Thursday, September 02, 2004

Results show (I'm doing it because my mom's not here and I don't think she'll come in till later):

Jacob's really starting to bug me. He can't EVER be serious, even when he has to be. Look it's Ben! He looks like a girl. Um...what are those freak things behind him? Bleachers? Um...the voting wheel stopped yesterday at 11:00pm, you freak. Zack. Sass is wearing a nice shirt, yet again. Farley is wearing a freakish tie. So is Jake.

A look back at last nights show. Where is the volume control? Theresa. Kalan. Jason, he loves Farley's hat. Jacob. Theresa again! KALAN!! Oh, he's so hot. Lol Jason again. Jacob singing his cheap song that's MEANT to be a duet. Lol Jason winked, I didn't notice that yesterday.

Break. Wow, we sure got a lot in THAT segment, didn't we?

Back. OOH GROUP SONG!!! Jason wiome on, get happy!" Diana did this song on Big Band Night on AI3. "Someone to watch over me", Theresa! This was Diana's OTHER Big Band song! How ridiculous. She looks nice. Jacob singing some song or other. Something about a kiss to build a dream on. Oh, that would be it. Whoops, I'm smart. Someone likes Theresa alittle too much. Kalan with "You're nobody till somebody loves you". I care, Kalan! Beh he's wearing a purple shirt under his suit! With something red on it, a heart or a strawberry or something. Now all of them finishing it off. Um what was that freak hand movement Kalan?! Now Ben is talking to all of them. Theresa says to scat you just have to feel the music, but she's heard Ben scat and she says he should stick to hosting. But he sucks at that too, doesn't he? Joking.

Now Jon is with all these audience freaks. Now they are all stepping on Jon. Now another clip where they go to Jon's house and try to wake him up. Kalan says into the mic thing "It's your mommy!". Now they are all jumping on him and being martians and playing guitar and wrestling with Kalan as the ref and Jacob is pretending the roof is on fire and being a cop car or something and then they drag Jon down the stairs and feed him while he's asleep and then Jon wakes up and he tells them about his dream which had them doing all the stuff that they were really doing while trying to wake him up, and he says to Kalan "Do you play the drums?" and Kalan's like "No..." and Jon's like "You should man, you were really good in my dream" and you should have seen the way Kalan looked at him it was so funny he was like WHAT is wrong with you you retard!

Break. Oh shoot, this thing has gone on overwrite, so it's messed up at the top where it should say "Jason with Come On Get Happy", just for the record.

Back. Matt Dusk is here singing his song "Two Shots". He's hot, I can't remember who he looks like, though. He's from "The Casino" and he has a CD. He's a big band singer. Which, of course, is why they have him on Big Band Results night. Now Ben asks him idiot questions about when he's going on tour. He asks EVERY guest performer that! Matt Dusk won some CNE Contest thing and that's how he got his start. Now he's singing again "Fly me to the moon". Okay, he's done.

Break. Beh, there's a message on my machine for my mom from some England woman named Alana who said she's calling to see how she is and she'll try back later and thanks for today or something! Beh, my mom has NO idea who she is, my mom doesn't even know anyone here!

Back. Jon Dore. What is with his hair? It's like...deviled. Best and Worst clip showback. The award goes to Marvin Poon and Margaret-Anne Karen or "Almost Paradise". Dude, they sucked! It should have been the "A whole new world" trio, with that cute guy Jordie Houghton!

Results time! Jacob: Overview of songs and judges comment. Jason: Same. He winked again! Theresa: Same. She's wearing a nice shirt. Kind of like Sass's from last night only different, but the straps are the same. I haven't seen her wear her glasses in weeks. I miss them. Kalan: Same. Ben is talking really fast because he needs time! First member is: Going to have to wait until after the break.

Break. Oh, that message was for my dad, not my mom. How does Kevin sound like Susan? Oh wait, I'm deaf, that's how. It's someone he does editing for, and they worked together today.

Back. Jacob is safe. Jason is in the bottom 2 again, darn. The Newfoundlanders had trouble voting last night, their lines were down, which is why I kept getting through. Theresa is the 2nd member. I love them both so much! Zack said something about TV sucks or whatever. Jason is singing "I won't dance". Now Theresa is singing "It's only a paper moon". She scats so fast. She's doing the shoulder thing, I love that, me and my mom do that all the time when music comes on.

Break. Those bleachers were music stands, by the way. It's going to be Jason.

Back. The eliminated contestant is...Jason Greeley. Stupid Newfoundland lines. If it weren't for them, he'd be safe. Now a clip of his journey, and he sings us out with "Easy".