Thursday, August 12, 2004

Group much did we miss? stupid show must have started on time. Jacob looks um very good. Kalan still has the layered look. Elena tries to look snazzier than Theresa. She fails.

Jacob is making fun of Lionel Ritchie. Ha! LR has to run away to the other side of the stage. Judges look bored, except Jake, who is bobbing his head like the Geico lizard. Oh and they have the camera stuck right behind some girl, so all you can see is her head. Good audience management there, people!

[moan] Now LR sings his song that he wrote for his wife, though he could just go back home to her and his boys and quit impressing us with how emotional he is [/moan]

Break. My guess? Shane, Jason, Elena bottom three. Jason goes back first, Shane goes home. Can we just send Elena home now? She bores me.

Theresa...looks worried...but she's safe.

Jason...(please please please!) Gah.

Kalan...(smiley and chewing his lip)

Uh-oh. By the way, Ben looks like a hospital orderly tonight.

Kaleb...bottom three.

Shane...looks like he thinks it's him...smiley....and bottom three.

Elena and Jacob after the break. I like how they always leave Jacob till the end. Part of the MAP deal, maybe?

Jacob looks sad. Elena smiling. YAY! Jacob is safe.
Judges opinions...

Jake...wafffles. No clue what he meant.
Farley...step up, out, let loose, blah blah. Then they can yell at you for not doing what they liked before.
Sass...tells them to think about what they do. Thanks, teacher.
Zach...goes on about how good Kaleb is. Hmmm. Wonder if that was a huge hint?
Shane is safe. My my! Can't stand Kaleb, but I don't want him gone. He is at least a bit different.
Ads. Oreo cookies. I want some. Back.

OK, so it's Kaleb. Pity that. The others look kinda sad, except Kalan who is smiling like an idiot, but I think he just likes the sing-out. Well, I guess Kaleb can just go back to his band or whatever. And hopefully for his fans (like the webpage owner here) he can get a record deal BEFORE everyone is saying Kaleb who?
Next week..Gordon lightfoot. Poor Jacob!