Friday, July 27, 2007

1 month and I'm still sober. I mean what.

Jonathan Monsen comes here in 3 days oh my lord.

Wow that guy's Nexopia was...interesting.

Why does my head hurt so so so much.

Why did I tag all those people in that photo wow.

My fingers crack so very easily.

Awwww Kelly's given in to stupid Clive Davis and agreed to make a pop album for 2008 that's gay. My December is the best album it's all deep and has feelings not like some lame meaningless many pop songs just to sell. I hate Clive Davis. He ruined Clay Aiken. And now that I've wrote this he'll probably come after me too. Bring it, old man.

Sweet. I joined facebook groups dissing him. I feel better now.

All the pics of Kelly in this group are soooooo prettyyyyy.