Monday, August 09, 2004

This is so messed. I have a stomache ache again, and this time it's from drinking milk. Seriously, I had like, maybe two small glasses, and I can't take it. I seriously cannot even drink milk without having some freak problem. So now it's like 9:46am and I'm getting Fefe Dobson's new song "Don't go (boys and girls)", which is cool, but I'm totally not sure what it's about, and if it's what I think it's about, then it is so not cool.

I've been in Vancouver since Friday. Well actually, this is how it went:


I got up, got dressed and stuff, then my mom and dad went to the bank, so I phoned Jonatan, but his grandpa said they went to the eye doctor and then to Hillside Mall or something. Is that all he ever does, like, go to the mall? Like seriously, you come over here from England, you can do all this stuff, but no, you go to the mall. Right. So anyway, he said he'd get him to call me back, but I knew I was going to Vancouver, so it wouldn't be any good, but I didn't tell him that, I just wanted to see if Jona would actually call, because he didn't last time. So then I went on the Ferry to Tsawwassen to my grandparents house, then at about 9:30pm we went to the airport to pick my brother Patrick up from Quebec, and then we met my sister Teresa and her boyfriend there (Trevor Nelson), so then while my mom and Nana were at the luggage part thinking he would come there, maybe out of the shoot or something (joking), me and Teresa and Gandy went around the arrival part and then he came out and I got to him first and he gave me a big hug, which is so weird, because I haven't hugged Patrick for like, years. Well actually, I did when he left for Quebec like 5 weeks ago, but that was just like some one armed thing like I did with Calum on the last day of school. Well, with Calum it was a bit more, but I won't go into that. Rawr. Sorry. Anyway, Patrick was totally all like tired because he had to spend 12 hours at the airport in Quebec, and then like 5 hours on the plane, so. So then we got back to the house and just sat around and then I went to bed because I was tired because we were at the airport for like 3 hours because his luggage took so long to come.


In the morning (well it was like 12:30pm but whatever) my brother came into me and my sister's room and like threw himself on the bed and then woke us up (well I was sort of already awake, but whatever) so then we all laid there and talked for a little bit, and then I went upstairs and had breakfast, and then we went to the stores and stuff, and I got yet another fake hair thing, I have like 6 (hey, it's my trademark!) and this one was like a reddish-orange one with braids coming out at the bottom and hair at the top, it was sort of the same colour as my hair was when I first dyed it, it sort of matches, but ya'll should see my other ones, I have like a black bun one with curls coming down at the front and like little sparkly stars attatched to them (the one that I was wearing when I saw Jona at the mall the second time), one with just braids with beads and stuff on them, a red fluffy one, which I think is my favourite, and a blondish-brown one that's just like a curly bun thing. So then anyway, after convincing my mom to come with us, Trevor came over to my grandparents house to pick us up, and we went into Vancouver for the Fireworks down at Kits beach, which we used to go to all the time when I lived there. I've been back to the beach and pool and stuff there once in grade 6, but I haven't been to the fireworks since the end of grade 4, so that was cool, except afterwards it felt like I should go into the parking lot and get into the brown/white multi (we had both) with Mum and Patrick and Teresa (And maybe Timothy) and then just drive back to our house on East 28th Avenue, which of course isn't there anymore, because they knocked it down to build some ugly purple Ching house, but whatever. So then it was kind of sad, but still, we got the see the Polynesian dancers at Showboat (Jerrica Santos from Group 3 CI is one, but she wasn't there because she lives in Surrey, but she might go there sometimes because she likes to perform and that's the best place, but I don't know!), which we used to go to all the time too, it's all in the same place, Kits is a really really big place, it's got like a beach, a pool, a park, showboat, grass, concession stands, like everything, it's awesome. So then after that we walked over to the Vancouver Observatory, which my mom says is cheap and that the one here is better, but whatever, she doesn't like Vancouver anyway, she always pretends that she never lived there. And then we went past the Vancouver Maritime Musuem, which she says is cool. And then after we walked back to the car, and then drove back to T & T's place (Teresa and Trevor) and then I slept downstairs in Dustin's room or something, which smelled like the playhouse at my Vancouver house, which is like all musty which is SUCH a good smell, seriously, I love it, it's also like the smell of my sister's old room in the Vancouver house, but the playhouse smell is bettter, so that was good. It also smelled like the suitcase my brother used to go to Quebec, which he said smelled disgusting, but I disagreed.

Sunday: So we got up, had breakfast and stuff like that, and then went up to Ladner Market, in Ladner. And then after that we went back to my grandparents house, and then had dinner, and then we went back on like the 9pm ferry, so then there were no messages on the machine, so I was like totally all POed because I thought Jona didn't call, but then I ran upstairs and asked my dad if anyone called and he's like "Yes. Your 18 year old boyfriend phoned". And I was like um he's 16 but whatever! So then I'm going to call him this morning sometime, I'm just talking to my sister Melissa right now, and looking at my website's front page, and listening to one of my burned Thierry CD's.

I think I'm gonna go now, because my stomache hurts, and stuff. Oh BTW, my mom did the recap on Thursday the other night because I was watching the first two unseen-and-never-will-be-seen-again episodes of Radio Free Roscoe in a different room, and then I watched the tape after the show, and I was SO POed because I voted for Josh all night and now it seems like such a waste, but it's really not. They were all crying except for stupid pathetic loser ELENA, who was smiling, I hate her, she's such a bitch. It was so sad though, I got Josh's video from the other night and I watch it like every 5 seconds, it rocks. I've offered my mom a full time results show recap job, and she said that if she's allowed to just take notes on paper during the show, then type up the results afterwards, she'll do it, so the results will be, from now on probably, up at about 8:40 or so, if that's okay with ya'll, which it should be, because it's only about 10 minutes later. I love her recaps, they're so funny! I know you don't get to know what I think, but you guys should know who I want to go home by the performance show recaps, which will still be done by me, and just in case ya'll aren't clear on who I hate, I'll post it at the end of the recap, mmm-kay?