Thursday, August 27, 2009

Where the H-Bomb are they they've been gone for like 17 hours.

Clay Aiken. Ew.

I dun wanna see District 9 like some Alien BM. Kind of like Inglourious BabyMeek. Except I didn't see much of that movie ahahaha oh no that guy is talking to me what does he want. he wants to ask the same q he does every time!!!


And I'm supposed to see Post Grad this week too! I should prob. check my bank so I don't get screwed like last time. I should have at least 200. If I don't I'm gonna be like mf hell. Not like that $15 I effing threw away today on my god damn Learners that I failed.

That FB Kelly Clarkson quiz was messed just cuz my comp was slow it was all you answered too slowly 98% my ass.

No Andy I dun wanna c a trailer of this Alien garbage god.

N Corwin's gonna freak cuz I just told him to stfu well he was being annoying cuz he's all up on Pilsner. How effing long does it take him to type a message he keeps erasing it and starting again lol.

Nicky stop farting christ on a bike it's gross.

god computer why you gotta freeze like every sec.

k time to go back to realidades. and apparently hablar con mi tio. y mi...amigo. y quiza mi...persona que no es mi novio pero un pocito pero no.

ahahah layme sauce.