Thursday, December 15, 2005

Bloody f!!

This effing mouse is effing pissing me effing off. This is sarah's house being at me. They are in the kitchen making shizz.

Seriously this mouse the clickly thing like doesn't work and you totally have to like punch it to make it do shit.

Claremont Idol was good I went a little crazy and my hair was everywhere and then I ended up on my knees on the floor it was great. And danm people talked about it.

Tomorrow is like a sort of school day. Like in block A we have pancake BM and in block B class and block C class except my spanish teacher says that we can have like a mini-party and in block D skits well like 1 but CI winner performers which will not be me lol. This danm keyboard takes so much effort to type with too.

My danm arm itches and I can't get to it cuz I'm wearing two shirts and I can't roll up my sleeves cuz I'm wearing cuffs! K there got it. Crap I think I stretched my shirt the open shoulder part thingy danm. Aahhahahah I just said "me danm arms" to Ryan on MSN DANM IT MY DANM BACK DANM ITCHES!!

Do I have music on this comp I better or at least I can go to the front page for Ev video. I got My Immortal piano sheet music!! Which I've been looking for forever!!! But I can't play piano!! Oh well!!

I think I'll get Sarah in here so we can write in capitals. nvm i'm too tired plus it's like 10pm and I have to go home cuz I need sleep cuz there's school tomorrow.

The Gothic Clan has come to rule
Join us or flee
For the gothic clan has come to rule

That's my kickass poem.

Where's the paper towel crap what happened I have to go see. Ahahahahahah they poured a bottle of glue everywhere and it's all over Stephanie's pants that was great lol.

I'mma phone my mom. Phoning my mom. She answered. Why does she sound like that. She's all like hiiiii all evily.

Seriously if you tried to use it you'd like kill youself. Cuz it's the most annoying thing in the whole universe.pchwwswfonduecheessheesefonduechickens

that was stupid sarah.

i think i'm going home nowina.

k i have to go back my bag yo