Sunday, August 29, 2004

I'll do Wednesday's and Thursday's show together (sorry that it's late, I was at my friends house)

Performances: Summertime Hits:

Shane Wiebe - "Can't take my eyes off you" by Frankie Vallie and the Four Seasons. That was THE worst thing I have EVER seen in my life, he was singing Lauryn Hill's version! Who DOES that, man? It sucked. Guy was like a trillion times better. Ugh. He even messed up the words at the beginning! The judges thought it was okay.

Kalan Porter - "Long train runnin'" by Dobie Gray, or someone like that. I know this song. He sang okay, but he looked like a retard. When he sang "Without love" he had his tongue hanging out and this disgusting look on his face so it looked like he was gonna barf. The judges didn't like it. At the beginning of his clip when he was at the Toronto PNE thing he was holding these disgusting chicken things and he held it up to the camera and was like "You want one?". Beh.

Jason Greeley - "Bad Case Of Loving You". He ran everywhere, even through the audience! He was so funny. I voted for him most. I can't remember what the judges said. Something about generic bar rock idol or something.

Jacob Hoggard - "I don't want to miss a thing" by Aerosmith. Everyone has sung that song, so it wasn't that different. Billy Klippert was better. Jacob always holds on to the back of his pants while he's singing, he looks retarded. The judges liked him. Farley says he will recognize Jacob's voice in his sleep. Ew.

Theresa Sokyrka - "Cruisin'" by Dobie Gray. Sorry. If I don't know who it's by, it's by Dobie Gray. I know this song though, I've heard it a billion times on my radio station. She had a flower on her microphone. She was awesome. Zack said she's his favourite singer left on the show. Her and Jason SO like each other. Just look at this pic


Results show starts with Ben being witty: "Who is the real thing, and who is a summer fling?" Hmm. And; "Who sang the right notes, and who didn't get the votes?" Um...Ben has plans to be a poet when he retires.

We start the weirdest group performances ever with Theresa singing Walking on Sunshine, and the boys running around the audience. Shane and Jason don't appear to be having as much fun out there as the High Five Duo, Jacob and Kalan. Those two are running about, mugging for the cameras, all that stuff.

Back on stage, Jacob and Kalan smash into each other. This is fun! Then, Jason starts singing Summer in the City. Fun over, kids! The Grimmace has arrived. Kalan goes next, looking not quite as ill as he did last night. I must admit, I am waiting for any song where he tries to force out a word, just to see if his "I'm seriously about to lose my lunch here" look was just yesterday. He just looks like he is trying too hard. Poor Hobbit-Boi.
Then Jacob, who can enjoy anything, it seems, as long as he has company. I love the outfit shoes. Cool!
Shane now does the best part, which is Sunshine of Your Love. This song suits his voice. Now why didn't he do this song yesterday? I am starting to like Shane.
Ok then they all sing, then the break.

I noticed that Ben and half the judges seem to be wearing black. Ominous!

Then Gary Beals. Well actually, a zillion dancers on the stage, I thought one of them was white, but maybe not. All dressed in white, as is the Beals when he comes out finally. His "partner" in the dance is some woman who is about a foot taller and ten years older and who is wearing a retarded shirt with air-conditioned underarms. How freakshow is that! He mumbles on about "Sunny Tays" and I don't quite know what else, it's almost a surprise when he sings two words in a row that I can understand. All kinds of choreography, shades of every video going back 2o years. Can't he just SING like Billy did? I wonder if we will have the same silliness when Ryan is on the show.
Ben tells Gary how wonderful he is, I think how short he is. He can at least carry on a conversation without talking about throwing up, so I have to give him that over Billy.
Break. Now...the worst group song ever. Beach Boy's tribute, starting with I Get Around. This should be good, Shane gets the high notes. He looks like he knows this is the silliest thing ever, and he is just going to do it anyway, and have fun. Jacob goes next, and he winds up on the floor dancing. Jason looks like he does not want to be with these idiots! Theresa and Kalan are going all low profile here. Then Theresa sings Wouldn't it be Nice. Jason is acting suspicious here. First, I thought he was half ignoring here because he doesn't like the group stuff. Then I saw the Airplane photo, where she is all curled around his leg. I think he doesn't know how to pretend that he likes her. Seeing as how he does and all. Background music seems a bit too loud, her voice is disappearing again.
Then we get Good Vibrations, with Kalan starting out the singing. Then they all supposedly sing the really high notes. I think Jacob is faking it. They all move downstage, Jason gets to sing the next part and his mike cuts out. At this point they all get confused, as the next high notes come along, followed by the next line, which they all start singing at different times. That was a "watch it many times" part, because it was so bad as to be very funny. Especially Jason, who is trying to act like nothing happened. Jacob and Shane seem delighted that it is all so totally dumb, and Kalan looks like he about to get in trouble with the teacher. Theresa is the only one who sails through like it didn't happen. Even the judges are laughing .
This is still only halfway through the show, so they fill the rest with Jon Dore singing about Monday's Best and Worst show. And a clip show. More clips, this time about the judges. What they really do for a living. Oh and that Zack went to a private school. Cool! What do we get next week? Ben and Jon and their high school yearbooks perhaps.
Finally, results. And it will be bottom two only. First member...Jason. (ohyesohyesohyesohyes...)
Break. Matt Dusk next week, oh who cares. Oh no. Jacob has his coat on. He is prepared to sing Everything, where he throws it on the floor.
Another break. I heard that Shane and Jacob went over to Jason in the break, before they knew who would join him. Ben should be hung up by his feet for a week. He said "Jacob, I'm sorry. You are safe". Which gave Shane just enough time to imagine he was safe before he found himself in the bottom two.

Long versions of each of their songs. Jason stays on the stage this time, Shane remembers the words. In the end though, it is Shane who gets sent home. He does a sing out of "Angel" to his wife, who is singing along too.
Theresa and Kalan are puddles of tears as usual, Jacob forces himself to smile, but after the song he is the first to hug Shane for about ten minutes, and he comes away all teary too. Jason goes all big brothery and tries to console Kalan. There...another sad ending. I have towonder, would they all collapse if it was Jason? I have a feeling we will never know. Grrrr.