Friday, August 01, 2003

Okay, so Mum and Patrick went to Elk Lake, so I'm here by myself! Yay! I'm watching Simpsons. I don't think I've ever seen this episode before. It's the one where Homer wins a motercycle. I've made 233 posts on The Canadian Idol Message Forum. I only have 267 to go before I get 3 stars. I sent Alistair's letter about 4 days ago, which means he should get it soon. I really hope he replies to it, even though I know he won't. Oh, well. Right now I'm listening to Bebe Booth, "Sittin' On The Dock Of The Bay". Too bad she didn't make the top 30 on Canadian Idol. Okay, Simpsons is over, but now it's on another channel. Heehee! Whoa, calm down, man. Now I'm listening to Marc Devigne, "Against All Odds". Simpsons is over now. I just phoned Sandy but she has a headache so she wants to rest, so then I phoned Danielle and she wasn't home, and then I phoned Ian, and he wasn't home, so I left a message. So now I'm talking to one of the girls from the CI message forum. We're talking about Ben Mulroney. I think I'm going to go check out the forum now. The Ben Obsessed Groupies Totally Rock!!!