oh crap. I'm watching Simple Life 2: Road Trip. It is so hillarious. Ha, body acceptance class.