Tuesday, September 07, 2004

I got back from at school at about 5, even though we got out at like 3:30, but that's okay, I'll say why later:

So in the morning I left the house at like 10:45, and then walked up to Royal Oak with my Clarinet Cosima and then I talked with some of my friends at the bus compound, and then I walked around to the front, saw Calum with his friends and screamed and ran into the school. So then I went to go see Mr.Levere and then Mr.Cafley and then Mrs.Sneddon wanted me to wheel a cart of book to her classroom so she told me to put Cosima on top so she fun being wheeled around, and then we (that's me and Cossie) had to take the cart back to the Art room so then I went to see Mr.Butterfield and Mr.Large. Then I went to see Mr.Prescott and then Ms.Robertson but there was this stupid kid who always followed me last year and started doing it again the first day I come back! And then Mrs.Robertson kept asking him to leave because he wouldn't let us talk and then he kept asking her and Mrs.Norris for food and money, what a loser! And then they kept telling him to go away so he was like "Well, REBECCA'S here!" and they were like "She's visiting, get out!" so that was cool. He like, has no friends or food or anything!

So then I walked back home and went to Claremont and found my friends but then had to go away from them to go to class which I only have Laura in but we had to sit alphabetically so that was cheap, I have like 1 friend in my class and she doesn't even sit near me and so everyone is snobs and was ignoring me so it was cheap! But I got assigned my locker and get to put stuff in it tomorrow and I named it after Johnny like he told me to. It's 2:50am there, I hope he had a nice day at school and I hope he named his locker after me like he said he was going to. But I didn't have my lock with me so I couldn't put pictures up but I do have some, and they're cool. There's the one with the Idols on the plane and then I have a new one made by Sarah because my cheap photoshop is being cheap and doesn't work.

My homeroom teacher is nice but she's kinda weird. And my SS teacher thinks she's cool because she can say "Dude" and "Sweet". Beh. Nope, don't try to be k001!! Lol.

My Math teacher is really nice, and I get to sit beside Sandy which rocks! My teacher helped me afterschool with my course changes. But he won't be there for the first week because he has to go to Toronto for a tournament or something.

I got lost trying to find the foods room but then Sarah's sister Kate showed me. I was sitting at the back near the fridge which had it's motor running (Lol Kalan, get your motor RUNNIN'!) so I couldn't hear anything and the teacher kept staring at me probably because she know I couldn't hear a word she was saying. But that class is cheap, I dropped it for French 9E anyways!

And then I got lost looking for dance but then Emily's sister Michelle showed it. I hate dance. I'm only doing it because I have to for Musical Theatre. Most of the girls are in grade 12, and the grade 9's are snobs from last year, so I'm like totally left out except for this one girl who I don't really know but she says she knows me. Beh.

So then after school I went to go see Mrs.Card, my brother's old French teacher who asked me to visit her on the school tour, so then we were talking about my course thing and Canadian Idol and she wants Kalan to win and so she took me down to the course room thing to see Mr.MacNeil but I had to wait first so I met this Chinese guy named Tony Oh. He's in grade 10. NO, I don't like him, I love Johnny. AND I'M NOT A PLAYER!!! Sorry.

So then that all got fixed so then I went back to her and she got me a French teacher who she says I'll love, I was going to go with her but she said this other one called Mrs.Orgen or something was amazing so she made me meet her and she had an overflowing class so she almost said no but then Mrs.Card begged her to and she promised I'd be her star student (right, she's just saying that because my bro was, I'm not like him) so then she said yes. And now she kept waving at me!! Oh well, at least I'm in with SOME people! My homeroom teacher knows Patrick too, she said he's "so sweet" whatever!!! He's mean.

And then I went to the band teacher Mr.Killikelly to ask about guitar and he said since there's no room in my first semester I could get lessons in 2nd semester. Cool.

And then I came home. So tomorrow it's a regular day, I'm looking forward to French. Oh crap. What if Jordan's in that? Oh wait, I think he does Spanish, good, so I might not have to see him till next semester. I didn't see him at all today which was good so I thought maybe he didn't go there but then Shannon said he's in her science class and so I was like oh shoot. Shannon was in my foods class but the teacher's ugly. I hope I don't see Jordan in the hallway or something, he'd probably say hi! NOPE sorry loser, have a boyfriend, and you don't! Wait, of course he wouldn't, he's a guy! Never mind, ya'll know what I mean.

I'm trying to download Jamie Cullum's "All at sea" on Kazaa but I keep getting these 17-26minute songs of scatic! Ugh. It's either that or "More sources needed". I'm gonna more sources you, freak! I've tried like 20 versions.

I'm gonna watch RFR now. I have to get up early tomorrow to get the bus, which I have no idea what time it comes, but I hope Sarah will be on it. I'm going back to Royal Oak on Friday. I'll talk to Calum then. Oh shoot, I forgot to ask him for his Locker Number while I was just on the phone with him. I left him notes last year with Idol people's names on them. I used Diana, Ashley, and Jasmine. I want to do that again this year. I'll phone him on Thursday.