Thursday, July 22, 2004

Oh my god, this is going to be like such a short recap because there's like 15 mins till the results show comes on, I'm sorry I didn't do it yesterday but I got back  like JUST as the show was starting so I didn't really have time, but here we go: Canadian Hits Night, top 10:

Joshua Seller - "Try" by Blue Rodeo. He SANG greatly. Bad song choice though. Ryan did it on the exact same theme night last year for the top 11 show. But as Ben says, Ryan DID win, and as Josh says, great minds think alike, and as Ben also says, great voices too.

Brandy Callahan - "Nobody's supposed to be here", by Deborah Cox.. HATE. But her hair was great, though, the curly part of it but the top was SO messed up, it was like braided. You just don't DO that! And she's supposed to be a hairstylist, right. I wouldn't want her touching MY hair! 

Shane Wiebe - "My song" by Glass Tiger. He was SO good! The judges hated him though, I don't know why.

Manoah Hartman - "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen. I thought she was seriously going to sing Tower of Song when Ben said Leonard Cohen, but she did great anyway and she looked TOTALLY fantastic, with her wardrobe and especially her HAIR! The judges didn't like her.

Jason Greely - "Cuts like a knife", by Bryan Adams. I LOVE JASON GREELY! This the second Bryan Adams song he's sung, and it was WAY better than the first one, which was "Heaven". The judges I think liked him, I can't really remember. Martha did, though.

Kalan Porter - "Born to be wild", by Stepenwolf. Oh. My. God. I am SO glad I wasn't trying to recap this last night, because I was totally dying during his performance I could not even BREATHE! I knew he could sing something like that and pull it off, but I just never thought he WOULD! I have two things to say: Amazing and just totally unbelievable, and Kalan's just won the competition and even the judges think so. Zack said that if it were up to him they would just leave right then and make Kalan rich and famous!

Theresa Sokyrka - "Good Mother". Get OUT of my face, you nerd! I love that song though, and if she wasn't wearing her ugly glasses she would have looked so nice! The judges thought it was brilliant, and then she started on her stupid "thank you" 's and she kept saying them in that stupid way that she always does and it's like she's never heard anyone say that she's good before, that annoys me SO much! My neice Hannah keeps getting me to sing that song though, it's so funny. I sang it once in the car today and she kept getting me to repeat it and she's even starting to learn the words and sing with me to it! I sang it to her earlier and she fell asleep, and then she kept waking up and asking me to sing it again so she could fall back asleep because she had a nightmare about the Harry Potter poster that was on my ceiling. Right. Whatever! Next!

Kaleb Simmonds - "Everything I do", by Bryan Adams. He's so cool! I was hoping he would have done the bridge part of the song after the beginning instead of the chorus, but whatever it was still awesome! Not as good as Guy's, but nobody is.

Elena Juatco - "Mary Jane" by Alanis Morrisette. She's really good, but she doesn't interest me that much. There's nothing WRONG with her, but she's just...there. She's reppin' Vancouver though, so I voted for her.

Jacob Hoggard - "Put your head on my shoulder" by Paul Anka. He purposely dressed like a nerd, it was so funny, but he was really good, he showed Canada that you can still rock at "Old School", as he calls it. And then Ben was trying to get people to vote for him so Jacob was like "OOPS, I dropped a quarter!" and then he like turned around and pretended to bend down and get it just so the ladies could see his ass, it was so funny, and his pants were like gold and freakishly tight!

There we go, fastest recap ever, 13 minutes, and I have to go finish checking my email I'll be back in five minutes!