Monday, July 30, 2007

Ow I just killed myself. This top is really really tight. Ahhh my back.

Okay I'm good. I was just in a lot of pain there for a bit.

Chivas is a great song.

God people. I just want the song "Don't" by Kelly Clarkson. Is that so hard? Apparently. Why is it that when I type it in on CrapWire it gives me every single song she's ever done. And now none of the ones I'm clicking on are connecting. Greeeeat.

I wanna see Jonathannnn. But nooooooooo, he needs time with his FAMILY for a few days. Pffft. Like I'm not family. Oh well. He'll get bored by tomorrow night and phone me. I haven't seen him in like 5 months my lil' babeeeeeeee. I wonder what he will think of my wonderful Seattle/Maine plan. He'll be like ummmmmmm no I forbid it.

Kelly Clarkson is the preeeeeeeeeettiest. I really really wish someone could free her from Clive Davis without ruining her life. Every time he comes on American Idol at the finally I'm like ewwwwwwwww god haven't you died already.

Awwwwww that was the nicest vid I really miss that show. I needa clear out my YouTube faves so I can finally save some crap. There. I'm surprised all the Ev stuff from PinkPop 07 wasn't taken down by the ever so possessive WindUp Records. Aw come on. They took off my Thierry Amiel stuff. I better have an extra copy of his audition that was so rare. Good I do. YouTube is gay. It's all like ooooh copyright this and ownership issues that.

I should really get dressed.

I needa learn more Russian so that if/when I see Max I can be like эй ребенок я тосковал без Вас!! And he'll be like о мой ребенок бога я также!! And then it'll be all like *hug hug* *reunite*. Lol!! Yeah okay so much for that.

Gosh darn it. I really really need some food I haven't eaten in like 24 hours. C'est un jour parfait.

Rick Steve bugs me he is such a nerd.

Why is Max still up it's like...3:26am. I swear he never sleeps.

There I am dressed how beautiful. Yet kind of cold. And needing to do my hair. There it is all wonderful except I still have a headache. There was something about that in Russian I don't know if I got that down or not in my notes. я имею головную боль. There.

You know what I really want to watch? House of Commons Committee. It just sucks that I don't get that channel. Otherwise, I'd be so there.

Me and the Magic 8 Ball are tight. I should get it on my Facebook. Except that I have enough application crap already.

Heyyyy it's the Officina.

Oh crap CI is on.